Israel begins pumping seawater into Hamas' tunnels in Gaza

Israel begins pumping seawater into Hamas' tunnels in Gaza -WSJ

WASHINGTON - The Israeli military has begun pumping seawater into Hamas' tunnel complex in Gaza, the Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday citing unnamed U.S. officials, adding that the process would likely take weeks.
Some Biden administration officials have said the process could help destroy the tunnels, where Israel believes the militant group is hiding hostages, fighters and munitions, the Journal reported. Other officials have expressed concerns the seawater would endanger Gaza's fresh water supply, the newspaper reported.
Israel's military did not immediately provide comment on the report. An Israeli defense ministry spokesperson did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
[Image: LYNXMPEJBB0Q0-1.jpg?itok=hzQEVw-3]
An Israeli soldier shows located Hamas tunnel shaft near the school, during the ongoing ground operation of the Israeli army against Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, in a location given as Beit Lahiya, in Gaza, in this handout still image obtained from a video released on December 2, 2023.

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Israel begins pumping seawater into Hamas' tunnels in Gaza - by ROFLMAO - 13-12-2023, 08:08 AM

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