Japan firms cool on Malaysia -Singapore rail project

Japan firms cool on Malaysia -Singapore rail project

[+] 1 user Likes Bigiron's post

Stupid project..even if built also sure will be loss making line.
[+] 1 user Likes Sharexchange's post

Very risky. Flip flop by Msia is very common Big Grin

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine Big Grin
[+] 1 user Likes p1acebo's post

It is good for Singapore that Mahathir cancelled the HSR to Singapore:   

1. We get compensation from Malaysia and we save the cost of building HSR.   

2. HSR stopped at JB and we extended our MRT to JB to connect to HSR.  

3. The cost of HSR tickets are expected to be cheaper than if it is extended to Singapore and we buy HSR tickets in Singapore.  

4. MRT revenue will be increased.   

Well-done, Mahathir!   

[+] 1 user Likes webinarian's post

Japan 哭?

Japan should not reject the offer to take the project. If they are afraid of Malaysia flip flopping, they should offer pay as we build terms. In other words Malaysia must pay first then Japan will start work. Malaysia dun have to pay all at one go but must pay for every 10 km of rail first before Japan builds 10 km of rails.       Big Grin

 Thinking is difficult, that's why most people judge
                    Carl Jung

Japan will play out the host country!

Before: At your service; After: Serves you right!

(12-01-2024, 08:25 AM)Huliwang Wrote:  Japan should not reject the offer to take the project. If they are afraid of Malaysia flip flopping, they should offer pay as we build terms. In other words Malaysia must pay first then Japan will start work. Malaysia dun have to pay all at one go but must pay for every 10 km of rail first before Japan builds 10 km of rails.       Big Grin

The revised HSR project will be using PPP model, which means Malaysia will not fork out a single cent for the HSR construction.
Their gov will only allocate land and grant the builder 50 years (or more) right to operate the line to recoup the amount invested.

With this Japanese withdrawal, it only confirms that the first project (Najib era) of a 350km/h line will never be economically viable.
It is a blessing to both Malaysia and Spore that the project was cancelled, otherwise more taxpayers money will be needed to fund its future loss-making operation.

So let's see if China will counter-propose a slower (220-230/kmh) but cheaper line that will be commercially viable.
[+] 3 users Like sgxin's post

Even the Japanese also know it is a unprofitable project 🤭🤣
[+] 2 users Like moonrab's post

Our Airport is the East but the HSR is in the West. What connectivity is there. And worse, what is the baggage load? 25 kg per person per trip?
[+] 1 user Likes Wy:Nox's post

The builder builds and recovers the costs later.

After recovering its cost, the system can then be transferred to SG-MY.

How to share the maintenance costs? How will the staff cost be divided? Where will the depots be? What is the pricing like from SG out?

New governments will negotiate again and again. The previous government will always be at fault.
[+] 1 user Likes theold's post

Which contractor will want to build a house when owner, strata title and plan keep on changing before completion..🤣
[+] 1 user Likes moonrab's post

They dun want the Japanese to work in "3rd world" countries like Malaysia and Singapore.

疫苗可以不打, 手枪一定要打!
疫苗可以不注射, 精子一定要远射!

But PM Anwar will quietly ask Sg to undertake the construction don't need to pay compensation !

(12-01-2024, 05:08 PM)ysh02 Wrote:  But PM Anwar will quietly ask Sg to undertake the construction don't need to pay compensation !

Tan ku ku lo..
Singapore also siam..🤣

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