MP Raeesah Khan admits police station visit not true

very serious and dangerous indeed

really khan ni na , this type of caliber also can be mp. khan!

Should just step down . Not worthy to be in the public service.
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(01-11-2021, 07:46 PM)Goldmine Wrote:  Last time there another WP candidates caught on Camera. If no camera was at the premises he wld have got his way. Can't remember that guy name.  Think he migrated.  Sylvia was with him. I remembered.  He is James Gomez.  He insisted vehemently that he had submitted his application form to stand as a candidate for GE. Actually he did not. He only admitted that he cld have oversight only after the CCTV exposed him.

I knows younger Sgrean want opposition in our parliament. 
At least send in someone to fight for our commoners. 
Look at PSP, got whack upside down for fighting against CECA.  
This should be the opposition that we need, a stronger voice on real working issue...

Their intention is good, protecting our local PMET job opportunities... 

Looks at current WP since they got elected into Parliament. 
What have they done?

Fight for minority groups, 
abolish EIP.
Talk about "color blind" new generation, our existing policy safe guarding race harmony in SG is not necessary. 
Lying in Parliament about SPF abusing rape victim, just to highlight women sexual assault issue.
Ridiculing our NTUC old guards are out of date in workers related issue.

Seems like WP  is focusing into minority, and women issue votes.
Is this the opposition SG needed? Kind of similar to US politics? 

I personally would vote for PSP opposition voice in our Parliament. Fighting on the real issue affecting all Sgrean.
Rather than just focusing on minority or BLM type of politic.
[+] 1 user Likes moonrab's post

Pritam will have no choice but to remove her. My personal view.

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine Big Grin

(02-11-2021, 06:45 AM)moonrab Wrote:  I knows younger Sgrean want opposition in our parliament. 
At least send in someone to fight for our commoners. 
Look at PSP, got whack upside down for fighting against CECA.  
This should be the opposition that we need, a stronger voice on real working issue...

Their intention is good, protecting our local PMET job opportunities... 

Looks at current WP since they got elected into Parliament. 
What have they done?

Fight for minority groups, 
abolish EIP.
Talk about "color blind" new generation, our existing policy safe guarding race harmony in SG is not necessary. 
Lying in Parliament about SPF abusing rape victim, just to highlight women sexual assault issue.
Ridiculing our NTUC old guards are out of date in workers related issue.

Seems like WP  is focusing into minority, and women issue votes.
Is this the opposition SG needed? Kind of similar to US politics? 

I personally would vote for PSP opposition voice in our Parliament. Fighting on the real issue affecting all Sgrean.
Rather than just focusing on minority or BLM type of politic.

Agree. But she is from minority and her issues are of minorities feelings grudges against the establishment. Need to have varieties in parliament better than that jlb ting pei ling.

(02-11-2021, 06:54 AM)p1acebo Wrote:  Pritam will have no choice but to remove her.  My personal view.

Pritam just have to do the right thing, to remove a bad apple before it infects the other good apples in the barrel... crying

(02-11-2021, 07:18 AM)A2Z Wrote:  Agree. But she is from minority and her issues are of minorities feelings grudges against the establishment. Need to have varieties in parliament better than that jlb ting pei ling.

I am a Chinese. Majority in SG for 60 years. 
What privilege does Majority has in SG?
Only one, privilege to serve NS for 2.5 years and 13 years reservist...

SG got no "son of the land" race classification privilege.
Whether Majority or Minority, all must work for a living..and pay and pay... 
What is the difference? 

In the older days, some Minority pay lower fees in government school, etc..if I not wrong.
No such thing for being the Majority. 

We don't need a Minority MP to be voted in just focusing on minority politics. 
SG will collapse if our politicians go into this direction...

Unlike other parts of the world,
Sg view integrity an important criteria of being MP.

Damage is done to 'the PAP lite' , furthermore
PSP is already doing more than WP in the parliament.

(02-11-2021, 06:54 AM)p1acebo Wrote:  Pritam will have no choice but to remove her.  My personal view.

Up to voters.

(02-11-2021, 08:07 AM)A2Z Wrote:  Up to voters.

The smelly khan has becum a liability due to her blatant dishonesty.

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine Big Grin
[+] 1 user Likes p1acebo's post

Better remove this mole asap she a weakest link to the failure. Only liar and talk nonsense.

(01-11-2021, 11:27 PM)moonrab Wrote:  I think you still don't get my point...

How can such a standard represent WP as a Member of Parliament ...?
She will do more harm than good to WP and SG.

She apologies before election 
She apologies after being elected as a WP MP..
All for misconduct and months of  lying in Parliament over 3 times engagement as a MP...

She promised SK to do better a year ago, today she still promised SK to do better after caught red handed lying about police abusing victim...

Since when our Parliament is so lenient and lax over a Member of Parliament integrity? 

As a Singaporean, my heart breaks watching such standard can actually be allowed, to perform legal duty in our Parliament law making...

I am a old man, my times is not long here..
But I sympathise the younger Sgrean having to bear with such below par standard MP, just because she is a opposition MP..

In LKY tIme, such dishonest MP will be jail for misconduct and insinuating bad integrity of our SPF...
Kick out of Parliament for good.
Whether she is a PAP or WP MP.
You also don't get my point. We can criticized her for what should did, no problem with that..

Just like how we criticized OYK/LW for poor handling of COVID. The most we can do is asked them to step down from task force or minister post and let more capable people take over. We cannot asked them to quit MP, unless they are willing to do so. If not, it will be the people who voted them in to judge if they do a good job in next election and decide with vote.

But at the end of the day, it is SK people who voted her in, and it will only be SK people who can voted her out..

Singapore do not have a system to call for a vote to decide if a MP should step down (by the people who voted the person in), so we just have to wait for next election.

1. I have served the nation in a combat unit for 2.5 + 10 years. I had fulfilled my duty as a citizen, but has the country do it's part for me?
2. I don't know where the threat of CCP is, but I know the threat of CECA is already at my doorsteps
3. I had been called a CCP, JHK, Pinoy, but they never called me a CECA..

better to self reflect, repent and do the right thing, instead of being asked to.

Is it viable for anyone who knowingly tells the untrue, more than once, to remain in any parliamentary in whatever country?

She already becomes useless as what she says from now, people may think she is not telling the truth.

Just like the PnP, telling people that they should pay themselves humongous salaries because of various reasons. Now people are wary of what it says.

(02-11-2021, 08:52 AM)ArielCasper Wrote:  You also don't get my point. We can criticized her for what should did, no problem with that..

1. Just like how we criticized OYK/LW for poor handling of COVID.

2. The most we can do is asked them to step down from task force or minister post and let more capable people take over.

3. We cannot asked them to quit MP, unless they are willing to do so. 

I have to disagree with you on point 1. 

Poor handling of covid is completely different from MP lying in Parliament framing SPF for abusing rape victim.
BTW, poor handling of covid is your own view. Not for everyone. 

But Khan admitted in Parliament she lied 3 times over months of parliamentary session.
Thus disciplinary action must be taken to ratify her grave misdeed against SPF.

You should know it is a poor comparison. 
Similah to HG Town Council mishandling the funds...
Can you ask them to quit? No.
Must let the matter settle in court.
Am I not correct? 

Point number 2 is commonsense but not related to Khan case.
Once a minister performed badly, they must be accountable. 

Point number 3.
MP post is a mandate given by voters. 

But that doesn't mean they are immune from punishment once broken the law by lying in Parliament. 
MP can be jail or fine if proven guilty in the acts of misdeed.

Lying, deliberately giving false accounts in Parliament against SPF is a grave issue. Create public hatred towards our law enforcement body.

Member of Parliament holds a even higher level in code of conduct. Because their position can create serious public division in SG.

Therefore must be serve with a higher degree of punishment to deter future misdeed from erroneous MP voted in.
[+] 1 user Likes moonrab's post

(02-11-2021, 08:52 AM)ArielCasper Wrote:  You also don't get my point. We can criticized her for what should did, no problem with that..

Just like how we criticized OYK/LW for poor handling of COVID. The most we can do is asked them to step down from task force or minister post and let more capable people take over. We cannot asked them to quit MP, unless they are willing to do so. If not, it will be the people who voted them in to judge if they do a good job in next election and decide with vote.

But at the end of the day, it is SK people who voted her in, and it will only be SK people who can voted her out..

Singapore do not have a system to call for a vote to decide if a MP should step down (by the people who voted the person in), so we just have to wait for next election.

I like the way you put it, it speaks  volumes..... Clapping

(01-11-2021, 08:26 PM)ArielCasper Wrote:  I always say have to compare to PAP.. If PAP MP was not sacked, but quit on his own accord, then we see if RK want to do something similar..

If she don't want, then it is up to Seng Kang folks to judge her in next election. BTW, PAP also shown us that even with 1 MP down, there is no need to call for by election.

Note that no one else can judge her, except for SK GRC residents.. If you are one of them, exercise your judgement in the next election.

For non SK GRC residents, if they find that WP did not do enough, they are welcome to exercise their judgement in the next election as well.

If it happened to PAP, I think there'll be extreme pressure from the top to ask the MP to quit which is equivalent to getting sacked. To public the MP quit voluntarily but actually kena sacked.

We teach our children not to tell lies. Must admit wrong and tell the truth. But once become adults we keep telling lies esp those in power. Since she is young from a minority group it appears there is some issues with our minorities. She admitted she lied and want to move on. As to whether can move on and improve let the voters decide.

(02-11-2021, 10:51 AM)A2Z Wrote:  We teach our children not to tell lies. Must admit wrong and tell the truth. But once become adults we keep telling lies esp those in power. Since she is young from a minority group it appears there is some issues with our minorities. She admitted she lied and want to move on. As to whether can move on and improve let the voters decide.

Her case is more serious than this :

[Image: Screenshot-20211102-111119.jpg]

She was lying to whole Singapore, ALL Singaporeans and foreigners!

And her LIES, if not corrected, would seriously tarnish the image and credibility of SPF as well as the parliament!

[Image: Screenshot-20211102-112754.jpg]

Big Grin

She lied as in not there at the police station about the rape case and the mishandling of the case. Penal code states lying to authorities. Did she lied to the authorities?

(02-11-2021, 10:16 AM)moonrab Wrote:  I have to disagree with you on point 1. 

Poor handling of covid is completely different from MP lying in Parliament framing SPF for abusing rape victim.
BTW, poor handling of covid is your own view. Not for everyone. 

But Khan admitted in Parliament she lied 3 times over months of parliamentary session.
Thus disciplinary action must be taken to ratify her grave misdeed against SPF.

You should know it is a poor comparison. 
Similah to HG Town Council mishandling the funds...
Can you ask them to quit? No.
Must let the matter settle in court.
Am I not correct? 

Point number 2 is commonsense but not related to Khan case.
Once a minister performed badly, they must be accountable. 

Point number 3.
MP post is a mandate given by voters. 

But that doesn't mean they are immune from punishment once broken the law by lying in Parliament. 
MP can be jail or fine if proven guilty in the acts of misdeed.

Lying, deliberately giving false accounts in Parliament against SPF is a grave issue. Create public hatred towards our law enforcement body.

Member of Parliament holds a even higher level in code of conduct. Because their position can create serious public division in SG.

Therefore must be serve with a higher degree of punishment to deter future misdeed from erroneous MP voted in.

Let me answer your 3 points in 1. The case is already referred to the Committee of Privileges. So let the process there handle it accordingly.. Whatever punishment need to dish out, RK have to accept it. But I doubt the Committee of Privileges can 'fired' a MP, because a MP is elected by people. Maybe only high court has the rights to do that.

If you want to drag in the HG Town Council mishandling the funds, I can also raise the similar example where Charles Cheong accused that there are missing funds in Punggol East (or West) SMC, which he never proved after election. I am also sure if 1 fine day we changed govt, we will have fun digging out mishandling everywhere, be it at Town Council, RC, Ministries etc. If not, how to explain a bus stop bench cost $1.5k..

HG Town Council mishandling the funds is magnified by media.. Every year we have lapses uncovered by AGC, but did most of them get the same limelight like HG Town Council?? Definitely no..

When I used OYK/LW as example, I am saying that we can asked them to step down from their ministerial post, but to ask them to quit as MP, or forced them to quit, it is solely with the people (GRC) who voted them in.

1. I have served the nation in a combat unit for 2.5 + 10 years. I had fulfilled my duty as a citizen, but has the country do it's part for me?
2. I don't know where the threat of CCP is, but I know the threat of CECA is already at my doorsteps
3. I had been called a CCP, JHK, Pinoy, but they never called me a CECA..

(02-11-2021, 12:23 PM)ArielCasper Wrote:  Let me answer your 3 points in 1. The case is already referred to the Committee of Privileges. So let the process there handle it accordingly.. Whatever punishment need to dish out, RK have to accept it. But I doubt the Committee of Privileges can 'fired' a MP, because a MP is elected by people. Maybe only high court has the rights to do that.

If you want to drag in the HG Town Council mishandling the funds, I can also raise the similar example where Charles Cheong accused that there are missing funds in Punggol East (or West) SMC, which he never proved after election. I am also sure if 1 fine day we changed govt, we will have fun digging out mishandling everywhere, be it at Town Council, RC, Ministries etc. If not, how to explain a bus stop bench cost $1.5k..

HG Town Council mishandling the funds is magnified by media.. Every year we have lapses uncovered by AGC, but did most of them get the same limelight like HG Town Council?? Definitely no..

When I used OYK/LW as example, I am saying that we can asked them to step down from their ministerial post, but to ask them to quit as MP, or forced them to quit, it is solely with the people (GRC) who voted them in.

I am impressed by your comments, there is substance in your inputs.... Clapping

(02-11-2021, 11:42 AM)A2Z Wrote:  She lied as in not there at the police station about the rape case and the mishandling of the case. Penal code states lying to authorities. Did she lied to the authorities?

She made a public statement with lies, and using the lies to accuse SPF publicly of some serious wrong doing by SPF!

WP need to let go this Khan..... by end of the term.
Feed her to EXBB...

Enough said.


(02-11-2021, 01:06 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  She made a public statement with lies, and using the lies to accuse SPF publicly of some serious wrong doing by SPF!

Lets see how the case progress, perhaps she needs to go to court, if she lied to the SPF.... nudie

(02-11-2021, 12:23 PM)ArielCasper Wrote:  1.  LET me answer your 3 points in 1. The case is already referred to the Committee of Privileges. So let the process there handle it accordingly.. Whatever punishment need to dish out, RK have to accept it. But I doubt the Committee of Privileges can 'fired' a MP, because a MP is elected by people. Maybe only high court has the rights to do that.

2.  IF you want to drag in the HG Town Council mishandling the funds, I can also raise the similar example where Charles Cheong accused that there are missing funds in Punggol East (or West) SMC, which he never proved after election. I am also sure if 1 fine day we changed govt, we will have fun digging out mishandling everywhere, be it at Town Council, RC, Ministries etc. If not, how to explain a bus stop bench cost $1.5k..

HG Town Council mishandling the funds is magnified by media.. Every year we have lapses uncovered by AGC, but did most of them get the same limelight like HG Town Council?? Definitely no..

When I used OYK/LW as example, I am saying that we can asked them to step down from their ministerial post, but to ask them to quit as MP, or forced them to quit, it is solely with the people (GRC) who voted them in.

Point 1;
Under the constitution, a person jail for 1 year or fine at least $2000 disqualified from standing as a candidate for Member of Parliament. 

Khan framing our SPF for abuse act
Lied to;
1 Parliamentary member 
2 Singaporean
3 WP leaders
4 SK voters...

She should be punish accordingly to the above-mentioned. Jail or fine...either or applicable. 

She was warned before GE not to make erroneous statements. 
She promised but failed to kept it.
Not a first timer offender. 

With regards to her short disgraceful records, disqualification will be the only choice left.

Point 2;

The rest is political causes.
Different from Point 1...

Whats there to argue?
She already admitted her wrong doings. 
She has to face consequences then.

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