Hunt for Talent : Looking out ...looking in..where's the balance.

As a global investor, I look around the world for the best companies. 

A company is the basic unit in an economy that organises your hunan resource into a productive competitive unit.

From my evaluation of companies in many countries the problem is rarely the lack of talent but lack of leading  entrepreneurs.

Very small countries like Israel , Taiwan, Ireland  etc are able to produce world beating companies with what ever talent they find where they initially set up. Morris Chang who started TSMC return to Taiwan and tapped on local electronics graduates and grew TSMC into a global giant. 

Iscar  the world leading tool company owned by Buffett hires people from the small town where it set up tapping talent not from Technion or leading Israeli universities but nearby local universities.

These are not the exceptions but the rule. It is how human capital is used and developed within a company that is important. Companies in fields that need top global talents to compete are in the minority and often takes place in the later stage of the company's growth story.

Now let's turn to Singapore which embarked on global talent hunt for decades believing success can only come by having the best talent in the world. After many decades of doing this to the point that 40% of the work force is foreign, where are the world  beating companies? It can be counted on one hand!

We know from their speeches and policies that Singapore leaders feel that Singaporeans are inadequate to realise their global ambitions. They want a free hand to import as many foreigners as they want. It is the constraint of land, transport and infrastructure that limited them. 

One just needs to look at what is happening in our companies to see if such policies are working. Look at our stock exchange, our blue chips. The largest  companies today are more or less the same as 20yrs ago. Whereas in Taiwan and US, 90% of the largest 20 companies today were not on the list 20yrs ago. 

We cannot import talents to make up for our lack of entrepreneurship and leadership. These talents are just job seekers and nothing if great future value will be created

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

PAP's lame excuse where 90% of their FTs are not talents at all.

Talent is a GIFT and barely make up 10% of the world and often end up in USA/ UK.

What PAP imported are Fake and Sub- Standard Talents to replace us.

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

(08-11-2021, 11:18 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  Now let's turn to Singapore which embarked on global talent hunt for decades believing success can only come by having the best talent in the world. After many decades of doing this to the point that 40% of the work force is foreign, where are the world  beating companies? It can be counted on one hand!

Our local TH companies have cannibalised the market, so much so that the start-ups cannot grow. On the other hand, the TH companies get their contracts so easily that they don't work very hard to innovate.

The culture of Singapore companies is very bad. Compared that to those of Israel, where it is so much more liberal. In one of the ex-companies I worked in, the Israelis give their views freely, regardless of their rank. No one will put them down for giving a contrarian view, neither will grudge be taken for having a view that is different from your boss.

Look at Singapore companies. People tend to agree with their bosses and dare not voice out their opposition, for fear that they will face repercussion. You put Einstein here also no use, because he may give seemingly ridiculous ideas and get shot down for doing so. The end result is he will never give his truthful opinion again.

Our Govt always abuse the English word ie Transform, Foreign Talents, Flooding, Talent Acquisition Executive in the Stat Boards and GLCs.

PLEASE!! Hiring a mere bus -driver but the HR is called Talent Acquisition Executive.

STOP such hype and over- branding to cover your inadequacies/ mistakes.

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

(08-11-2021, 11:40 AM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  The culture of Singapore companies is very bad. Compared that to those of Israel, where it is so much more liberal. In one of the ex-companies I worked in, the Israelis give their views freely, regardless of their rank. No one will put them down for giving a contrarian view, neither will grudge be taken for having a view that is different from your boss.

Look at Singapore companies. People tend to agree with their bosses and dare not voice out their opposition, for fear that they will face repercussion. are saying you worked in Israel before?
Can confirm? I never know of Singaporeans going there let alone work there.

Taiwan and Isreal are vibrant democracies. Not sure if that goes into work culture.

In Singapore, control and obedience is the dominant culture. Its not that we lack talent but what happened to them once they enter this culture. 

It starts from the top...the way Singapore leaders treat the people like they are lesser all starts from there this elitism permeates through the society...this authoritarianism is not the best way to bring gout the best jn people.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

(08-11-2021, 11:43 AM)sgbuffett Wrote: are saying you worked in Israel before?
Can confirm? I never know of Singaporeans going there let alone work there.

Taiwan and Isreal are vibrant democracies. Not sure if that goes into work culture.

In Singapore, control and obedience is the dominant culture.

Yah, I worked there for a short period of time. Won't provide proof but I have a work visa there. I had a very happy stay there as people there are the most liberal in the world.

(08-11-2021, 11:47 AM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  Yah, I worked there for a short period of time. Won't provide proof but I have a work visa there. I had a very happy stay there as people there are the most liberal in the world.

Wow .....

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

I find some so call " showcase an old workers find a new job due to skillfuture is Fake in the same , is civil servant him/herself in the first place "

These civil servants can EASILY switch to new job scope so call Ok I attend some courses, learn new skills within just a period of one weeks attend within Inside their departments.

Look at the recently new implement of vaccinated civil servants, they claim those don't wish to get vaccinated yet the job can't work from home will transfer to jobs can work from home etc. Look how " Easy " they can switch around within inside as civil servants.

One thing they will not so call label been retrench, it will put themselves a bad image as MOM also a public sector.
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BALANCE? We are thinking and giving ideas to PAP again. Are we paid to do their job?

Let the Company decide themselves. All PAP need to do is to enforce the parameters ie professions within sector, corp tax rebates base on citizen headcount, levies base on EP total number per mth . . .

BUT we know. PAP is not that capable of Thinking- Out- of the Box.

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

(08-11-2021, 11:55 AM)Ola Wrote:  BALANCE? We are thinking and giving ideas to PAP again. Are we paid to do their job?

Let the Company decide themselves. All PAP need to do is to enforce the parameters ie professions within sector, corp taxes, levies base on EP total number per mth . . .

BUT we know. PAP is not that capable of Thinking- Out- of the Box.

The current Minister for MOM Brag he knows in depth on Private sector leh, so call claim he open clinic so knows what happen in Private sector.
I was........speechless How can you compare open a clinic link with this...

(08-11-2021, 11:40 AM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  The culture of Singapore companies is very bad. Compared that to those of Israel, where it is so much more liberal. In one of the ex-companies I worked in, the Israelis give their views freely, regardless of their rank. No one will put them down for giving a contrarian view, neither will grudge be taken for having a view that is different from your boss.

Look at Singapore companies. People tend to agree with their bosses and dare not voice out their opposition, for fear that they will face repercussion. You put Einstein here also no use, because he may give seemingly ridiculous ideas and get shot down for doing so. The end result is he will never give his truthful opinion again.

Stat Boards and GLCs promote only "Yes Men". There is no way they can hire real talent nor anyone with potential.

Creativity is stifled and power to show leadership skills is fried to become the approved Standard SOP.

For example- Gan KY handling MERS and Covid from Jan - April 2020.
[Image: Gan-KY-MERS.png]

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

Our chicken rice very famous.

Talent is in this forum. No need to hunt.

Only Idiots like JoTeo will say that FTs reduce but we all know, last year was Recession and all work passes are reduced because there are no jobs.

Yet, that CCBAI can say as if she made the effort to deport 16k FTs out of Singapore.

[Image: JT-Decline-in-EP-Mar-21.png]

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

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