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(28-01-2025, 12:40 PM)Manthink Wrote: Being a Chinese is already a "religious" experience by itself of over 5000 years.
(28-01-2025, 12:22 PM)revealer Wrote: Who says do? Only the CCP has no religion. Some said CCP is a cult and many r worshipping it.
(28-01-2025, 12:41 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote: Indians are 100 times more religious…Chinese pray to god for wealth…linking God to money.
(28-01-2025, 12:52 PM)Manthink Wrote: Yet...the Chinese only absorbs just 1 religion that originate from "India"...![]()
(28-01-2025, 12:56 PM)RiseofAsia Wrote: 儒家、佛教和道教(儒释道)对中国人的影响深远且广泛。以下是它们对中国文化和社会的主要影响:
1. **儒家**:儒家思想由孔子创立,强调仁、礼、忠、恕等道德规范。儒家思想在中国社会中占据主导地位,影响了中国的教育、政治和家庭伦理。儒家提倡的“仁政”和“民贵君轻”思想对中国古代政治制度产生了深远影响
2. **佛教**:佛教在公元前6-5世纪由释迦牟尼创立,传入中国后,与中国本土文化相融合,形成了具有中国特色的佛教文化。佛教强调慈悲、平等和自觉觉他,对中国人的精神生活和道德观念产生了重要影响
3. **道教**:道教由老子和庄子等人创立,强调自然无为、顺应自然。道教思想对中国人的生活态度、养生方法和艺术创作产生了深远影响。道教的“无为而治”思想在中国古代政治中也有一定的影响
(28-01-2025, 12:47 PM)RiseofAsia Wrote: It has religion lah but it is called 3 in 1 religion.
(28-01-2025, 01:00 PM)Manthink Wrote: IMHO, that falls under cultural-eccentric civilisational tradition than ideology like "religion", many of which didn't exist 5000 years ago...
(28-01-2025, 01:04 PM)RiseofAsia Wrote: Chinese are openness to religion, Chinese ancestors were smart, taught us dont only devote to one religion. 要学就学多一点。 主要是受易经的启发。
(28-01-2025, 11:04 PM)Manthink Wrote: Oh I before I forget....Wish All a Very Happy Prosperous New Year of the Snake !
新年快乐 心想事成
恭喜发财 万事如意 !
HUAT AH!![]()
(29-01-2025, 09:26 AM)Bw2023 Wrote: How Chinese emperors worshipped God in the past
The rituals of worship may have been different then, according to their cultural practices
But they did believe in the existence of one God in heaven...the same one God that Abraham worshipped