12-11-2023, 09:38 AM
(11-11-2023, 11:20 AM)EvertonDiehard Wrote: It's sad to meet so many young people these days who tell me that they have no time or haven't found someone suitable to date because of their long working hours or their less than attractive earnings. It's often been said that if we don't meet a compatible other half by the time we graduate from tertiary studies, we probably won't meet anyone once we begin working.
When I was young, women of my generation already worked. I did not ask all the women out there....most are grandmothers liao...........but I suspect that it was like this:
1. Men went out to work.....for a career. You need money to start a family right.
2. Women staying at home did not make sense. How to meet men, unless we went back to an ancient system of matchmaking? So, they went out to work, not for a career, or career development, but to be seen. As soon as they were snapped up, married, and the kids came along, they resigned and became full-time mothers and homemakers.
What changed?
Well, women got better and better educated, and they could get mighty good jobs wor. The money was good, damn good wor. So, they could not bear to resign from their jobs. They began to place work highest on their list of To-Do while a husband and chewren can wait...
A good salary comes with long hours and heavy responsibilities. Even the women, not just the men, have no time to look for a partner, not to mention make appointments for dates.
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Bonus Enteratianment
Observer: Never mind lar, can ownself fap

KILLjoy: Or pump my own mommy. I do that all the time.

Observer = KILLjoy = starbugstk = Dan = lvlrsSTI = OWNER.
Trying so hard to find my Archilles Point wor. Hehe