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HJ Hongkies Sibeh Jialat!

(29-01-2022, 11:26 AM)kokee Wrote:  as above, many rich & capable HK people already left, UK, taiwan, malaysia & more.
those poor & useless cant make it will stay back & let communist brainwash their children, live without freedom & human right like china city.
many HK top school, whole class already migrated, now HK 8 university, student also shrink tremendously.
HK property & stock sink & sink, foreign funds & expat also living fast due to worry of lawless communist, before HKD unpeg, better dump.



【清零定清倉?!】香港人財兩失! 外資撤,人才走! 只有疫情留下來!

【清零定清倉?!】香港人財兩失! 外資撤,人才走! 只有疫情留下來!

force to leave or migrate, happy? have choice? life with no choice, happy? under communist has no choice, great? all 7.5 millions residents of HK must swab test, nice, no choice.
so those can leave will leave, those poor & old stay back to suffer. same as all your ancestors leeaving china in early 20th century to come to spore & malaysia. Eventually they will find a much better life after settle down.
not only local Hongkies left, many expats too, look at HK stock market today, much worse to come. Those moronic HK communist leaderssell away HK to ccp china, HK spirit will be totally gone soon. Left only tragedy, stress of no freedom & human right, slavery eventually.
Just look at HK with 6000 cases daily, lost direction, whole city panic, society on fire, finger point, more fight coming, where is HK reserved?

2.18 【金融中心沒了…!】人才員工資金通通流失,外商離開,國際金融中心在短短半年完全失去!

2.18 【金融中心沒了…!】人才員工資金通通流失,外商離開,國際金融中心在短短半年完全失去!

銀行人才bye bye 搬遷!全 民 檢 測涉67.5億,公 帑去邊到

銀行人才bye bye 搬遷!全 民 檢 測涉67.5億,公 帑去邊到

China urges UK to stop dreaming Hong Kong as its colony and denies BNO legitimacy


HK people migrating is expediting now.
more rich & capable know with Ukraine war, dont wait for the last minutes till global sanction china & HK, better dump everything fast & go.
Those poor & old have no choice to stay back.
Look at HSI & HK property price recently, trend is there.
HK today is a communist city, look at the way they treat covid, must 100% swab or ART almost every fewdays, then 0 case policy, sinovac, no difference liao, only that their death rate of covid is highest in the world now.



(13-03-2022, 10:57 AM)kokee Wrote:  HK people migrating is expediting now.

Results of rotten system left behind by your beloved AMTK daddy!

Their vaccination rates still below others
Their riots foretold, hong kongers will nor follow government orders
They paid the price
Hk billionaires had not been helpful for decades, so they really need to rethink and reflect helping those unfortunate

why their vaccination rate is low? no freedom & choice, only china made vaccine, why force other on everything including their leader, who the fxxker is appointed by moron, you have to take it.
HK prosperous under freedom, right & law ful, but now is lawless & no choice, so HSI going to see 8000? deserve it.
lost financial center? how about unpeg HKD & lost financial system? Not ccp problem, then HK people or US problem? my foot, crash it,let them blame & complain, who F care.



(13-03-2022, 10:47 AM)cityhantam Wrote:  

aiya 被殖民过的十之八九都自以为是高人一等的羊狗,整天乱吠个不停

(13-03-2022, 01:50 PM)WhatDoYouThink? Wrote:  aiya 被殖民过的十之八九都自以为是高人一等的羊狗,整天乱吠个不停

Kokee, agree?

【今日G點】移英租樓慘事多 一人兩貓住劏房 業主坐地起價50%

You might not like to hear but one thing happened: BRAIN DRAIN. How serious?

(23-03-2022, 06:55 PM)revealer Wrote:

Around 1997, many left HK also.

But, later many went back to HK.

(23-03-2022, 06:59 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  Around 1997, many left HK also.

But, later many went back to HK.

like dirty water in plant pots, if not drained away the plants will die soon

vomit gay panda getting drained by gay lovers

(23-03-2022, 08:27 PM)pervertosan Wrote:  vomit gay panda getting drained by gay lovers

Your skull full of sai is yet to drained?  Thinking  Rotfl

(23-03-2022, 08:27 PM)pervertosan Wrote:  vomit gay panda getting drained by gay lovers

[Image: 20220321-000839.jpg]

sgtalk shemale 人妖 Laughing

[Image: 5190300-B-F1-FC-4676-9978-387-DCD286-D17.gif]

ah gayy..please be more creative…ur insults are starting to be very weak

(23-03-2022, 08:32 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  Your skull full of sai is yet to drained?  Thinking  Rotfl

drain into ur mouth ok nudie

(23-03-2022, 09:03 PM)pervertosan Wrote:  [Image: 20220321-000839.jpg]

suffern free library

ah gayy..please be more creative…ur insults are starting to be very weak

you weak I aso boh bian leh.

today got went out to 打炮? or whole day hide at home only 打嘴炮?  Laughing

(23-03-2022, 11:52 PM)Alam Wrote:  ... 

So you are Kokee or Century or Alam or.......???

Hongkee can leave, cause China you de si ren.
Then Hongkong economy majority is depends on China, So why China need worry?

buay heow no talk shit.

(23-03-2022, 11:52 PM)Alam Wrote:  

Hongkee youtuber. I think around 50s?
Left HK for Malaysia. At first he was into some form of agency Biz to bring HKee to Malaysia under MM2H. Kenna the pandemic, disrupt his plan and then followed by changes to MM2H, he was quite upset, from praising Malaysia to voicing unhappiness of Malaysia and finally out of the blue, he decided to leave Malaysia for England. Doing food delivery.

(23-03-2022, 07:18 PM)revealer Wrote:

Most financial professionals are overhyped. Can be easily trained if the institutions set up are sound.

天天硬事1837期——01 香港大才子陶杰在英国吐槽自己没享受到在香港时的神仙待遇,信了陶杰的香港人在英国抱怨煲汤都不敢开大火 02 俄国梅德韦杰夫表示俄国的粮食是他们最有利的武器

“香港第一才子”???   Rotfl Rotfl Rotfl


"他则“入乡随俗”对那位服务员使了一个眼神(eye contact),他解释到,在英国的餐厅叫服务员不可以喊或挥手,因为可能涉及“阶级歧视”,所以要对服务员使一个眼神,“等她望到你先,你再稍微点头,她就会明白了”

十足羊狗心态。连挖发,韶南,羊花等等都比之不足啊  Laughing
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