09-04-2022, 10:38 AM
(06-04-2022, 10:49 AM)kokee Wrote: sure, china govt weapons is to deal with their own people, balless to fight the real war.
china people living in fear as they have no weapons to fight anything, unless the people united prepare to lose lot of blood, if not, they will never succeed under weapons. Now is the war between anger & fear, trigger point is not there yet.
PLA is used for suppression, not to help in covid.
under covid, doctors has no say, gun decide under dictatorship.
look at shanghai today in covid, condition worse than india, dig a hole for toilet, tolls of junk bed for patient dirty & poor like in war, no food, 25 millions shouting & crying like parent pass away, fight & shouting like insane, worse than beggers & criminals.
all these comie dogs wet dream know nut bark lies & BS 7-24 here.
recently china trade already down almost 70%world before recent china covid, with covid, almost all factories & office affected, plus ton of foreign company shift out of china at super fast pace now due to sanction china. Now easily down>90%.
china economy sink super fast recently, likely>300 mil jobless now, >1 bil china people in debt, china still has reserved> china debt shoot to sky now both internal & external to be explode any time, china property & stock market crashing down lick rock now, whole world hke rate except china still cut & print $$ non stop to rescue collapsing economy, dont talk about covid, in term of everything, technology, finance, per capita, military, china is super fr behind US today.
all these moronic comie dogs here. once sanction starts, india over take china anytime if india do the right things.