EU Top Regilator warns Russia-Ukraine conflict can trigger market crash...

.this shit is largely due to EU

EU started the fire , previously Ukraine have a friendly Russia president and every one is happy...gas goes through them to the EU and every one made money ..but EU expansion to Ukraine hit a road block when then the president didnt agree, Riot ensue and he was dispose off

UK was right to leave them

now the world will see another syria Iraq playing out... F...k some one else country but not their own sending weapons and money

When Cuba wanted nuclear weapons .. US invaded them and impose sanction till this day...whats the difference Russia is doing??

Messages In This Thread
EU Top Regilator warns Russia-Ukraine conflict can trigger market crash... - by sgbuffett - 24-02-2022, 08:56 AM
RE: EU Top Regilator warns Russia-Ukraine conflict can trigger market crash... - by keys - 24-02-2022, 09:14 AM
RE: EU Top Regilator warns Russia-Ukraine conflict can trigger market crash... - by sgbuffett - 24-02-2022, 09:24 AM
RE: EU Top Regilator warns Russia-Ukraine conflict can trigger market crash... - by Zannn - 24-02-2022, 09:51 AM

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