Paris,2 Ukrainians kicked out of the restaurant. Long live Putin, you are not welcome

The war in Ukraine has been going on unabated for 8 months now but something is changing in public opinion on the role of Russia. 

In Europe, pro-Putin are making themselves heard more and more, these are workers, especially in economic difficulties due to the sanctions inflicted on Russia and the consequences they are bringing, with the costs of gas and light skyrocketing. An emblematic case - reads the newspaper - comes from a well-known restaurant in Paris, where two Ukrainian women were insulted and driven out of the room. "He started shouting" long live Putin "Larissa and Melisa, the two Ukrainians, mother, and daughter, told Bfm-TV, who claims to have been sent away from "Le Cozy Montparnasse" in Paris because of their nationality Melisa filmed the scene that took place last Monday, a video in which a man, the restaurant manager, repeats " Viva Putin " twice.

"It was raining and we were very cold," said Melisa "we went in for tea. Opening the menu we looked for the price of hot drinks and we told the waitress that being Ukrainian refugees, we have little money and that it was important for us to know the price ». The waitress - continues Il Giornale - "replied in obscene language that Ukrainians are not welcome in their restaurant". When the two called the owner to assert their reasons, «he answered shouting. He said that he supports Putin and that it is right to kill the Ukrainians ».

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Paris,2 Ukrainians kicked out of the restaurant. Long live Putin, you are not welcome - by theold - 22-10-2022, 07:03 PM

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