Tencent gave up stake in JD.com, Walmart now biggest shareholder

(23-12-2021, 10:12 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  I will tell you later why I am a bit upset over this. And ecommerce in China.

Tencent decides to distribute its holdings in JD.com to existing shareholders ...every 21 share get one JD.

JD stock plummet down to 248 from 270 at open and 8% drop. 
This final drop after many weeks of drop made the stock a good buy for me. 

I key in to grab some at 249...carefully using all my tools decided that was precise buying moment even all selling expended. I key jn the trade and platform said send OTP dms
 I waited no SMS ...had to do a resent...key in OTP. Check the stock has gone above 250...and I missed my entry. After that I check of I should buy or not and stock went to 255...now 258.
Okay decided to give it a miss. There will be many pitches and many future opportunities for home runs. Told myself to let it go.

Anyway the whole ecommerce sector of listed companies in China has been sold down so much it as it the market is saying it js a "no winner " market. I believe this is crazy departure from the truth.

JD.com, Alibaba, Pindoudou and a few other as a whole will grow well jnto the future. Not risking which one will be a winner one should buy a basket of these atocks and wait out

Just buy HSI 7x DLR.

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