16-06-2024, 01:50 AM
(15-06-2024, 11:09 PM)aiptasia Wrote: The irony is that India is ramping up more trade with China as Modi realizes that feeding mouths and providing jobs is more important to him than anything else as evidenced by his party's loss of its parliamentary majority due to widespread anger of unemployment and failure to meet basic economic needs.
While the dumfug MIWs are stuck with the CECA agreement and losing ground with China.
maybe the honourable one had some agreement with modi
to supply jobs to his pariahs in exchange for....?
you see how gov continously supply work/job to FWs....
ever since after covid,
these FWs been supplied with jobs 1st instead of those local residents who lost their jobs during covid
current ruling party only good in distributing wealth among themselves living comfortably and nothing more; especially under the honourable one