Japan shutting offices & halting production as COVID-19 cases hit 1.4m in a week

PUBLISHED AUG 5, 2022, 2:03 PM SGT

TOKYO (REUTERS) - Japanese companies are temporarily shutting offices or suspending production as they battle a record wave of Covid-19, disrupting businesses in a country that has until now weathered the pandemic better than most advanced economies.

Carmakers Toyota Motor and Daihatsu Motor last week halted production line shifts because of employee infections.

KFC Holdings Japan has had to shut some fast-food restaurants and move staff to fill gaps, while Japan Post Holdings has temporarily shut more than 200 mailing centres.


Japan had more than 1.4 million new Covid-19 cases over the past week

Much more at: https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/east-a...covid-wave
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