Singaporean earning $4,800/month says everything is so expensive, asks for

market rumour said a certain xiao long bao chain is offering to employ dish washer at 4k and must be graduate.
rumour say the chain has difficulty finding dish washer so they intend to use employment pass.
so 4.8k for local family will be difficult.
my guess, 4k offer for dish washer more like a scam of some kind.
if they cannot find dish washer they can outsource it to external dish washing company who will collect wash and return. just need to buy more plates etc.
so i think it is a new scam to trick the foreign work force.

heard china new graduate is having problem finding jobs. this is partly due to previous covid-19 lock down and reduce orders from western world.

ukraine war has result in high energy cost in 2nd half of 2022. that reduces spending power significantly. Christmas sale not ideal.

current inflation is like in control, but prices stay high. so spending power down.
can china open up do an imported deflation for the west to save their consumers. indirectly create order for china. those order taken by india, vietnam and thailand are difficult already.

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