7 new MRT stations on the Thomson-East Coast Line will open on June 23

7 new MRT stations on the Thomson-East Coast Line will open on June 23.

Commuters can enjoy free preview rides on June 21. https://str.sg/w3LMB
[+] 1 user Likes Bigiron's post

Can PAP do something about the Round- about blue line

that looks like Bollywood, going in circles?

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 
[+] 1 user Likes Ola's post

Nice. Early morning hop on the first train to jb for breakfast, then the last train to come home.
[+] 1 user Likes WhatDoYouThink!'s post

Good..can go fishing.
[+] 1 user Likes Sharexchange's post

(05-03-2024, 05:48 PM)WhatDoYouThink! Wrote:  Nice. Early morning hop on the first train to jb for breakfast, then the last train to come home.
Isit this years, go hop to JB soon... Sad

(05-03-2024, 05:48 PM)WhatDoYouThink! Wrote:  Nice. Early morning hop on the first train to jb for breakfast, then the last train to come home.

Hopefully, Sinkies won't witness scenes like this from London

[Image: IMG-3098.jpg]

(05-03-2024, 05:48 PM)WhatDoYouThink! Wrote:  Nice. Early morning hop on the first train to jb for breakfast, then the last train to come home.
Think! go JB walk ehh, and can save ehh, then
JB to Woodland by train, (I think is mrt lehh.) Rotfl

Nvml. If too troublesome then go to woodland jalan jalan then turn back loh.

*Did you know ?* (A! but this?.)

▪️Both  the  legs together  have  50%  of the  nerves    of  the  human  body,  50%  of  the  blood  vessels  and  50%  of  the  blood  is flowing  through  them.

▪️ It  is  the  largest  circulatory  network  that connects  the  body.
*So Walk daily*

▪️Only when  the feet are  healthy then  the convention current  of blood  flows ,  smoothly,  so people who  have  strong  leg muscles  will  definitely have  a strong  heart. *Walk*

▪️Aging  starts  from  the  feet  upwards.

▪️As  a  person  gets older, the  accuracy & speed  of  transmission  of instructions  between the  brain and  the  legs decreases, unlike  when a  person  is  young.
*Please Walk*

▪️In  addition,  the  so-called  Bone  Fertilizer Calcium will  sooner  or later  be  lost  with  the passage  of  time,  making  the  elderly  more  prone  to  bone fractures.

▪️Bone  fractures  in  the  elderly  can  easily  trigger  a  series  of complications, especially fatal  diseases  such  as  brain  thrombosis.

▪️Do  you  know  that 15% of elderly  patients  generally, will  die  max. within  a  year  of  a  thigh-bone  fracture !! 
*Walk daily without fail*

▪️ Exercising  the legs,  is  never  too  late, even  after  the  age  of 60  years.
*W A L K*

▪️Although  our  feet/legs  will  gradually  age with    time,  exercising  our  feet/ legs  is  a  life-long  task. 
*Walk 10,000 steps*

▪️Only  by regular strengthening  the  legs, one  can  prevent  or reduce  further  aging. 
*Walk 365 days*

▪️ Please  walk  for at  least 30-40  minutes  daily  to  ensure  that  your  legs  receive  sufficient  exercise and  to  ensure  that  your  leg  muscles remain healthy.

You  should  share  this  important  information  with  all  your  50+years"  friends
& family  members, as everyone  is  aging  on  a  daily basis.

Be kind to your legs, buy a foot massager or a foot bath for them, dun ask them to walk so much without taking care of them

[Image: IMG-20240307-154358.jpg]

Like this is nice. Got heat, vibration and air bubbles, only $28. After using for half an hour, you'll feel gd and can sleep well

(07-03-2024, 03:41 PM)WhatDoYouThink! Wrote:  Be kind to your legs, buy a foot massager or a foot bath for them, dun ask them to walk so much without taking care of them

Everything is so expensive in S'pore. How to buy?

[Image: Protest.jpg]

(07-03-2024, 03:46 PM)EvertonDiehard Wrote:  Everything is so expensive in S'pore. How to buy?

[Image: Protest.jpg]

Where and what happened to all your brothers? All stranded in malacca and segamat?

(07-03-2024, 03:48 PM)WhatDoYouThink! Wrote:  Where and what happened to all your brothers? All stranded in malacca and segamat?

All my brothers are in S'pore! We aren't as shrewd as our Malaysian friends and acquaintances who worked here, and took their hard earned SGD back up North after retiring early to live like kings and queens. 

(07-03-2024, 04:09 PM)EvertonDiehard Wrote:  All my brothers are in S'pore! We aren't as shrewd as our Malaysian friends and acquaintances who worked here, and took their hard earned SGD back up North after retiring early to live like kings and queens. 

Wow all are here, earning big bucks! And all no need to do ns? Shiok lah

(07-03-2024, 03:48 PM)WhatDoYouThink! Wrote:  Where and what happened to all your brothers? All stranded in malacca and segamat?
In Kajang eating and feasting on satay lehh.🤪

(07-03-2024, 03:48 PM)WhatDoYouThink! Wrote:  Where and what happened to all your brothers? All stranded in malacca and segamat?

Some Bro going Broga Hill Park for a walk.

(10-03-2024, 07:55 AM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Some Bro going Broga Hill Park for a walk.

Stay in big houses and drive big cars, petrol, medicines and food everything so cheap. Why come here to suffer

A friend's young relative was given a full scholarship to study at a prestigious sec sch here a few yrs ago. Everything paid for including a on campus hostel with meals, and even after class free tuitions. But he gave up after 2 yrs, complained too stressed, cannot tahan and broke down

(10-03-2024, 08:08 AM)WhatDoYouThink! Wrote:  Stay in big houses and drive big cars, petrol, medicines and food everything so cheap. Why come here to suffer
Thinking. Thinking
Following JAP very things is expensive, eg one cake.

Coke raises prices in Japan, swallowing higher costs no more. The price hikes apply to large bottles only, smaller bottles and cans are exempt.

TOKYO -- Soft drink companies in Japan have put aside their long-held fear of losing market shares, moving to raise prices amid soaring expenses for labor and materials.

Japan's top Coca-Cola distributor unveiled plans recently to lift its suggested retail prices by 20 yen on big bottles, the company's first increase in 27 years. Yet rivals Suntory Beverage & Food, Asahi Soft Drinks and Kirin Beverage seized the opening, announcing their own price hikes of 20 yen within a month.

"We had to make the decision now, even at the cost of losing our market share," said President Tamio Yoshimatsu of Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan.

TOKYO -- Soft drink companies in Japan have put aside their long-held fear of losing market shares, moving to raise prices amid soaring expenses for labor and materials.

Japan's top Coca-Cola distributor unveiled plans recently to lift its suggested retail prices by 20 yen on big bottles, the company's first increase in 27 years. Yet rivals Suntory Beverage & Food, Asahi Soft Drinks and Kirin Beverage seized the opening, announcing their own price hikes of 20 yen within a month.

"We had to make the decision now, even at the cost of losing our market share," said President Tamio Yoshimatsu of Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan.

Distributor said  1.5- to 2-liter plastic bottles of Coca-Cola, the Aquarius sports drink and other brands will rise from current range of 150 yen to 340 yen starting with April 1 shipments excluded, the largest of Japan's five Coke bottling units.

Announcement came as a surprise. Competition was hotter than ever in the industry, where Coca-Cola group commands a market share of close to 30%. 2-place Suntory Beverage trails only about 4% points behind, while Asahi Soft Drinks and Kirin Beverage have shares of around 10% each

The only increases resulted from consumption tax hikes. Yet even after the tax rate rose to 5% from 3% in 1997.

Beverage companies did not pass on the higher costs to customers for a year. When the 2014 tax hike lifted the rate to 8%, the companies formed a cartel allowed under a special legal provision to raise prices at vending machines by 10 yen. For products sold in stores, however, they had to absorb the higher taxes.

Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan is in a wounded position. It's main plant in Hiroshima went offline due to damage from flooding in heavy rains last July, and a new facility under construction is not open till 2020.

Japan's labor shortages are lifting wages for workers who stock goods, and distribution costs are rising -- two more factors eating into the company's bottom line.

Seeking to shrink its payroll, the bottling and sales unit announced plans Thursday to have roughly 700 employees sign up for a voluntary retirement package.

Parent company Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Holdings suffered a 61% decline in operating profit to 14.7 billion yen ($132 million) for 2018 even as consolidated sales rose 11% to 927.3 billion yen.

Price hike may be easier to manage now that Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan covers both the Tokyo metropolitan area and greater Osaka following the 2017 integration of the two units that separately handled eastern and western parts of the country.

Prior to the merger, the eastern Japan unit was fighting intense competition, while its western counterpart enjoyed a big market share. Despite being different units, they supplied the same product. This made it difficult for the western Japan unit to raise prices on its own.

(10-03-2024, 07:55 AM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Some Bro going Broga Hill Park for a walk.
SATAY Kajang.... Clapping Laughing  

New MRT map

[Image: IMG-20240312-072002-650.jpg]

(12-03-2024, 12:05 PM)Bigiron Wrote:  New MRT map

[Image: IMG-20240312-072002-650.jpg]

Open but not connected yet....how?

[+] 1 user Likes ODA TETSURO's post

So convenient to go to jb soon, just hop on at te24 to te1, then rts to bukit chager. No need to drive

Can sit free that day up n down all the way

 No weapon that forms against me shall prospers.
Silly people will only ask repeated silly questions 

(12-03-2024, 02:40 PM)WhatDoYouThink! Wrote:  So convenient to go to jb soon, just hop on at te24 to te1, then rts to bukit chager. No need to drive
Malaysia driving, we seat only. Maybe still have to stand if there is no more seat left. Rotfl

I got one relative she got two condo, one of the condo is located just behind Thomson MRT. Currently she rent this condo.

(15-03-2024, 11:04 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Malaysia driving, we seat only. Maybe still have to stand if there is no more seat left. Rotfl

Early morning the inbound traffic to sg shd be heavy, and the outbound shd be quite empty

And the reverse for late night train

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