Biden blundered excluding (disqualified) Singapore from democracy meeting

(11-04-2023, 05:28 PM)Instinct Wrote:  They may think that Singapore is not a democracy. 😂

It will be a big disgrace to all participants @US democracy meeting.

A smack in the face

(11-04-2023, 07:18 PM)Scythian Wrote:  It will be a big disgrace to all participants @US democracy meeting.

A smack in the face

A big tight slap in the face lah! Big Grin

(11-04-2023, 06:05 AM)cheekopekman Wrote:  They see us no up lah! Big Grin
It is our garmen that droop so low. Not the faults of citizens.
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(11-04-2023, 07:20 PM)Gemstar Wrote:  It is our garmen that droop so low. Not the faults of citizens.

Throw our face liao lah!  Angry
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(11-04-2023, 07:21 PM)cheekopekman Wrote:  Throw our face liao lah!  Angry
Citizens are well nurtured and too discipline and that is where they climb over our head and bully us. Every GE, I wil give them my thumbs down.
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Biden know where's Singapore or not?

(11-04-2023, 05:34 PM)Oyk Wrote:  You were in jail during the last ten GEs?

Another dumbass who thinks that the act of voting is sufficient to make a country a democracy.


(11-04-2023, 07:29 PM)Basic_Strategy Wrote:  Another dumbass who thinks that the act of voting is sufficient to make a country a democracy.

It is one way that we can court least that is a start.............. Big Grin

All 110 countries leaders and Biden will throw their shoes @ one autocrat participant.

kena by 111 pairs of shoes, sure die

Let's say Biden has invited PM Lee to attend Democracy meeting ..

What could happen?

(11-04-2023, 08:44 PM)Scythian Wrote:  .
Let's say Biden has invited PM Lee to attend Democracy meeting ..

What could happen?

That is a $64K question.................. Big Grin

Biden just destroyed the Dollar.

(11-04-2023, 08:51 PM)debono Wrote:  That is a $64K question.................. Big Grin

Singapore leaders gone mute

Whereas fight tooth and nail W/O Xi's invitation to 1st OBOR in Beijing.

(11-04-2023, 07:19 PM)cheekopekman Wrote:  A big tight slap in the face lah! Big Grin

Why unfriendly Biden delivered PM Lee a sidekick?

Why Our Law Minister and Foreign Minister should react ?

(10-04-2023, 08:31 PM)debono Wrote:  I do agree with you, but I suspect US may not see us as totally democratic...................... Big Grin

President Biden classified Singapore a autocrat

Thus, PM Lee was disqualified

(11-04-2023, 08:51 PM)debono Wrote:  That is a $64K question.................. Big Grin

(12-04-2023, 06:23 AM)Scythian Wrote:  President Biden classified Singapore a autocrat

Thus, PM Lee was disqualified

I seldom heard Biden mentioned about Singapore leh! Big Grin Small red dot useless one lah!

Biden sent a strong message to the world that Singapore is an autocrat.

Thus, with 110 world's leaders invited, only PM Lee was left out of Democracy meeting in Washington.

Why Biden treated PM Lee differently?
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(12-04-2023, 06:38 AM)Scythian Wrote:  Biden sent a strong message to the world that Singapore is an autocrat.

Thus, with 110 world's leaders invited, only PM Lee was left out of Democracy meeting in Washington.

Why Biden treated PM Lee differently?

[size=11]autocrat | ˈɔːtəkrat | [/size][size=11]noun a ruler who has absolute power: like many autocrats, Franco found the exercise of absolute power addictive. • an imperious person who insists on complete obedience from others: Eva was an autocrat—people didn't argue unless they had a lot of courage.[/size]

(11-04-2023, 05:38 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  I still remember this Shanmugam YAYA say Trump when Trump is the President.

and who knows Trump coming to SG.

this Shanmugam MIA , as everyone welcome trump come SG for the submit which he meet Kim of NK.

Bui Kim was feted as a hero some more.  Boy have we got our priorities screwed up Big Grin

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine Big Grin

Biden left out Singapore as the worst of the worst who are invited.

Who’s In and Who’s Out From Biden’s Democracy .
Summary:  Biden’s team has announced the list of invitees to the U.S. president’s summit on democracy. Who is included—and what does this say about U.S. 

The invitations are out for U.S. President Joe Biden’s democracy summit on December 9–10. Which countries did Biden’s team settle on, and why were they selected?

The current mix of invitees includes liberal democracies, weaker democracies, and several states with authoritarian characteristics (such as the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Pakistan). Rather than limit participation to a core group of committed democracies, Biden’s team opted for a big tent approach (see table 1 below). The majority of invitees—seventy-seven countries—rank as “free” or fully democratic, according to Freedom House’s 2021 report. Another thirty-one invitees rank as “partly free.” Finally, three countries fall into the “not free” camp (see figure 1).

Combining Freedom House’s index scores with tallies from the Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem) project yields revealing results. Eight invitees fall exceptionally low on these democracy rankings, raising troubling questions about their invitations: Angola, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Iraq, Kenya, Malaysia, Pakistan, Serbia, and Zambia. Four additional invitees prompt serious backsliding concerns due to heightened levels of autocratization or big declines in freedom of expression over the past ten years: Brazil, India, the Philippines, and Poland. (Granted, Freedom House and V-Dem measure country performance for 2020, making data lag an issue—especially for countries experiencing emergent political crises, such as Tunisia, or newly reforming countries, like Zambia)"

left out jio left out lor, MYBFD.

Where to hide face? Big Grin

Better quickly align with tiongkok Laughing

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine Big Grin
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LKY was highly respected by the world during his times.

LHL only remembered for his Oxley saga.
[+] 4 users Like K88 shu shu's post

Not surprised.
Singapore is ranked around 150th in freedom of press rank list. Smile)
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(12-04-2023, 07:17 AM)p1acebo Wrote:  Where to hide face? Big Grin

Better quickly align with tiongkok Laughing

Only one year earlier, widely reported that Singapore PM Lee purchased 51 Boeing planes costing billions, but now, The White House is Out of Bounds.

Today, Chinese Imperial Palace main entrance is also closed leaving only side gate opened for servants and Uber Eats delivery.
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(12-04-2023, 07:21 AM)K88 shu shu Wrote:  LKY was highly respected by the world during his times.

LHL only remembered for his Oxley saga.

On hindsight, PM Lee paying almost $20 millions taxpayers money inviting Ex US President Trump (Biden's foe) to Singapore was the greatest mistakes .. backfired!

Miscalculated, could be stepping on someone's tail?

Another out of control blunder.

(12-04-2023, 07:17 AM)p1acebo Wrote:  Where to hide face? Big Grin

Better quickly align with tiongkok Laughing
Doing alright.

(12-04-2023, 07:39 AM)Scythian Wrote:  On hindsight, PM Lee paying almost $20 millions taxpayers money inviting Ex US President Trump (Biden's foe) to Singapore was the greatest mistakes .. backfired!

Miscalculated, could be stepping on someone's tail?

NK Kim also visited Sg.

(12-04-2023, 07:11 AM)p1acebo Wrote:  Bui Kim was feted as a hero some more.  Boy have we got our priorities screwed up Big Grin
Singapore spent $20 million for hosting Kim Jong Un and Trump in a meeting, what good does that do, we certainly had our priorities screwed up............. Big Grin

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