China issues winter's first snowstorm orange alert

China's weather agency yesterday issued the winter's first snowstorm orange alert, the second-highest level, while nationwide cold wave alarms fueled concerns over traffic disruptions and flu outbreaks amid rising Covid-19 cases.

The National Meteorological Centre forecast blizzards in north-eastern China, with some regions getting around 4.5 cm of snow over 24 hours and heavy snow across the northern part of the country...

Part of an article found in today's The New Paper.

Hope sg have some cool effects lor

Experiencing snowing is very nice for a short while, but to me will be a nightmare if staying in such a weather/condition for long duration.
Lots of inconvenience and possibly danger for many daily tasks, including driving. And Northern China will be having a extra cold (n long) winter this year due to La Nina in the eastern Pacific.

Thick snow in Inner Mongolia:

Looks nice, but cannot move anywhere.

Later see can get my wife show me some pics of the snow.

perhaps this is why they store up essentials

(08-11-2021, 09:45 AM)theold Wrote:  Looks nice, but cannot move anywhere.

Doesn't look nice when the snow gets too thick like what is happening in Inner Mongolia now.
For the wealthier, best is to head down south to Hainan, Guangxi or Yunan for warmer weather.


winter started 28 days earlier this year, Covid is happy.

China beri cham now
The only she got alot like mountain of gold.
The rest play game money US corporation owned by England Dola 1913format.
COP26 2021 150T for 5ya same like 1913format Dola not successful.
Xi is in the Alliance. By now you heard Iraq PM tio drone attacks escaped.
Xi also tio assassin but assassin drowned in one of tactics employed due to the 3 gorges dam overflow.
In short he drowned in a pool unable to swim out.
PS no spread rumour Allegedly.

For chinese prosperity China must redo away form Technocracy under Xi under Alliance
China Russia India Iraq US(Trump)
shut the system do.

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