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HJ Hongkies Sibeh Jialat!

做hjzg 做到被羊人嫌弃,也够悲催的了
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My experiences at a HK rally in UK,Almost arrested, HKongers becoming homeless in UK,No Jobs/Housing

英國完全違背了自己的諾言,中國識破英國政治選舉技倆!|彭定康難拒香港政治紅利,淪落成最可悲的末代港督!【屈機小世界 EP55】


[Image: cMf0AoL93DYv0uYYWlVkzcoPl5wAEPaCUDuW8M8G...ffff-nd-v1]

暴打香港警察,怎可能会拿的到良民证? 几拜玩完了

Irony: UK to criminalise protests that halt transport

(30-06-2022, 12:48 PM)kokee Wrote:  HK sibei jialat, all can run, all run, only poor & old cant run, no choice stay back to be slavery.
as above, run fast before door closed.
Hk has changed to be china city, no freedom, right & choices.
They are smart, that is why all run.

1 generation of HK people will leave HK eventually.
end of HK or replaced by slavery? no difference.
thanks to petty xi.


with 国安法, HK is generally lawless now, 国安法 is to deal with HK people in general, to take away all their right & freedom to become slavery.
that is why kids must run fast before kena brainwash like slavery, that is why kindergarten most badly hit, run fast.


those HK hj migrated sibei jialat, HK communist govt today beg those migrated come back to HK!
all these moronic comie liars here, those migrated enjoying heir freedom & human right oversea, who want to come back to live under communist govt now like slavery yet small & no space environment. Has big car & big house, free air, nice environment, most importantly, their children will never kena brainwash by ccp!

8.7 【跪求港人回流?!】湯家驊大談移民

英國政府背叛移英港人,四大問題無法適應英國生活!|持BNO崇英戀殖港人謀生難,英國通脹KOL教省電費!|香港人在英國為何不快樂,過半有抑鬱焦慮?【屈機觀察 EP11】
[+] 1 user Likes cityhantam's post

(08-08-2022, 11:08 AM)kokee Wrote:  those HK hj migrated sibei jialat, HK communist govt today beg those migrated come back to HK!
all these moronic comie liars here, those migrated enjoying heir freedom & human right oversea, who want to come back to live under communist govt now like slavery yet small & no space environment. Has big car & big house, free air, nice environment, most importantly, their children will never kena brainwash by ccp!

8.7 【跪求港人回流?!】湯家驊大談移民

[Image: 18-FC7210-66-E2-4263-8442-6-C812-C48-C70-E.jpg]

Everybody’s know you are moronic kokee king of lies bullshit and know nuts 

Moronic kokee still preaching Falun Gong hor very evil and very dark one

(08-08-2022, 11:09 AM)cityhantam Wrote:  

英國政府背叛移英港人,四大問題無法適應英國生活!|持BNO崇英戀殖港人謀生難,英國通脹KOL教省電費!|香港人在英國為何不快樂,過半有抑鬱焦慮?【屈機觀察 EP11】

aiya rice eye ccc cannot fit in lah

Moronic Kokee Cok's beloved 袁公公 is in trouble!

Now daughter-in-law also doesn't want to have anything to do with him!

港人袁弓夷涉違國安法遭通緝 媳婦脫離關係






(08-08-2022, 11:08 AM)kokee Wrote:  those HK hj migrated sibei jialat, HK communist govt today beg those migrated come back to HK!
all these moronic comie liars here, those migrated enjoying heir freedom & human right oversea, who want to come back to live under communist govt now like slavery yet small & no space environment. Has big car & big house, free air, nice environment, most importantly, their children will never kena brainwash by ccp!

8.7 【跪求港人回流?!】湯家驊大談移民

almost all HK people migrated oversea enjoying their free & easy life compared to those stay back live like slavery now!
no jobs in HK, cut pay, property crash, once HKD unpeg, generally end of HK as financial center, nothing left for HK then! 
left those wanted to migrate but no money & not capable poor & old!

HKD unpeg coming?
HK & US market dont recognized each other auditing firm now, nice!
got morons trust HK & china auditing firm, go ahead!
all the west will also cut off tie next yr? just do it!

全面脫鉤?美港終止會計師互認 英加澳紐罕見僅續期一年


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