Chips war? Trade war? China hitting back liao!


Intel delays ceremony for Ohio factory over lack of government funding

Intel says its plans ‘depend heavily’ on government subsidies

Intel is postponing the groundbreaking ceremony for its planned chip-making facilities in Ohio because the US government hasn’t yet provided it with funding, the company confirmed to The Verge (via The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal). The ceremony, which was originally set to take place on July 22nd, has been delayed indefinitely in a likely bid to push the US government towards passing the CHIPS Act.

Intel announced its $20 billion plan to build two semiconductor plants in New Albany, Ohio earlier this year, noting that its expansion to potentially include up to eight plants will “depend heavily on funding from the CHIPS Act.” The CHIPS Act reserves $52 billion in funding for semiconductor companies, including Intel, to promote chip manufacturing in the US. While the Senate and House have approved their own versions of the bill, movement on its finalization has stalled in Congress.

Intel told US lawmakers and government officials that it’s delaying its ceremony “due in part to uncertainty around” the CHIPS Act, according to an email viewed by the WSJ. In a statement to The Verge, Intel spokesperson William Moss reiterates that the “scope and pace” of the company’s project rely on funding from the CHIPS Act. “Unfortunately, CHIPS Act funding has moved more slowly than we expected and we still don’t know when it will get done,” Moss adds.

Kokee, how?

【本週熱門頭條】美國制裁 反助陸晶片飛躍成長! 中美造艦大賽? 003航母剛下水 已開始設計004!@頭條開講

帝國淪亡路!投資最荒謬一頁!台灣晶片前進德州!50億美元蓋晶圓廠!美國卡在晶片法案沒過無法補助!台廠放話去韓國! @頭條開講

Y China not ask TSMC to go China.  Xi should give TSMC directors good position to attract them to defect,  right?


(29-06-2022, 09:45 PM)teaserteam Wrote:  Y China not ask TSMC to go China.  Xi should give TSMC directors good position to attract the to defect,  right?

You don't know TSMC got factory in Mainland China?  Thinking

got morons believe such shit?
Taiwan & TSMC even burnt down all their technology, they will never share with ccp china, clear?
as for US, no need to worry, whether TSMC build in japan, germany or Europe, anywhere, ther advanced technology, will never build in china.
china bark need to attack taiwan for TSMC technology already tell  the world, china know nut about IC technology, that is why must war to rob.
Morons here bother such BS no common sense lies are real morons.
china & taiwan IC manufacturing gap? 3 nm vs 50nm now as below!!!!  likely need 25-50 yrs, by then the gap will be wider, LOL LOL.
TSMC major shareholder is US.

打臉中國“芯片對抗”計畫, 以為打下台灣, 就能自造芯片? 為何台灣能造芯片, 中國卻不行的原因 !


Everybody’s know you are moronic kokee king of lies envy jealousy hor LOL LOL

美國半導體計劃受挫, 英特爾放棄 LG暫停 2022 0702



【盧秀芳辣晚報】買的比用掉還多 晶片囤貨成隱形炸彈 供應過剩恐隨時爆發@中天新聞 精華版


(07-07-2022, 01:51 PM)kokee Wrote:  now not only ASML EUV machine cannot sell to china to make 14 nm & below like 7nm or 3 nm IC.
DUV to make 14nm or 28nm or even 50 nm & more IC also ban to sell to china now.
means china can only produce super low end, 20-30 yrs old IC in future, many already end of life IC.
china IC sibei jialat liao!! comie dogs can bark whatever lies & BS, norm.
Ton of electronic hard to made in china anymore as all these IC need to import from oversea in near future!!

The ultimate killer move! U.S. want to ban the export of ASML DUV lithography to China completely.

end of china IC industry, stop selling all IC equipment to china including spare parts, china probably can only make 90nm & above IC inside china in later stage!
question here is china will never can produce high end & advanced IC, only old technology, low end, high power IC in china.

Now not only EUV cant sell to china, DUV also soon will be banned in china, then generally game over for china IC industry!!

美台日韓Chip 4晶片聯盟,強化供應鏈對抗中國,下月啟動


Now, they even want to delay the launching of New Nvidia RTx 4000x and AMD Radeon 7000x series GPUs. After announcing this news, the current high end GPU still dropping in price. The actual stockpile in the current market is beyond imagination.

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"


据美国政治新闻网站POLITICO 7月18日报道,包括英特尔在内的多家美国芯片制造商正在与美国政府官员沟通,希望在拟定的芯片法案中放开部分在华业务。据报道,多位知情人士透露,英特尔与美国半导体行业协会(SIA)正在游说美国政府官员,希望减少对华设置所谓“护栏”,以允许这些半导体公司在华发展。SIA的成员还包括AMD、博通、高通等企业。报道指出,草案具体细则仍在谈判中,可能会阻止接受该法案资助的公司在中国建立或扩大先进半导体设施。




Computer chips face toilet paper hoarding moment as shortage turns to glut

A supply chain crisis triggered by the global pandemic deprived makers of PCs and smartphones to cars of computer chips needed to make their products.

Chip shortages turned into a glut in some sectors. By late June, memory chip firm Micron Technology said it would reduce production.

Chip shortages turned into a glut in some sectors, taking Wall Street by surprise. By late June, memory chip firm Micron Technology said it would reduce production. The market reversal caught Micron off guard, admitted Chief Business Officer Sumit Sadana.

As U.S. chip earnings reporting season kicks off later this month, TechInsights’ chip economist Dan Hutcheson warned of more bad news following Micron’s grim forecast. “Micron kind of plowed the ground, with their honesty,” he said.

Worries about an industry downturn have slammed chip stocks, with the Philadelphia Semiconductor index tumbling 35% so far in 2022, far more than the S&P 500′s 19% loss.

Hoarding is making it worse. Like nervous shoppers raiding supermarket aisles for toilet paper ahead of a Covid-19 lockdown, manufacturers stockpiled computer chips during the pandemic. Before that, “just in time” manufacturing was the norm for fiscally conservative companies, which ordered parts as close to production time as possible to avoid excess inventory, reduce warehouse capacity and cut upfront spending.

TSMC rule IC world today, samsung totally kneel down with their BS 3 nm!!
game over for china IC industry!!

TSMC may joins hands with Volkswagen to manufacture self-designed chips

Lifeline cut off! China's chip epic slump, big fund president corruption


(19-07-2022, 01:34 PM)cityhantam Wrote:

Computer chips face toilet paper hoarding moment as shortage turns to glut

A supply chain crisis triggered by the global pandemic deprived makers of PCs and smartphones to cars of computer chips needed to make their products.

Chip shortages turned into a glut in some sectors. By late June, memory chip firm Micron Technology said it would reduce production.

Chip shortages turned into a glut in some sectors, taking Wall Street by surprise. By late June, memory chip firm Micron Technology said it would reduce production. The market reversal caught Micron off guard, admitted Chief Business Officer Sumit Sadana.

As U.S. chip earnings reporting season kicks off later this month, TechInsights’ chip economist Dan Hutcheson warned of more bad news following Micron’s grim forecast. “Micron kind of plowed the ground, with their honesty,” he said.

Worries about an industry downturn have slammed chip stocks, with the Philadelphia Semiconductor index tumbling 35% so far in 2022, far more than the S&P 500′s 19% loss.

Hoarding is making it worse. Like nervous shoppers raiding supermarket aisles for toilet paper ahead of a Covid-19 lockdown, manufacturers stockpiled computer chips during the pandemic. Before that, “just in time” manufacturing was the norm for fiscally conservative companies, which ordered parts as close to production time as possible to avoid excess inventory, reduce warehouse capacity and cut upfront spending.

Bankrupt loser kokee 

Who let the slave kokee out woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof 
Karma kokee

【盧秀芳辣晚報】晶片代工長約客戶"寧付違約金也不取貨" 矽晶圓需求恐降溫?!@中天新聞 精華版

【頭條開講】中國晶片大躍進!沒EUV也造出7奈米晶片!白宮一片慌亂!ASML反拜登!全球晶片鏈缺中不行! 20220722 @頭條開講

美打造芯片 四方聯盟, 陸國產化雄起 與時間賽跑 2022 0722

爆打美方脫鉤盤算 中芯國際突破7nm 2022 0723

SMIC 7 nm mass production, got morons believe?
as below, SMIC steal TSMC patent & technology without paying any royalty or get approval from TSMC, china is a thief, norm, almost in all technology, infringement of patent or copy right! almost in all trades, no original innovation & invention.
Use your brain, if china come out with their own technology, they will shout like crazy to show off like moron, but why keep so quiet? this news comes from US instead, IC only used in  Crypto company, or course, SMIC can never mass production their 7nm due to equipment constraint, can only small quantity build.
today TSMC mess production 3 nm, announce latest technology never heard of in the world, TSMC today at least 10 generation ahead of SMIC, based on current development, gives SMIC 50 yrs will never reach TSMC today!

China does not have EUV but makes 7nm?

TSMC's secret killer: surpassing the mainstream roadmap of the chip industry. HPC, SiGe pFET, DTCO.


(23-07-2022, 06:00 PM)kokee Wrote:  SMIC 7 nm mass production, got morons believe?
as below, SMIC steal TSMC patent & technology without paying any royalty or get approval from TSMC, china is a thief, norm, almost in all technology, infringement of patent or copy right! almost in all trades, no original innovation & invention.
Use your brain, if china come out with their own technology, they will shout like crazy to show off like moron, but why keep so quiet? this news comes from US instead, IC only used in  Crypto company, or course, SMIC can never mass production their 7nm due to equipment constraint, can only small quantity build.
today TSMC mess production 3 nm, announce latest technology never heard of in the world, TSMC today at least 10 generation ahead of SMIC, based on current development, gives SMIC 50 yrs will never reach TSMC today!

China does not have EUV but makes 7nm?

TSMC's secret killer: surpassing the mainstream roadmap of the chip industry. HPC, SiGe pFET, DTCO.

U r saying China stole COVID from USA lab right? Rotfl

(23-07-2022, 06:00 PM)kokee Wrote:  SMIC 7 nm mass production, got morons believe?
as below, SMIC steal TSMC patent & technology without paying any royalty or get approval from TSMC, china is a thief, norm, almost in all technology, infringement of patent or copy right! almost in all trades, no original innovation & invention.
Use your brain, if china come out with their own technology, they will shout like crazy to show off like moron, but why keep so quiet? this news comes from US instead, IC only used in  Crypto company, or course, SMIC can never mass production their 7nm due to equipment constraint, can only small quantity build.
today TSMC mess production 3 nm, announce latest technology never heard of in the world, TSMC today at least 10 generation ahead of SMIC, based on current development, gives SMIC 50 yrs will never reach TSMC today!

China does not have EUV but makes 7nm?

TSMC's secret killer: surpassing the mainstream roadmap of the chip industry. HPC, SiGe pFET, DTCO.

China is winning Clapping


(26-06-2022, 08:06 PM)cityhantam Wrote:

Intel delays ceremony for Ohio factory over lack of government funding

Intel says its plans 'depend on heavily' on government subsidies

Intel is postponing the groundbreaking ceremony for its planned chip-making facilities in Ohio because the US government hasn't yet provided it with funding, the company confirmed to The Verge (via The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal) . The ceremony, which was originally set to take place on July 22nd, has been delayed indefinitely in a likely bid to push the US government towards passing the CHIPS Act.

Intel announced its $20 billion plan to build two semiconductor plants in New Albany, Ohio earlier this year, noting that its expansion to include potentially up to eight plants will “depend heavily on funding from the CHIPS Act.” The CHIPS Act reserves $52 billion in funding for semiconductor companies, including Intel, to promote chip manufacturing in the US. While the Senate and House have approved their own versions of the bill, movement on its finalization has stalled in Congress.

Intel told US lawmakers and government officials that it's delaying its ceremony “due in part to uncertainty around” the CHIPS Act, according to an email viewed by the WSJ. In a statement to The Verge, Intel spokesperson William Moss reiterates that the “scope and pace” of the company’s project rely on funding from the CHIPS Act. “Unfortunately, CHIPS Act funding has moved more slowly than we expected and we still don’t know when it will get done,” Moss adds.

Bankrupt loser kokee howling jealous 

Who let the slave kokee out woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof 

Jealousy kokee

中國晶片大躍進!沒EUV也造出7奈米晶片!白宮一片慌亂!ASML反拜登!全球晶片鏈缺中不行! 20220722@頭條開講


(23-07-2022, 06:00 PM)kokee Wrote:  SMIC 7 nm mass production, got morons believe?
as below, SMIC steal TSMC patent & technology without paying any royalty or get approval from TSMC, china is a thief, norm, almost in all technology, infringement of patent or copy right! almost in all trades, no original innovation & invention.
Use your brain, if china come out with their own technology, they will shout like crazy to show off like moron, but why keep so quiet? this news comes from US instead, IC only used in  Crypto company, or course, SMIC can never mass production their 7nm due to equipment constraint, can only small quantity build.
today TSMC mess production 3 nm, announce latest technology never heard of in the world, TSMC today at least 10 generation ahead of SMIC, based on current development, gives SMIC 50 yrs will never reach TSMC today!

China does not have EUV but makes 7nm?

TSMC's secret killer: surpassing the mainstream roadmap of the chip industry. HPC, SiGe pFET, DTCO.

china can only steal technology or copy cat, no way to innovate or invent with original design!

中國變"抄人"?中企"中芯國際"傳偷出貨7奈米晶片 拆解疑抄襲台積電製程技術遭抓包


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