To manage entrances, you need 2 people, they will cost $3kThis money from where? .

It is "very hard" to see five members from the same household dine in on weekdays, said Kenneth Lee, vice-chairman of Kheng Keow Coffee Merchants Restaurant and Bar Owners Association.

Hence, he doesn't think it is "suitable" for coffee shops to conduct spot checks to ensure members come from the same household, because the coffee shop would need to spend money on manpower to manage their entrances.

This manpower will cost you money. For outdoor refreshment areas ... let's say one person in charge (for one shift). In one day, you need two people. Let's say one person costs S$1,500 (to hire), two people will cost S$3,000. This money from where? Of course it will come from consumer sooner or later, if this thing goes on," Mr Lee told CNA.

"For my coffee shop, I don't think I will do it. It's very costly. But I will advise my Kheng Keow members if they want to do it, go ahead, because they are the ones to pay for it, not the association.

Mr Lee, who operates Hai Fong Coffeeshop, added that the current dining rule for only two vaccinated people is "more convenient", "much simpler and easier".

Should customers flout the rules, he pointed out that the penalty would be "very serious", so it's "not worth" opening up his coffee shop to groups of up to five individuals for now.

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