Taiwan upgrading its F-16s, awaiting more new ones

Modern air force warfare is not about 1 fighter vs 1 fighter, but the ability to fully integrate all aspects of information into a digital battlefield. Even 30 years ago back in 1991 during the first Gulf War, this was already very apparent.

In theory, Iraq's MIG29 were in the same generation as the American F15/16/18s. However, the Americans with full AEW&C coverage, superior EW and space assets backed by smart bombs and long range precision strike missiles were able to completely decimate the Iraqi air force and Republican Guards. The entire military action took less than 100 hours for Sadam Hussein to capitulate.

The military gap between Taiwan and China in 2021 now is even bigger than what the Iraqis faced with the Americans 30 years ago. Piecemeal upgrades of military equipment isn't going to make any difference when facing any of the big three military powers (US/CN/RU).

For e.g. just a minor fact that I seldom see mentioned in Taiwanese media, the entire Taiwan island is within the range of China's SAM systems from the land based S-400 and HQ9B to the ship based VLS HHQ9. Combined with space assets, AEW&C and probably UAV + Ground based ELINT monitoring, there is no feasible way for any non-stealth aircraft to take off from Taiwan without being immediately shot down during war. F-16A or F-16V isn't going to make any difference.
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