China has not resumed visa-free access to Japan

Although China has ended its prevention and control policies in response to the new coronavirus epidemic in January 2023 and has gradually increased its visa-free countries, Japan is not included.

In December 2023, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China released news on visa-free entry measures, saying that it would trial a unilateral visa-free policy for ordinary passport holders from six countries: France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, and Malaysia. The trial period is one year, and no visa is required for business trips and tourism with a stay of less than 15 days.

China originally exempted Japan, Singapore and Brunei from short-term stay visas. Due to the epidemic, this measure was suspended in the spring of 2020. Among these three countries, China has restored the visa-free policy for Singapore and Brunei in July 2023. Now only Japan still needs to apply for a visa.

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China has not resumed visa-free access to Japan - by theold - 28-01-2024, 09:37 AM

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