Presidential candidate Tan Kin Lian apologised to those who felt "

Presidential candidate Tan Kin Lian apologised to those who felt "uncomfortable" over his "pretty girls" social media posts.

Quote:Lai lai dead star staring  tot reject AWARE now say sorry he flip prata 
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[+] 1 user Likes Bigiron's post

Bigiron, did TKL apologise to you? You hv objection right? Same camp as AWARE right?

I accept his sorry but I reject his prata flipping leh

Bigiron Wrote:I accept his sorry but I reject his prata flipping leh

Tharman and Ng no prata to flip cos LHL flipped them all??!? Lol
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(22-08-2023, 08:48 PM)Bigiron Wrote:  I accept his sorry but I reject his prata flipping leh
This is a contest

If all candidates say the EP is ceremonial and no influence on anything, not even the reserves since lumparliament can reject any veto from the President, then we all vote for fark?


AWARE said it shares the public's concerns that Mr Tan has been cleared to run in the Presidential Election.

Consistently posting about 'pretty girls', recording videos of women in public without their consent, or commenting about their appearance isn’t merely a matter of personal preference or light 'amusement'," the group said

"It's an act of objectifying women, reducing them solely to their appearances for their personal entertainment"

Such behaviour from anyone in or aspiring to a position of influence suggests that it's acceptable to trivialise women and overlook their myriad abilities and contributions
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(22-08-2023, 08:55 PM)Sticw Wrote:  Tharman and Ng no prata to flip cos LHL flipped them all??!? Lol

Oic... thanks you for your interesting highlights. You are a funny person sia

(22-08-2023, 08:56 PM)moonrab Wrote:  "AN ACT OF OBJECTIFYING WOMEN"

AWARE said it shares the public's concerns that Mr Tan has been cleared to run in the Presidential Election.

Consistently posting about 'pretty girls', recording videos of women in public without their consent, or commenting about their appearance isn’t merely a matter of personal preference or light 'amusement'," the group said

"It's an act of objectifying women, reducing them solely to their appearances for their personal entertainment"

Such behaviour from anyone in or aspiring to a position of influence suggests that it's acceptable to trivialise women and overlook their myriad abilities and contributions

Might have huge collection Sia ..
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(22-08-2023, 09:03 PM)Reddishday Wrote:

OMG.. crying

Bigiron Wrote:Oic... thanks you for your interesting highlights. You are a funny person sia
Bro... All these elites have blood on their hands else they can never climb so high in corporate as well as public service lah.

It is just a matter whether they manage to cover or maintain a certain public image. TKL on social is just trying to be with the typical commoners... Deep down all the same... Else Ng won't get a 30 years younger wifey...

So set aside all these 1.5m, fake, lies, talk only etc. which they all do as elites... The single question is, since Tharman and Ng are PAP endorsed and you are selecting a President to PROTECT RESERVES FROM GOVT MISAPPROPRIATION, then the lesser of all evil is TKL... So vote goes to TKL lor...
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(22-08-2023, 09:10 PM)moonrab Wrote:  OMG.. crying
Such smearing not gonna change anything

Not every female agrees with AWARE

It is a fringe organization for the feminists

Asian society is more grounded than that

(22-08-2023, 09:19 PM)Sentinel Wrote:  Such smearing not gonna change anything

Not every female agrees with AWARE

It is a fringe organization for the feminists

Asian society is more grounded than that

His FB stating his support for Russia and Taliban. No?

Even gct wife not some corp or public top folk can say belittling stuff such as "600k is peanut". It simply means elites do not see anything wrong with their own behaviour and that commoners are to be their servants and slaves.

So do consider the role of President is to guard against ruling govt. If current govt is not PAP, I will say vote for Tharman. Lol To balance it.
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(22-08-2023, 09:21 PM)moonrab Wrote:  His FB stating his support for Russia and Taliban. No?
Why do you think he should not support Russia and Taliban?

Because USA said they are bad, you agree?

moonrab Wrote:His FB stating his support for Russia and Taliban. No?
So Singapore should support NATO cornering Russia and China? And Taliban was moving in when US troops moved out. USA left cos they took all the oil they wanted. If USA is true to their cause, they would have cleared all Taliban over the decade long stay... And why USA never do a return surprise attack?? Lol

The world geopolitics is not really country stuff only... Singapore voice against Russia cos there is a need to do so else others in this region might just do the same to Singapore. But other than that, Singapore is neutral/silent on or doesn't support NATO expansion.

Don't say I heartless, cos I was employed by govt and govt related for over 2 decades, if PAP wants to rule for the next decade, let TKL win PE if there is very strong opposition support. This will take the heat and help with the GE. Then from after 1st SEP do damage repair so that GE can be favourable.

Tharman can retire in Japan as ambassador. Else if he stays in SG, lots of directorship and chairman post more than enough to cover for his income lost.

Didn't apologize for his stance on Putin, CCP and Taliban but apologize over pretty gals comment, something ish weird about his priority. Sad

Moi rather vote for a cheehong president that beo pretty gals than one that sympathize with invaders, communists and terrorists. Sad

There was a time when the country asked ordinary men to do extraordinary things.

But now, they'll only do it for money.
[+] 1 user Likes Soulhacker's post

Due to his popularity, TKL may win this PE


(22-08-2023, 09:48 PM)Soulhacker Wrote:  Didn't apologize for his stance on Putin, CCP and Taliban but apologize over pretty gals comment, something ish weird about his priority. Sad

Moi rather vote for a cheehong president that beo pretty gals than one that sympathize with invaders, communists and terrorists. Sad

Because need the lady vote mah so must say sorry. If he don't need their vote will he say sorry 😔
[+] 1 user Likes Bigiron's post

(22-08-2023, 09:27 PM)Sentinel Wrote:  Why do you think he should not support Russia and Taliban?

Because USA said they are bad, you agree?

So he must declare to all Singaporean, that he against our government condemnation on Russia invasion into Ukraine. A sovereign country in UN Charter. As a candidate for our Presidential Election. 

Reveal the truth to everyone. Let the voters decide whether he is correct or Singapore government foreign policy principle is correct. 

Let us know his true personal view. I hope some official authorities will ask him to reveal his stands on the statements made in his FB.
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(23-08-2023, 12:43 AM)moonrab Wrote:  So he must declare to all Singaporean, that he against our government condemnation on Russia invasion into Ukraine. A sovereign country in UN Charter. As a candidate for our Presidential Election. 

Reveal the truth to everyone. Let the voters decide whether he is correct or Singapore government foreign policy principle is correct. 

Let us know his true personal view. I hope some official authorities will ask him to reveal his stands on the statements made in his FB.
He will not interfere in the govt's foreign affairs policies

I already told you the President's job is not to establish international relations outside the govt's domain

It is a misguided belief that the President's role is to present himself internationally

It is not his role as there is the PM and the Foreign Ministry to do that

He is only useful internationally to attend funerals, religious events and other non-political events like Olympics, SEA games, and other social summits

It is very inappropriate for a President to go for any trade summits or its related, as he has no executive powers and will irritate other countries for wasting their time

Harimau's trip to China and Central Asia, etc is very ineffective and show to people we are only wayang to them only, as they know our President is not the same as the President of South Korea or USA, our President has zero executive power on International Trade and Foreign Affairs and will only waste time and resources to entertain him internationally on the political scene


So, you tell me, is the following a POLITICAL role of the President or not? Why you keep harping that President's role is Ceremonial and Custodial? Are you that ignorant or just pretend to be? How is Halimah more suitable than TKL? You think she more credible and presentable than TKL on the international scene?

President Halimah Yacob met President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping on 6 February 2022 and congratulated President Xi on China’s successful hosting of the XXIV Olympic Winter Games in Beijing. Both leaders reaffirmed the excellent state of bilateral relations, which maintained a positive momentum amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

President Halimah and President Xi unveiled the name of a student hostel (“知新楼”, Zhixinlou) that was built in Pengshui County, Chongqing, as part of a charity project initiated by the Singaporean community in China, in conjunction with the 30th anniversary of Singapore-China diplomatic relations in 2020. President Halimah noted that the hostel symbolised the strong friendship between our peoples and the importance that both countries attached to education. Both leaders also welcomed the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Singapore Ministry of Trade and Industry and the PRC National Forestry and Grassland Administration on “Cooperation of Promoting Giant Panda Conservation”, which would provide a framework for bilateral cooperation on Giant Panda conservation and research.

President Halimah and President Xi agreed that both countries should work closely to continually upgrade bilateral relations. They affirmed that Singapore and China should step up collaboration in existing areas of cooperation. This included our three Government-to-Government projects in Suzhou, Tianjin and Chongqing, which were progressing well. They also discussed the importance of strengthening people-to-people ties, and looked forward to the full resumption of air connectivity and people-to-people exchanges when conditions permitted. Both leaders also welcomed greater cooperation in new areas such as the digital economy, the green economy and smart cities. On behalf of the people of Singapore, President Halimah also conveyed Lunar New Year greetings to President Xi and the people of China.

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[Image: Singapore-President-PRC-President-Xi-Jin...14F85F4D1A]

(23-08-2023, 12:43 AM)moonrab Wrote:  So he must declare to all Singaporean, that he against our government condemnation on Russia invasion into Ukraine. A sovereign country in UN Charter. As a candidate for our Presidential Election. 

Reveal the truth to everyone. Let the voters decide whether he is correct or Singapore government foreign policy principle is correct. 

Let us know his true personal view. I hope some official authorities will ask him to reveal his stands on the statements made in his FB.

Some people simply lack basic decency and universal humanity values. They will support any invaders, murderers, terrorists and oppressors simply because these evils are the enemies of their enemy one.

There was a time when the country asked ordinary men to do extraordinary things.

But now, they'll only do it for money.
[+] 1 user Likes Soulhacker's post

(22-08-2023, 10:27 PM)Gstalk Wrote:  Due to his popularity, TKL may win this PE

Are u sure he is popular? If he is popular then he wouldn't have lost his deposit last time.
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(22-08-2023, 09:19 PM)Sticw Wrote:  Bro... All these elites have blood on their hands else they can never climb so high in corporate as well as public service lah.

It is just a matter whether they manage to cover or maintain a certain public image. TKL on social is just trying to be with the typical commoners... Deep down all the same... Else Ng won't get a 30 years younger wifey...

So set aside all these 1.5m, fake, lies, talk only etc. which they all do as elites... The single question is, since Tharman and Ng are PAP endorsed and you are selecting a President to PROTECT RESERVES FROM GOVT MISAPPROPRIATION, then the lesser of all evil is TKL... So vote goes to TKL lor...

You sure he is lesser of all evil what make you think so . He is from the same system. Don't use either is black or white Propaganda or plain folk Propaganda ( he trying hard portrait as one) . He is never one of us.
And let me repeat the president role and responsibilities: custodial and ceremony . 

1. Who is the boss of GIC?
2. Who is the boss of TH?
3. Who is the boss of MAS?

He can't do anything just a puppet now he is a puppet for sdp and OA .

(22-08-2023, 08:44 PM)Bigiron Wrote:  Presidential candidate Tan Kin Lian apologised to those who felt "uncomfortable" over his "pretty girls" social media posts.

[Image: received-506362495028130.jpg]

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[Image: received-256430080598949.jpg]

you can wrack other things do not talk about people medical issue, unless you do not know.

Aware really eat too full nothing to do. Come on, TKL is not sammyboy.

Gutter politics rearing its head again.

Do you really think it is merely a coincidence that Leon And Nicole Seah beedio got distributed the same day that the ruling party had to announce Horny Tan’s affair with Mango Cheng? Big Grin

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine Big Grin

(23-08-2023, 07:42 AM)watchfirst9 Wrote:  you can wrack other things do not talk about people medical issue, unless you do not know.

FB post removal liao no long available thanks you for telling us. If got medical conditions mean no fit to be President liao thank for your highlight.

(23-08-2023, 07:55 AM)p1acebo Wrote:  Aware really eat too full nothing to do.  Come on, TKL is not sammyboy.

Gutter politics rearing its head again.

Do you really think it is merely a coincidence that Leon And Nicole Seah beedio got distributed the same day that the ruling party had to announce Horny Tan’s affair with Mango Cheng? Big Grin

The fact is the ruling party knows that we can put two and two together.  But they don’t simply care. The audacity of it all. 

They are actually saying so what, we may have humsup politicians but hey, WP has them too! Two of our MPs have to go but we will make two of WP MPs disappear too!

The past and present day govt of sg have been mostly benevolent and good, no doubt of that.  

But once in a while they need a kick in their hairy arse to wake up and not be complacent.

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine Big Grin

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