Russia moves to extend its maritime borders, angering Baltic Sea nations

According to a draft Russian defence ministry resolution published on Tuesday, Moscow plans to extend its territorial waters by changing its maritime borders with Finland and Lithuania in the Baltic Sea from January 2025. The redefined coordinates would see Moscow declaring Finnish and Lithuanian areas of the sea as Russian.

The episode passed with the fleetingness and twists of a roller coaster . Last Tuesday, May 21, the Russian news agency Tass reported the existence of a draft of an official document from the Ministry of Defense that called for reviewing its maritime borders in the Baltic Sea . Within hours, the foreign ministers of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland and Sweden, all NATO members who would be affected by this change, had already contacted Moscow demanding explanations. The Kremlin authorities downplayed the matter and, just one day after its publication, the discordant document had disappeared from the ministry's website.

The document did not specify how exactly the borders would be altered , but it did say that the change would affect islands in the Baltic Sea, particularly in the Gulf of Finland, as well as the waters around the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad . The proposal indicated that public consultations would take place until June 4 and that the change would be implemented in January 2025.

On the other hand, this latest chapter of tensions has come within the framework of warnings from Western leaders about a possible escalation between Russia and NATO if Ukraine loses the war .

Soon they will produce a ancient map with dotted lines. 
Claiming belong to their ancestors territory.

Russia is learning from China who also claimed all of the south China seas.  China is a good teacher.

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