Analysts question viability of KL-Singapore HSR project at RM120bil price tag

Cambodia is planning for a 380km 160km/h HSR from its capital to the Thai border. The proposed HSR line will only cost a mere US$4bln. I guess the lower cost should due to a single track line just like the HSR in Laos.

For the private sector to fully foot the construction cost, the Malaysia HSR can also use the same cost-lowering approach (i.e. single track) if passenger load between JB and KL is expected to be low. But the HSR train speed should be slightly higher, at between 220 and 250km/h ( US$6b to 8b ?), to make the line more attractive. The 2nd track can be build in future when demand increases.

Cambodia plans over US$4bil high-speed rail linking its capital Phnom Penh with Thai border

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