PAP or PSP or WP can set up a national unemployment registry

There is a registry to track the percentage of vaccinated Singaporeans.

Currently, there is no national database or registry to track the total number of unemployed and under-employed Singaporeans.

If you are unemployed or under-employed and want to work, just register in the registry for govt help.

This database will give the actual number of unemployed and under-employed Singaporeans.

Current percentage of less than 3% unemployment is just a statistic and does not give the true picture.

PAP MPs and opposition MPs can debate in parliament based on the true picture in the unemployment registry.

There is no need for any job statistics.

We always have job debates in parliament because the govt statistics do not reflect the true problems of the job market.

If MPs can help all unemployed in the registry to find job, there is no need for any job debate in parliament.

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