Singapore's population is aging fast. It hopes AI can help manage its elderly care

No worries as China will soon be churning out lots of household and caregiving robots to tackle its fast ageing population.

Seniors in Singapore only need to wait for the prices of these AI-driven and agile robots to drop below S$8K, which will render a human domestic helper or caregiver obsolete. Beside being cheaper than human, a robot will never feel tired nor get agitated unlike human helpers. I have an old dependent relative who changed 3 helpers within a short 1.5 years. One of them even asked the agent for her transfer on day 2 of work !

Also no worries of the human helpers falling sick or having dental problems where the employers need to pay for their full medical cost (where insurance don't cover).

And when prices of these robot drops below S$5K, a dependent senior can even buy 3 separate robots - 1 for caregiving, 1 for cooking and 1 for household cleaning.

[Image: China-Caregiving-Robot.jpg]
上海老人购买价格2.3 万的保姆机器人,真能解决养老难题

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