I had to go out because we ran out of soya source...was a lapse

(31-10-2021, 07:42 PM)Talent Wrote:  u talk what cock

Can't stop laughinggggggg..lol.

(31-10-2021, 09:08 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  I was very upset because I already told my mom to list everything so that it can be bought online but soya source was left out and on Friday I had to go down to buy from nearby shop. There was lead time if order online ...and she needed it immediately for cooking.

When I took lift there were others in it. When I walk to shop all the way I was exposed to people walking along side. When I reach shop ...there other customers there.

Lesson learned for me is to double check everything and make sure eyeball the stuff in kitchen to make sure nothing runs out. Such exposures have to be minimise and urgency of simple things can throw the best laid plans apart.

3000-4000 cases everyday is serious. Minimizing exposure should be a priority to safeguard family.

very simple.
always order more spares.
when left 1 full bottle, order another 2-3 bottles. you will never run out of soya sauce.

use the stair case instead of lift. you will be alone, no one uses the staircase anymore.
if someone uses it, you can wait until the staircase is clear.

For shopping, you can go to shops which open 24 hrs like NTUC/PRIME mart.
Go there at 2am to 4am, there will no customer or people on the street.

(31-10-2021, 08:38 PM)forum456 Wrote:  very simple.
always order more spares.
when left 1 full bottle, order another 2-3 bottles. you will never run out of soya sauce.

use the stair case instead of lift. you will be alone, no one uses the staircase anymore.
if someone uses it, you can wait until the staircase is clear.

For shopping, you can go to shops which open 24 hrs like NTUC/PRIME mart.
Go there at 2am to 4am, there will no customer or people on the street.

Oh, you want to avoid people as much as possible cos you don't want to be infected with the Covid-19 virus, but then there are some places where it is not possible to avoid meeting people...... crying

(31-10-2021, 08:08 PM)debono Wrote:  For 3 persons in the house, your utility bill is high, above average of a Singapore household..... Big Grin

Btw i turn on aircon to sleep every night, even weather is cool becos i dun wan mozzie to fly in.

疫苗可以不打, 手枪一定要打!
疫苗可以不注射, 精子一定要远射!

(31-10-2021, 09:52 PM)ODA TETSURO Wrote:  Btw i turn on aircon to sleep every night, even weather is cool becos i dun wan mozzie to fly in.

That explains why your utilities bill is so high... Clapping

(31-10-2021, 05:34 PM)Notdumb Wrote:  Reading your nonsense posts everywhere I get Forum fever. Laughing

These hopeless and retarded dotards like debono seems getting nothing else to do, but to spit rubbish to waste the bandwidth here. Smile

Maybe SgTalk shall be renamed as DotardTalk. lol

(31-10-2021, 10:05 PM)debono Wrote:  That explains why your utilities bill is so high... Clapping

what is av bill for 3 persons now

mine 2 persons already $80

(31-10-2021, 10:13 PM)amata Wrote:  These hopeless and retarded dotards like debono seems getting nothing else to do, but to spit rubbish to waste the bandwidth here. Smile

Maybe SgTalk shall be renamed as DotardTalk. lol

You can say what you like, but I remain unfazed..... Big Grin

(31-10-2021, 10:19 PM)debono Wrote:  You can say what you like, but I remain unfazed..... Big Grin

Sure lah, how can a dotard as retarded as you trash not be unfazed. lol

(31-10-2021, 10:20 PM)amata Wrote:  Sure lah, how can a dotard as retarded as you trash not be unfazed. lol

You need to watch your blood pressure, else...... Big Grin

(31-10-2021, 10:23 PM)debono Wrote:  You need to watch your blood pressure, else...... Big Grin

else to be retarded as you dotard? Smile

BTW, did you dotard get any "technical" to talk cock for today? lol

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