Fighter Jets Just Took Off

entire fücking day 10 over f5 & f15 nonstop in the sky

night time cant even let residents have a peaceful time at home

please do just crash one fücking time with pilot onboard 

and may the offsprings of these pilots never reach adulthood

today 142 149 their offsprings died is it?

disturbance entire fúcking day

or their spouses died?

(24-04-2024, 08:41 PM)KILLjoy Wrote:  today 142 149 their offsprings died is it?

disturbance entire fúcking day

or their spouses died?
Something which I can’t understand.
1. Why we can’t declare our national reserve but we can tell the whole world how many fighter jets we have?
2. SG population so little. One count also can tell how many soldiers we have. So what kind of defense are we talking over here? Enemy from south or north spit saliva at us also can drown us.

(24-04-2024, 09:16 PM)Buffybuffy Wrote:  Something which I can’t understand.
1. Why we can’t declare our national reserve but we can tell the whole world how many fighter jets we have?
2. SG population so little. One count also can tell how many soldiers we have. So what kind of defense are we talking over here? Enemy from south or north spit saliva at us also can drown us.

regardg national reserves which i dont understand too... is

even they declared, 

what do peasants like us stand to gain?
or what benefits will one get?

northern / southern gonna wage war?

you think they bear to spend millions taking over a country of nothing?

they aint stupid.

they are only good in sabotaging

anyway stinkapore full of northern and southern businesses and buildings,

wage what war?

our almighty f5s f15s f16s and soon f35s training flying so hard 24/7 same route some more

definitely we wldnt even thought of losing a war if there is one

else we would have been wasted our mental torture for nothing

anyway if theres war,
will flee first when theres a chance
this country now aint worth saving nor fighting for

(24-04-2024, 09:16 PM)Buffybuffy Wrote:  Something which I can’t understand.
1. Why we can’t declare our national reserve but we can tell the whole world how many fighter jets we have?
2. SG population so little. One count also can tell how many soldiers we have. So what kind of defense are we talking over here? Enemy from south or north spit saliva at us also can drown us.

1 I suppose is to prevent raiders like Soros to know our cash flow. 

2.Sg is less defendable as compare to twenty years ago as having a smaller younger population and warfare changes,
but we still have to show it is painful to eat us.

under a behkan leader
fighter jets been allowed to fly every fück day above residential area destroying disturbing
residency wellbeing
increasing residency stress

weekdays no peace
weekends no peace
public holidays also no fücking peace

wanna have a conversation over the phone also difficult

hope the entire f15 squadrons die faster together with their loved ones

a failed leader allows such to happen everyday

plane crashed inside Tengah AB.

Tengah BTO wlwlsmdwl.

Heng plane never crashed onto nearby flats

No weapons that forms against me shall prosper
No tongue that rises against me I shall condemn 

(08-05-2024, 02:52 PM)Lukongsimi Wrote:  Heng plane never crashed onto nearby flats

the possibility is there.  Never say never.
[+] 1 user Likes K88 shu shu's post

(08-05-2024, 02:52 PM)Lukongsimi Wrote:  Heng plane never crashed onto nearby flats

Those people living there very dangerous lah! Confused
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Today skies very quiet hor PEACE leh LMAO

I wonder how many years of flying this pilot has.

Peaceful quiet to watch TV hor no noise pollution hurry LMAO

please crash more
please crash more
please crash more
please crash more
please crash more
please crash more
please crash more
please crash more
please crash more

cheesepie, wrong jet....

wrong jet
wrong jet
wrong jet
wrong jet
wrong jet
wrong jet
wrong jet
wrong jet
wrong jet


should be those mini excavator's turn to crash into foreigner driven vehicle

a life doesnt matter as its just a number
the more the merrier
just like how theyve been imported


Actually at night also can heard plane flying, I don’t stay near Changi Airport.

I stay at Central Area. Sometimes I asleep at night can heard plane flying of course is not loud like RSAF jet plane like that.

dear god

for fuchs sake

aim correctly this time round

its F15, pilot inclusive

leave no mercy

best explosion above mid air

yesterday 10 over f15s
today another

will pray for the day 1 f15 crash and burn

really fucking pests
born without proper discipline other than disturbing people's lives

may the greatest misfortune befalls on the entire family of these f15 squadrons

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