Japanese educators want to allow students to use robot substitutes to attend school

Casey Basee 10 hours ago

The Kumamoto City Board of Education is worried about the number of elementary and middle school-age children within the city who aren’t attending classes. According to the board’s statistics roughly, 2,760 kids within those age groups weren’t at school during the 2022 academic year, double the number for 2018.

So what’s the board’s latest plan to address this problem? Robots.


the board presented its proposal to place robots in classrooms that can be controlled remotely by students who haven’t been attending classes. The robots are equipped with cameras, microphones, and speakers so that the students controlling them from home can see and hear what’s going on in the classroom, and also express themselves verbally during lesson-related discussions or when communicating with classmates. What’s more, the robots, which are roughly one-meter in height, are mobile, and can be piloted around the campus to participate in school activities held outside the classroom as well.

The goal of the project is to help pave a smoother path by which students who are not attending class due to stress, anxiety, or other social, psychological, or emotional issues can eventually return to in-person learning and social interaction with their peers.


Eventually robots will take over the world. 
Man just become stupid and lazy. 
Better close all the schools.

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