HSI persistently weak and unable to sustain rallies...just keep going down

(15-09-2023, 10:02 AM)Zannn Wrote:  Sgbuffett wrong again!!! Quick cut loss yr shorts arrr

Sgbuffett never fails in predicting wrong moves! Shorts at 18k now gone case

(15-09-2023, 10:08 AM)Zannn Wrote:  Sgbuffett never fails in predicting wrong moves! Shorts at 18k now gone case

Traders, good profit can take liao. Thks bro sgbuffett!

If not cut at 18000 now very jialat liao


[Image: Screenshot-20230915-102426-Chrome.jpg]

18322 liao

(15-09-2023, 10:27 AM)WhatDoYouThink! Wrote:  [Image: Screenshot-20230915-102426-Chrome.jpg]

18322 liao

I am waiting for sgbuffett to shout cut loss and long…. Bro sgbuffett quick

(15-09-2023, 10:23 AM)WhatDoYouThink! Wrote:  If not cut at 18000 now very jialat liao


Sgbuffett shorted at 18k where got time to cut there, he can only cut now

(15-09-2023, 12:10 PM)Zannn Wrote:  Sgbuffett shorted at 18k where got time to cut there, he can only cut now

I think he din short lah, just shouted for fun only. As a veteran, he shd hv cut loss if he had shorted.

Hsi look strong in the morning. But it is fake cause my under lying stock Lau Hong Liao.

Beware of 18000 here maybe a bull trap. A distribution of sort. Jmo

(15-09-2023, 03:05 PM)victortan Wrote:  Hsi look strong in the morning. But it is fake cause my under lying stock Lau Hong Liao.

Beware of 18000 here maybe a bull trap. A distribution of sort. Jmo

Agree with u. But reverse sgbuffett trade earn 350 pts is already bonusSmile

(15-09-2023, 03:05 PM)victortan Wrote:  Hsi look strong in the morning. But it is fake cause my under lying stock Lau Hong Liao.

Beware of 18000 here maybe a bull trap. A distribution of sort. Jmo

China economic problems not so easy to solve.
If go up only temporary...itvwill just come back down

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

(15-09-2023, 08:53 PM)Isgbuffett Wrote:  China economic problems not so easy to solve.
If go up only temporary...itvwill just come back down
Next week we will know. If 18xxx cannot hold then it will go lower. 

I will buy baba n pdd.

I know hor after this post, i will be inviting hatred all over.

But dow alwys got sell off end of sept to early oct..

so i expect HSI to follow.. no sure thing lah..

so just take it with a pinch of salt.. i too hope i am wrong also...

qi kuai,,, no one interested here.

next week could get worse before it get better,

hsi if 18000 can hold it got lot more to go down.

look to buy later,, just bgt a bit last week, also wall st not looking good.

inflation still high, fed likely to increase now then wait and see..since all data are still solid..

so where u think mkt will go???

Dead crosses everywhere. Now hitting 23.6 Fibonnaci and 20-day. US market bad on Friday. Looks like only way is down and down.. expected a storm to come. But there are many people boh kia Si.

[Image: Screenshot-2023-09-16-163423.jpg]

(14-09-2023, 10:02 PM)Sentinel Wrote:  Victor, we are only interested in the NOW and not the FUTURE

If the mkt crashes, we do not want to be a Peter Schiff, keep shouting for mkt crash since 2000 and keep hyping up Gold, but where has Gold went to? NOWHERE

(16-09-2023, 04:38 PM)revealer Wrote:  Dead crosses everywhere. Now hitting 23.6 Fibonnaci and 20-day.  US market bad on Friday.  Looks like only way is down and down.. expected a storm to come.  But there are many people boh kia Si.

[Image: Screenshot-2023-09-16-163423.jpg]

Yes brother i knw many long dont like this,, but dip shd be good for us to buy chreap right???

certainly dont look good, i think many think fed will not raise rate this week, but i think otherwise.
cause many data come in solid. 

nevertheless,, we are still in a bull cycles.. of course there is deep dip in every bull. 
i think 2024 2nd half will be good for stock ,,, 

so this dip is the last kiss goobye for bear.. if u do not buy this coming big dip.. u will regret.

cuase if fed reverse gear .. stock gg to moon once again like no tomorrow... good luck to all..

what this news will have on HSI come monday???


no ending bad news lah...


Another day another selloff ....like I said kn Friday any rise is only temporary.

[Image: 6excfOV.jpg]

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.


I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

HSI and HS Tech is good for shorting.

I just don't see any upside of both.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

(18-09-2023, 03:51 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:  HSI and HS Tech is good for shorting.

I just don't see any upside of both.

U guess it right this time bro, but pls don’t jinx shorts

(18-09-2023, 04:22 PM)Zannn Wrote:  U guess it right this time bro, but pls don’t jinx shorts

Bro sgbuffett see, u got it right this time! Congrats

(21-09-2023, 11:38 AM)Zannn Wrote:  Bro sgbuffett see, u got it right this time! Congrats

Got it right this time.....hmmmm...means tikam or "guess" work.

Amdk arse lickers stooge’s Tom dick and Harry guessing collect liao lah
https://media.tenor.com/cUG0Wnm8J1AAAAAM...-hello.gif https://media.tenor.com/z9r-2Ur0eDAAAAAM...-three.gif https://media.tenor.com/xHcOjqy0LIYAAAAM/lol-yes.gif

(21-09-2023, 11:38 AM)Zannn Wrote:  Bro sgbuffett see, u got it right this time! Congrats

Sgbuffett help u recover some of yr huge past losses, pls take profit afternoon when market reopenSmile

wow.. sgbuffet now sleeping, tomorrow he wake up sure happy like fxxk, cause most likely HSI kana torpedo by dow also.

all asia expect to be red red..

(22-09-2023, 02:35 AM)victortan Wrote:  wow.. sgbuffet now sleeping, tomorrow he wake up sure happy like fxxk, cause most likely HSI kana torpedo by dow also.

all asia expect to be red red..

The HSI is bottoming in the classic bottoming process...this will take time and traders play by ear and come in after bottom is formed

The Dow and Nasdaq are just starting to fall.....given the rich valuations ...and lots of profits to take...if I were initiating new short positions it will be here

Michael Burry is right.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

(21-09-2023, 12:08 PM)Zannn Wrote:  Sgbuffett help u recover some of yr huge past losses, pls take profit afternoon when market reopenSmile

Sgbuffett now u understand why I ask u take profit yesterday noon?

(22-09-2023, 06:51 AM)FartSunKing Wrote:  Sell all your cbailj China stocks

Same as initiating SHORT positions

Buy back after your bottom is healed or formed

I have found cheap ways to hedge and advantage of markets volatility.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

The HS Tech bottoming processes ....
6 times it tried to move up only to sink back down. 

Today it surges again as there is no shortage of investors with the HS Texh blasting ip 3.2% in one day.

[Image: p6BK2DM.png]

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

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