'Disappointed Over UN Show':US Lawmakers Call on India to Distance Itself From Russia

all these shameless commie dogs here, votes in UN, almost all supported execept china & 1 or 2 more.
Now is whole world behind Ukraine against China & Russia, which morons here dont know?
India bought russia weapons to deal with china at border, last few months news. Looking at all the junk Russia weapons in Ukraine war, if india is smart, better switch fast. Also never support a evil.
In UN, almost all support Ukraine & warn Russia to withdraw & stop the war.
same as in international court, all charge Russia & putin as war criminal.
Whole world supply their weapons & army to Ukraine to fight, except china supply to Russia.

141票壓倒性譴責 聯合國要求俄羅斯全面撤軍

141票壓倒性譴責 聯合國要求俄羅斯全面撤軍

中共完全是幫兇 聯合國大會唯一支持俄羅斯沒有離場的是中共!中共成爲俄羅斯的生口

中共完全是幫兇 聯合國大會唯一支持俄羅斯沒有離場的是中共!中共成爲俄羅斯的生口

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