(22-02-2024, 04:21 PM)klat Wrote: However, more Chinese parents sent their children to Malay schools in M'sia than the other way round.
Nothing new - LKY last time never attend Chinese school nor learn Mandarin or Chiense language...only England and Bahasa Malayu...
After becoming a young adult post 1945 Jap invasion, he learn to dislike the English gov, wanted to join a "Malay" nation by mastering the Malay language...
(22-02-2024, 04:59 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote: Not surprising, Actually Malaysia Govt itself also encourage their own non chinese civil servant go learn Mandarin.
One thing is MY Govt has been pro working with China come economics.
Pro China or not - we all know Bolehland politics like to flip prata every few years.
M'sians now gotten sick and tired of that of all that "encouragement".
Today's Malay parents decision is a reflection of that failed long promises......
I attended mission schools from primary to JC in S'pore. I had many Muslim classmates whose parents sent them to Christian schools knowing that they would receive the best quality holistic education available.
So many Vietnamese working in coffeeshops becos they can speak fluent mandarin. They are lucky becos they come from the China border areas and naturally pick up the language
(23-02-2024, 01:30 PM)Harry Lee Wrote: So many Vietnamese working in coffeeshops becos they can speak fluent mandarin. They are lucky becos they come from the China border areas and naturally pick up the language
China once ruled Vietnam for about 1,000 years so many Vietnamese are ethnic Chinese as well.
(23-02-2024, 01:30 PM)Harry Lee Wrote: So many Vietnamese working in coffeeshops becos they can speak fluent mandarin. They are lucky becos they come from the China border areas and naturally pick up the language
Most of the Vietnamese has heavy southern Mandarin accent. Likely the proximity to Guangzhou, Fujian...so even sound like Hainan dialect
In S'pore, many Malay parents also choose to send their children to Christian schools as opposed to madrasahs or neighbourhood schools. They know full well that their offspring will receive a superior holistic education at mission schools.
(08-04-2024, 03:29 PM)EvertonDiehard Wrote: In S'pore, many Malay parents also choose to send their children to Christian schools as opposed to madrasahs or neighbourhood schools. They know full well that their offspring will receive a superior holistic education at mission schools.
Do you know that our government limits the number of seats at our madrasah? That's because if they don't limit it, half of the Malay kids will be enrolled in the Madrasah.
If you don't know, please ask. Don't just anyhow say.