General Election : Which major aspect of life has PAP improved over the years?

(05-07-2024, 04:14 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:   You have resorted to personal attacks in order not to respond To any of the points I raised.

You are full of.lies

I did not work in McD I worked at a fast food joint. I did not retire after that I stared my own business but had to close it due to covid. I am now living on my savings but unable to start the next business due to high cost. I do day  trading to make ends meet....but I prefer to do business if I can.

You attack me  sqying i dont care for Singapore or not. This us untrue. Nothing pains me more than to see our country's identity eroded to this state. Like some one said earlier...they sold our soul for money.
...actually they sold everything that matters for money.

Doesn't matter if it was MacD or KFC. You'd been very secretive about which "fast food joint" it was, just like you refused to answer my question about what your A level results were, subject by subject.

You are very bitter about not getting a place to study in NUS because your results were not good enough. And your parents cannot afford to send you to Australia so you blame PAP...  Big Grin

Btw, stop using lofty terms like investments and day trading, can? You fuckking well know it's gambling and it's additive.

You are a very bitter man who has entered middle age. You aren't a yang man anymore. You've squandered your youth, refused to work, and you know that other than your 2 years as a crew boy at MacD... I mean "a fast food joint", you have no working experience to show ... 

You blame PAP for this. 

Oppies always have some personal grudges which made them diehards... Like HHH and Roy Ngerng. You are the same.  Big Grin

Observer = KILLjoy = starbugstk = Dan = lvlrsSTI = OWNER.
Trying so hard to find my Archilles Point wor. Hehe Love

(05-07-2024, 04:42 AM)Oyk Wrote:  Doesn't matter if it was MacD or KFC. You'd been very secretive about which "fast food joint" it was, just like you refused to answer my question about what your A level results were, subject by subject.

You are very bitter about not getting a place to study in NUS because your results were not good enough. And your parents cannot afford to send you to Australia so you blame PAP...  Big Grin

Btw, stop using lofty terms like investments and day trading, can? You fuckking well know it's gambling and it's additive.

You are a very bitter man who has entered middle age. You aren't a yang man anymore. You've squandered your youth, refused to work, and you know that other than your 2 years as a crew boy at MacD... I mean "a fast food joint", you have no working experience to show ... 

You blame PAP for this. 

Oppies always have some personal grudges which made them diehards... Like HHH and Roy Ngerng. You are the same.  Big Grin

sgbuffet love sillypore very much..

not like me. i want to whack it off the map.

salute to u sgbuffet... hormat senjataaaaaaaaaaaa... majulah singapura.

sgbuffet is a real lion. i am a donkey. i nvr go election,, sorry erection also cannot. i cannot help sillypore
[+] 1 user Likes victortan's post

(04-07-2024, 02:19 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:  I  am not talking about those one off CDC vouchers.

I am also open to any views on this.

My objective views.are:

1. Cost of living..worsen alot.
2. Housing affordability ....worsen also.
3. Medical cost and quality of care ....more expensive and hospital more overcrowded.
4. Job security....compared with 1980s 1990s downhill all tye way.
5. Transport affordability ...for those who need a car especially bad and unaffordable.
6. Retirement age....delayed work longer and harder need I say more.
7. Fertility rate ...fell to record lows ..govt seems uninterested in more policies to address this.
8. Food prices need to argue...justblook at escalation at hawker centers.
9. Utilities  ...double digitvprice increase above rate of increase of wages.
10. Civil liberties, democratic rights, free speech....may not matter to most Singaooreans but some people feel strongly about this. ...this also declined POFMA, etc.
11. General livability ...whole country is getting overcrowded with packed buses. ...even go to ATM have to queue longer. Place is just overcrowded.
12  poverty rates and social inequality has also worsened steadily....
13. Stress levels is one of the worse  in the world with rising suicides.

I admit the mrt has improved since CEO Saw Phaik Hwa time ...but it starts at a low base when the entire system was tetterjng on breakdown.

Other than that all major aspect of life jobs, housing, medical, etc has declined going into this General Election..

Below are references and proof of points j have raised.

Stress levels

Birth rate

Home prices

Suicides highest in 20yrs

Singapore high cost of living

Double digit medical cost

Retirement scheme fails a large number of Singaporeans 86%


all come down to one word only "MONEY" 

no money no talk. everywhere u go in this world.

(05-07-2024, 04:42 AM)Oyk Wrote:  Doesn't matter if it was MacD or KFC. You'd been very secretive about which "fast food joint" it was, just like you refused to answer my question about what your A level results were, subject by subject.

You are very bitter about not getting a place to study in NUS because your results were not good enough. And your parents cannot afford to send you to Australia so you blame PAP...  Big Grin

Btw, stop using lofty terms like investments and day trading, can? You fuckking well know it's gambling and it's additive.

You are a very bitter man who has entered middle age. You aren't a yang man anymore. You've squandered your youth, refused to work, and you know that other than your 2 years as a crew boy at MacD... I mean "a fast food joint", you have no working experience to show ... 

You blame PAP for this. 

Oppies always have some personal grudges which made them diehards... Like HHH and Roy Ngerng. You are the same.  Big Grin

You are a very small person for going ad hominem on the topic ...whether I am a billionaire or a begger does not change how PAP has performed for the man on the street, the citizens of Singapore.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

Ah Butt....Next time just sell your home and live like a king in kampong Muar.  Big Grin
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(05-07-2024, 04:02 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  High low for those who have one home what does it matter.? Sell and live on the streets????

It does matter however for young couples starting a family and need a home. And  for families who need to upgrade from smaller they cannot afford to do so. 

It's like shoes. If you are a user with one pair ....price shoot up means you cannot afford the next pair. But if you own a shoe shop, the higher the price the better for you. PAP policies causing high housing cost by importing many people only benefits property developers and those with multiple homes. If you are living in a rental flat now it is hard for you to progress.

Please read my thread no where did I claim coalition can do better or worse. It is about whether this PAP govt has done its job and deserve our vote. If not more people will vote against them. Not necessarily a coalition govt at next GE but more opposition in parliament and to set an agenda for what we want from this govt.

So far not a single person has disputed a single.fact on my original post. Beside those who said PAP has had more scandals - this may be a point I should not have left out.

But it is clear almost nothing has improved.under this PAP govt.

You can sell and buy 40 years flexi lease to live comfortably until bye bye. There is a way out. So you are wrong to fix Singaporean into a dead end. Admit it!!! 🤣

Plus which govt plan give 100% of her citizen to have a comfortable house to live in for life? Bolehland? You should checkout with the locals over there. 

Chasing High cost? Which compact city-state housing is more affordable than our HDB Flat? 
Giving grants for young couples purchasing flat?

No one disputed your post is due to the context being too bias la. No point arguing. 
We are democratic, you can think whatever you like about Singapore improvement. Cheers!

The way to prove your perception of Singapore is through votes in GE. After all that's your thread headline  

More votes for PAP, proves our lives are improving. What you perceive is wrong and lies. 
Coalition Opposition government win the GE, you are correct. 

So simple as that, democratically settled. Majulah!!!
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(04-07-2024, 06:54 PM)RiseofAsia Wrote:  When did they solve the problem before? Rotfl

High cost of living.
Low birth rate.
High COE.
High medical cost.
GST from 0 to 9%.
CPF cannot retire happily.
Work until die.
My opinion 

High cost of living. - govt cannot do anything about external factors but they can help by not increasing those water tax, transport fares, carbon tax, etc

Low birth rate. - this is another one govt cannot help directly. They can only provide incentives to have baby but if selfish/self entitled people such as sgbuffet exists, whatever incentives provided will not get them to start a family.

High COE. - we are a small island with efficient public transport. We are not like those big countries where public transport is not able to reach many places. 

High medical cost. - if not wrong, govt did subsidise a substantial amount. If u bothered to look at the bill, u will realise that

GST from 0 to 9%. - if everybody have sense of entitlement, want this, want that, everything also expect govt to pick a to subsidize, govt must increase their source of income 

CPF cannot retire happily. - there must be other reasons why one is not happy after retirement. Definitely not due to CPF. CPF only provide a source of income. How much u get depends on how much u save during working years.

Work until die. - So far, those old people in the company I've worked before, they work to pass time. Their children have grown up, if they don't work they feel bored at home. If we grow old and children have grown up or maybe don't have children, we need to think of what we are going to do everyday if we don't work. Are u able to plan daily activities to do when retired? Or just laze at home and wait to die?
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(05-07-2024, 07:21 AM)winbig Wrote:  My opinion 

High cost of living. - govt cannot do anything about external factors but they can help by not increasing those water tax, transport fares, carbon tax, etc

Low birth rate. - this is another one govt cannot help directly. They can only provide incentives to have baby but if selfish/self entitled people such as sgbuffet exists, whatever incentives provided will not get them to start a family.

High COE. - we are a small island with efficient public transport. We are not like those big countries where public transport is not able to reach many places. 

High medical cost. - if not wrong, govt did subsidise a substantial amount. If u bothered to look at the bill, u will realise that

GST from 0 to 9%. - if everybody have sense of entitlement, want this, want that, everything also expect govt to pick a to subsidize, govt must increase their source of income 

CPF cannot retire happily. - there must be other reasons why one is not happy after retirement. Definitely not due to CPF. CPF only provide a source of income. How much u get depends on how much u save during working years.

Work until die. - So far, those old people in the company I've worked before, they work to pass time. Their children have grown up, if they don't work they feel bored at home. If we grow old and children have grown up or maybe don't have children, we need to think of what we are going to do everyday if we don't work. Are u able to plan daily activities to do when retired? Or just laze at home and wait to die?

Thanks for your reply.

Your opinion seems that many problems the PAP govt cannot tackle because problem is cause by external.factors and constraints of being a small island. Small roads so we need COE.

On this fact we facts constraints of land...

Don't you think that the decision to pack so many people until singapore becomes most densely packed country in the world.causes cost of living to shoot up?

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

(05-07-2024, 06:46 AM)moonrab Wrote:  You can sell and buy 40 years flexi lease to live comfortably until bye bye. There is a way out. So you are wrong to fix Singaporean into a dead end. Admit it!!! 🤣

Plus which govt plan give 100% of her citizen to have a comfortable house to live in for life? Bolehland? You should checkout with the locals over there. 

Chasing High cost? Which compact city-state housing is more affordable than our HDB Flat? 
Giving grants for young couples purchasing flat?

No one disputed your post is due to the context being too bias la. No point arguing. 
We are democratic, you can think whatever you like about Singapore improvement. Cheers!

The way to prove your perception of Singapore is through votes in GE. After all that's your thread headline  

More votes for PAP, proves our lives are improving. What you perceive is wrong and lies. 
Coalition Opposition government win the GE, you are correct. 

So simple as that, democratically settled. Majulah!!!

Okay there js lease bay back. People can also sell their homes and try to live on the money keeping some of it for rental.

But how does that solves the unaffrodabikity for those who need to by a home and upgrade from their current homes?

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

(05-07-2024, 07:21 AM)winbig Wrote:  My opinion 

High cost of living. - govt cannot do anything about external factors but they can help by not increasing those water tax, transport fares, carbon tax, etc

Low birth rate. - this is another one govt cannot help directly. They can only provide incentives to have baby but if selfish/self entitled people such as sgbuffet exists, whatever incentives provided will not get them to start a family.

High COE. - we are a small island with efficient public transport. We are not like those big countries where public transport is not able to reach many places. 

High medical cost. - if not wrong, govt did subsidise a substantial amount. If u bothered to look at the bill, u will realise that

GST from 0 to 9%. - if everybody have sense of entitlement, want this, want that, everything also expect govt to pick a to subsidize, govt must increase their source of income 

CPF cannot retire happily. - there must be other reasons why one is not happy after retirement. Definitely not due to CPF. CPF only provide a source of income. How much u get depends on how much u save during working years.

Work until die. - So far, those old people in the company I've worked before, they work to pass time. Their children have grown up, if they don't work they feel bored at home. If we grow old and children have grown up or maybe don't have children, we need to think of what we are going to do everyday if we don't work. Are u able to plan daily activities to do when retired? Or just laze at home and wait to die?

The issue now is we don’t expect it to become better but it has become worse and worse… Rotfl
External factor is no longer an excuse. They need to tackle the issue seriously. Otherwise, we are going to be in trouble sooner or later.

You can fool some of the ppl some of the time but you can’t fool all of the ppl of the time.

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

I hope something like UK election happen here too

I am just a tiny plankton in the ocean.

(05-07-2024, 07:46 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  Okay there js lease bay back. People can also sell their homes and try to live on the money keeping some of it for rental.

But how does that solves the unaffrodabikity for those who need to by a home and upgrade from their current homes?

If one cannot afford to buy our bto 3 room flat in lower price valuation HDB town. Together with the Government grants, you think they can buy a flat in other countries cities?
How low you wanted the flat price to be in a city?.🤣.

If ones income is below the nation average level, why would you want to upgrade to a bigger flat?

Even in bigger countries, those living in undevelope countryside, cannot afford to upgrade buying a smaller flat in their city. With better infrastructure and jobs opportunity. 

Get real la....
You ask the Malaysian living in rural countryside area to buy a smaller house in KL. See what they tell you lo...affordable? ..🤣

Size of house is not the only criteria to fix a person life quality and wealth.
A millions $ flat in Hongkong is often smaller than our 3 room flat...
So all millionaire Hkgers are poor and suffering..🤣🤣🤣

Mai luan luan
Never underestimate Singaporean's worldwide knowledge and experience.
People is laughing at the comments over here.
Even the uncle and auntie in kopitiam also know what is going on internationally. They fly to HK, Japan and China for holidays hor.
Not only to BolehLand...🤣

(05-07-2024, 07:46 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  Okay there js lease bay back. People can also sell their homes and try to live on the money keeping some of it for rental.

But how does that solves the unaffrodabikity for those who need to by a home and upgrade from their current homes?

"Okay there js lease bay back. People can also sell their homes and try to live on the money keeping some of it for rental."

99 or 40 years, all are purchase contracted conditions. Even the 1.5 million $ condo is 99 years lease purchase. No guarantee en bloc hor🤭
In China and HK, most 60 years lease purchase. 
So what?🤣🤣🤣🤣

You retired in a 40 years lease new bto $100k flat.
After selling your hdb flat for $400k to $600k.
Use the balance $500k for retirement daily expenses. 
Not enough? 😂😂😂

Ok maybe you expected all Singaporean must have a fully paid house with $1 million cash in hand..🤭
Your Coalition Government can fulfil this wish. Excellence!!!!🤗🤗🤗

Vote vote vote for Opposition to have a flat and $1 million cash for all...yea!!! Majulah!!!
[+] 1 user Likes moonrab's post

(05-07-2024, 05:42 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  You are a very small person for going ad hominem  on the topic ...whether I am a billionaire or a begger  does not change how PAP has performed for the man on the street, the citizens of Singapore.

Very small person.

Talking about ad hominem.  Rotfl

Observer = KILLjoy = starbugstk = Dan = lvlrsSTI = OWNER.
Trying so hard to find my Archilles Point wor. Hehe Love

(05-07-2024, 07:46 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  Okay there js lease bay back. People can also sell their homes and try to live on the money keeping some of it for rental.

But how does that solves the unaffrodabikity for those who need to by a home and upgrade from their current homes?

Landed properties and the high end condos are unaffordable for the masses.  The government will not use taxpayers' money to subsidize peepuir who want to buy those.

But if you fall into the HDB flat buyer category, or BTO as it is now commonly called. you get huge grants. No married couple had been unable to buy a BTO.

You are bitter because you are single and could not make $$$$$ from buying a flat directly from HDB.

But to pretend to be concerned about others who are married, that's boo sheet! Big Grin

Observer = KILLjoy = starbugstk = Dan = lvlrsSTI = OWNER.
Trying so hard to find my Archilles Point wor. Hehe Love

(05-07-2024, 07:53 AM)Rainforest Wrote:  I hope something like UK election happen here too

It is unlikely as PAP designed a system of one party rule where various machinery is sued against opposition tk weaken and discredit them.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.
[+] 1 user Likes sgbuffett's post

(05-07-2024, 07:43 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  Thanks for your reply.

Your opinion seems that many problems the PAP govt cannot tackle because problem is cause by external.factors and constraints of being a small island. Small roads so we need COE.

On this fact we facts constraints of land...

Don't you think that the decision to pack so many people until singapore becomes most densely packed country in the world.causes cost of living to shoot up?

3.5 m of our population of 6 m are Singaporeans, of which 1 million are old folks.  Another 1 million are still below 21, schooling or doing NS, or not yet even started schooling.

Do you see any problem with this demographic profile?  You certainly don't but a lot of peepur do wor.

Old folks and chewren don't work, or else don't earn much.  They add up to 2 m and are supported financially by 1.5 m - the sandwiched generation who has to support the young below and the old above.

You don't face this problem because you are single and whatever you made from gambling, you splurge on durians for yourself.  I did not make this wrote about eating durians which were in season.  

You don't have a son or daughter in Sec 1 or 2 to feed durians with. 

And you are a lucky one. Others have to look after their parents, while you.... your mother is still cooking for you, washing your clothes for you, you simply live off her, and live in her flat which you are waiting to inherit.  She is not your sandwich. You are hers. From the taim you were born, she had to feed you and her own parents (your grandparetns), she was sandwiched but till nao, she still has to feed you.  Tsk Tsk. Big Grin

And here you are, pretending to care about other peepurs' future, what Singapore would become for them and their chewren........come on! Who are trying trying to fool? Rotfl

Observer = KILLjoy = starbugstk = Dan = lvlrsSTI = OWNER.
Trying so hard to find my Archilles Point wor. Hehe Love

(05-07-2024, 09:26 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  It is unlikely as PAP designed a system of one party rule where various machinery is sued against opposition tk weaken and discredit them.

It appears that you are making a grave accusation.
Our GE is the chance for people like you to change the Government. 
The question is whether the majority of people are on your side.

One month after LHL left his PM post, how many MP sessions (in hours) he carried out?

LW still doing his MP sessions?

For one thing most crucial that I know. Locals are been side-lined and they adore and embrace FTs with open arms. I wil never supports these pappies who are not concerns abt our livelihoods. My future generations must be protected.
[+] 1 user Likes Gemstar's post

(05-07-2024, 06:07 AM)pinkpanther Wrote:  Ah Butt....Next time just sell your home and live like a king in kampong Muar.  Big Grin

Gd idea to monetize it now, as gd things dun last long

Yesterday saw one very nice 2bedder at jb only rm 700+.

(05-07-2024, 09:39 AM)moonrab Wrote:  It appears that you are making a grave accusation.
Our GE is the chance for people like you to change the Government. 
The question is whether the majority of people are on your side.

These are not grave accusations but rational observations 

1. POFMA decided by PAP Minister ...
2. Elections Dept under PM office.
3. SPH media trust who is from PAP.
4. Link of estate upgrading to who you vote for.
5. There are also close links and ranks of the elites reaching  deep into civil service SAF and Govt Limk companies. ..these structural.alignmemts are impediments to talents here to join the opposition.

If course we are not N.Korea but we are also not the bastion of democracy ...and even the PAP does not claim that.

However, yoh are right that technically the current govt can be voted out during GE. The reality is it is very hard.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

(05-07-2024, 09:26 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  It is unlikely as PAP designed a system of one party rule where various machinery is sued against opposition tk weaken and discredit them.

What is wrong with the party which wins the GE forming the government?

More and more, as you post, and I am WATCHING you, you come across as a mommy's boy.  This could be a reason why you are single.  You don't ever find any woman good enough to marry because she can never measure up to your mommy right 

You joined various dating sites, and managed to get several girls out of the house...and you should be able to fool them by telling them that you are a businessman while withholding a piece of vital information from them that you buy from Taobao and sell at an exorbitant price to lau funkers and lau funties who didn't know to buy from Taobao, Amazon, Shopee, Lazada....Tsk Tsk.  Scamming old peepur eh!  Angry

And..............................after one date, you wrote them off, one after the other.   You searched for a replacement for your mommy but none was good enough. Understand.   Tongue

Observer = KILLjoy = starbugstk = Dan = lvlrsSTI = OWNER.
Trying so hard to find my Archilles Point wor. Hehe Love

(05-07-2024, 10:45 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  *Snipped - nonsense*
If course we are not N.Korea but we are also not the bastion of democracy ...and even the PAP does not claim that.

However, yoh are right that technically the current govt can be voted out during GE. The reality is it is very hard.

Stop using high sounding words, can?  What bastion of democracy?  Trying to sound intelligent?  

Look at the US!  Trump!  Biden!  Statue of Liberty!  Bastion of democracy!  And the country is in decline!   Rolleyes

Observer = KILLjoy = starbugstk = Dan = lvlrsSTI = OWNER.
Trying so hard to find my Archilles Point wor. Hehe Love

(05-07-2024, 07:53 AM)Rainforest Wrote:  I hope something like UK election happen here too

The UK GE produced an Indian PM.  Your hope is that our next PM is Pritam Singh?  Noted.   Rolleyes

Observer = KILLjoy = starbugstk = Dan = lvlrsSTI = OWNER.
Trying so hard to find my Archilles Point wor. Hehe Love

(05-07-2024, 04:55 AM)victortan Wrote:  sgbuffet love sillypore very much..

not like me. i want to whack it off the map.

salute to u sgbuffet... hormat senjataaaaaaaaaaaa... majulah singapura.

sgbuffet is a real lion. i am a donkey. i nvr go election,, sorry erection also cannot. i cannot help sillypore

Bro, wrong syllable

Should be hormat senjaaaaaaaaa~~~~~~~ta!.

The ja should be long, and the ta short.

Observer = KILLjoy = starbugstk = Dan = lvlrsSTI = OWNER.
Trying so hard to find my Archilles Point wor. Hehe Love

(05-07-2024, 10:45 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  These are not grave accusations but rational observations 

1. POFMA decided by PAP Minister ...
2. Elections Dept under PM office.
3. SPH media trust who is from PAP.
4. Link of estate upgrading to who you vote for.
5. There are also close links and ranks of the elites reaching  deep into civil service SAF and Govt Limk companies. ..these structural.alignmemts are impediments to talents here to join the opposition.

If course we are not N.Korea but we are also not the bastion of democracy ...and even the PAP does not claim that.

However, yoh are right that technically the current govt can be voted out during GE. The reality is it is very hard.

The five points you have highlighted can be found to have similarities in the European Union, the United States, and even some Asian countries....

Nothing new mate, Obama declared he will never vote for himself after watching FoxNews. 
Trump shouting CNN FAKE NEWS.. 🤣 

The fight against fake news has similarities to laws (Pofma) in Western nations.. 

The rest of it are the same cases.

If you don't have the iron inside, quit politics. Stop whinings.

Voting is not a charitable act.
Votes should be earned through courage, determination, and the ability to enhance people's lives.

The previous batch of the Opposition did not have the privilege of higher education or wealth.
LTK, CST, etc...
However, they have demonstrated themselves to be a politician of courage and empathy for Singaporeans.

Upon experiencing defeat in a General Election, they offer their apologies and demonstrate respect for the collective decision made by the majority of Singaporean citizens.

They never sneer at Singaporean's stupidity, coward decision that caused their lost. Like what we witnessed from current opposition. Only points 👉 finger at others but not themselves.
To the extent of condemning Singapore's future to hell..🤣🤣🤣

That's exactly why they always lose, and don't have the guts, confidence to rule Singapore. Sad lots...haiz..

(04-07-2024, 06:06 PM)forum456 Wrote:  in parliament when opposition MP raised question, he quietly  fucked the oppo MP and brushed away the question.

how can oppo MP perform his duty when he ignored oppo questions ?

how can such PAP MP not affect our lives when he belittled questions by oppo MPs ?

(05-07-2024, 09:48 AM)Gemstar Wrote:  For one thing most crucial that I know. Locals are been side-lined and they adore and embrace FTs with open arms. I wil never supports these pappies who are not concerns abt our livelihoods. My future generations must be protected.
When that peanut lao goh was at University Seminar Forum attended by undergrad students in 1999, he don’t even know how to differentiate between a FW and FT when an undergrad student ask a question. What a laughing stock. Cannot be senile at that time, right?

(04-07-2024, 03:54 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:  All these are negative and embarrassing for the PAP but does not affect our lives.

we can welcome foreigners/CECA.

but to have 90% staff in changi business park to be CECA and foreigners is a betrayal by PAP.
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We have to go along with the majority. If the majority think that PAP is doing a good job there is nothing very much we can do. But if ask me to defend this country I definitely won't.

Ignore List: Oyk

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