US: China 'can't have it both ways' with Russia and West

"The People's Republic of China can't have its cake and eat it too," State Department spokesman Vedant Patel told reporters.

"It can't have it both ways and want to have (better) relationships with Europe and other countries while simultaneously continuing to fuel the biggest threat to European security in a long time," Patel said, referring to Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

The United States on Thursday said Chinese President Xi Jinping cannot both improve ties with the West and support Russia after he vowed to boost relations with his counterpart Vladimir Putin.

Obviously USA is the obstacle to global peace.

This is the romance of three kingdom. Any two gang up, the other one will suffer.


Should be the romance of 4 kingdoms. 
China, Russia vs US, Europe....

Western mentality. 
It must be ME. Or else you are doomed.
Wake up lah. 
Dragon is in the sky. 
Peace should be embracing each other. 
War is flexing the muscles.

I say can means can already

My enemy must be your enemy, your enemy can be my friend 



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