orr..so netunyahoo purposely let hamas attack israel...

Won't be surprised if this conspiracy ish true that Israel intelligence already got wind but choose to do nothing so to lure Hamas into the first strike then later can hamtam them dip dip. After all Israel ish not really view as a 'good' guy by most people and also kind of absurd that Mossad ish so beh kan until like this. Beside though many see Israel as an close-ally to most western 1st world nations but also don't forget that they are actually pro-Russia on the Ukraine war and also pro-CCP on Taiwan issue.

Else will be very irony for their Russia and CCP bros to stab them in the back as they are likely one of the backers behind Hamas and it ish really quite foolish for Russia and CCP to want to make Israel an enemy because of this.

That why some ish claiming that it ish all an conspiracy that all of them are working together to sian the daft and gullible Hamas. Russia and CCP back Hamas to go for the first strike so their buddy Israel can use this as an excuse to whack them back. Especially the ATs as many little pinks and wumao seem to believe this conspiracy dip dip.

There was a time when the country asked ordinary men to do extraordinary things.

But now, they'll only do it for money.

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