Why are China people racist against Singaporeans? ?

(15-05-2024, 02:53 PM)WhatDoYouThink! Wrote:  Yalor. Some even go around telling ppl he's not chinese but han. But he has only an ic with his race as chinese, maybe an old prc id showing his ethnicity was han.

Btw, other than china no other country/region would show ethnicity on ic/id, not even hk and tw. So very likely he's an ex prc

Some ppl always kpkb here about whether to use the word Chinese and Han to call oureslves. If not happy then go to govt to complain here. Come here to complain for fark. I only know our ICs show race as Chinese. There's no ambiguity among sinkies. If we go to China, we won't even say we are Han. Only retards will say that. But then there're some dumbfarks here who are fixated over the use of Chinese.

Ignore List: Oyk
[+] 1 user Likes Blasterlord2's post

Even if he insirsted he's han, dun think got anyone insersted lah. Not even his family whom might call him crazy

(16-06-2024, 07:26 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  Some ppl always kpkb here about whether to use the word Chinese and Han to call oureslves. If not happy then go to govt to complain here. Come here to complain for fark. I only know our ICs show race as Chinese. There's no ambiguity among sinkies. If we go to China, we won't even say we are Han. Only retards will say that. But then there're some dumbfarks here who are fixated over the use of Chinese.

[Image: IMG-20240616-194730.jpg]

Xjp can proudly call himself a chinese, a han, a chinese han, or han chinese.

(16-06-2024, 07:26 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  Some ppl always kpkb here about whether to use the word Chinese and Han to call oureslves. If not happy then go to govt to complain here. Come here to complain for fark. I only know our ICs show race as Chinese. There's no ambiguity among sinkies. If we go to China, we won't even say we are Han. Only retards will say that. But then there're some dumbfarks here who are fixated over the use of Chinese.

The dumbfug is Oyk who is a CECA.  

His objective is to sow discord amongst the Chinese Singaporeans here with all his Han shite which isn't working  Laughing
[+] 1 user Likes aiptasia's post

Need some advice if han means han jian? Tongue

“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth” – Buddha.
[Image: https://i.ibb.co/0hWSqby/wednesday-quote.jpg]

Wuhan is a wumao hanjian?

(16-06-2024, 10:07 PM)aiptasia Wrote:  The dumbfug is Oyk who is a CECA.  

His objective is to sow discord amongst the Chinese Singaporeans here with all his Han shite which isn't working  Laughing

That dumbfark is annoyed that he's been called out for stupidity in so many occasions by me that he decides to show even more of his stupidity by using my avatar. He can post more of his dumb replies to me but it's no use. He'll not get any response from me since I've long written him and the other dumbfark clones off.

Ignore List: Oyk

Isn't it the other way round?

(16-06-2024, 10:31 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  That dumbfark is annoyed that he's been called out for stupidity in so many occasions by me that he decides to show even more of his stupidity by using my avatar. He can post more of his dumb replies to me but it's no use. He'll not get any response from me since I've long written him and the other dumbfark clones off.

Everyone here knows Oyk the CECA is a dumb fug/ sor hai and a lying one on top of that.  Goes to show what a fugging loser he is in and out of this forum  Laughing

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