S'pore anti vax member respond to Raj Singh msg against them...

(14-10-2021, 01:17 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:  Raj is right.

Woman is one of the many anti vax fear mongers.
The fact that unvaxed people are "traumatised" by govt recent moves is because of the fear spread by such groups causing people to be unvaxed. All the problems would be solved if these people get vaccinated .....if you are worried about the new fangled mRNA ....there are traditional vaccines and to date 2 billion people have been vaccinated.

You have to accept that we cannot choose not to serve NS which is much more dangerous than vaccines as injury and deaths do occur.....

There is not always a choice at the society level when one person 's choice have effect on another.

Today you can smoke and die young ...that's fine but you cannot smoke anywhere you want because your smoke can result in 2nd smoke for others.

If your doctor assess you have no medical reason not to go for vaccination....plse do so.....

[Image: 327-3279942-F...k-you-hd-png-download.png]
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(14-10-2021, 03:01 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:  OYK should take guidance from medical panel and the medical should do its due diligence....If they feel data is insufficient it is better not to allow as it will complicate whole situation as some are on one vaccine other on another that is less effective...

I prefer non-RNA for my booster but can understand they cannot just decide to give go ahead without rigorous review...

Unfortunately, vaccine became politicise with one country refusing to recognise another's vaccine.

Total number of doses of China's vaccines administered worldwide is already more than 3 billions!

Data is still insufficient???
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(14-10-2021, 02:00 PM)debono Wrote:  Why don't all here kwai kwai take the 3 jabs given free for all Singaporeans...?

[Image: 327-3279942-F...k-you-hd-png-download.png]
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(14-10-2021, 03:02 PM)Sentinel Wrote:  Debono is a sneaky hypocrite, you should know that by now, PAP plp to the core, now using soft approach because leprosy invites company

I don't know what you have against me, pls tell me where I have err and offended you.... Laughing

(14-10-2021, 03:07 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:  Reason is before vax we lockdown until disease cannot spread.

After vax we open up and cases go up...if we are not vaccinate like some countries cases will be even higher look at India and Indonesia where they couldn't control well and not vaccinated coffin makers cannot make enough coffins.

Now we open up vaccine has kept cases lower than  if there was no vaccination. However vaccine is not as effective as we had hoped earlier so cases are high.

My disagreement is given what we know about vaccine effectiveness now ...should we even go ahead with opening?

U blur cok.....there were never a lockdown. Airport was open all along for the ahnn virus to come in and infect the dumbfark sinkees. And becos more got vax....more got infected thru those vax people.
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(14-10-2021, 03:14 PM)debono Wrote:  I don't know what you have against me, pls tell me where I have err and offended you.... Laughing

Simply, I hv been in forum for many years and I know who I am dealing with even with the first word anyone post, I'm quite similar to Notdumb, very perceptive and discerning, in fact, much above average than the average Sinkie, which is your target audience anyway, so why you fret about my opinion abt you?

I will never be your kwai kwai audience, you see.

(14-10-2021, 02:17 PM)debono Wrote:  If you don't want to kwai kwai go for the jabs, then our garment will make is difficult to have a happy lifestyle.  Now all Malls, F&B outlets, restaurants and hawker centers will require you to show evidence of your vaccination certificate before allowing entry to them and also for those who wants to dine in at coffee shops and Hawker centers.  We have no choice but to comply, else a fine will be given for non compliance.... Laughing

Bro, must be kwai kwai, buay sai kwai lan ??

(14-10-2021, 02:56 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:  This is a pandemic.
Govt has scientific data that unvaxed are more easily infected and pass infection to others.

Knowing the above, the rules have to be changed to maximise safety for every one as cases are rising.

For workplace safety, employers want everyone to be vaccinated ....if not, test negative everyday before coming to work.

I really don't see the issue.

Bro., Well said, I can identify with your comments. Glad we are on the same page....

(14-10-2021, 03:28 PM)debono Wrote:  Bro., Well said, I can identify with your comments. Glad we are on the same page....

I concur with your stupid comments.
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(14-10-2021, 02:56 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:  This is a pandemic.
Govt has scientific data that unvaxed are more easily infected and pass infection to others.

Knowing the above, the rules have to be changed to maximise safety for every one as cases are rising.

For workplace safety, employers want everyone to be vaccinated ....if not, test negative everyday before coming to work.

I really don't see the issue.

you fully vaxxed? if so you shdnt lock yourself inside yr flat, instead shd continue yr normal life. if everybody does that, thinking that there's still a slight chance of getting infections if go out, then that defeats the purpose of the vaccination

(14-10-2021, 03:18 PM)Sentinel Wrote:  Simply, I hv been in forum for many years and I know who I am dealing with even with the first word anyone post, I'm quite similar to Notdumb, very perceptive and discerning, in fact, much above average than the average Sinkie, which is your target audience anyway, so why you fret about my opinion abt you?

I will never be your kwai kwai audience, you see.

I  am also not new to this forum, and I have many buddies who can identify with me... Laughing

(14-10-2021, 03:31 PM)WhatDoYouThink? Wrote:  you fully vaxxed? if so you shdnt lock yourself inside yr flat, instead shd continue yr normal life. if everybody does that, thinking that there's still a slight chance of getting infections if go out, then that defeats the purpose of the vaccination

Ya lor, fully vaxxed still hide at home. Then what's the purpose of vaccination?

(14-10-2021, 03:35 PM)debono Wrote:  I  am also not new to this forum, and I have many buddies who can identify with me... Laughing

Same PAP plp IB gang, nothing new to me
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(14-10-2021, 03:36 PM)RichDad Wrote:  Ya lor, fully vaxxed still hide at home. Then what's the purpose of vaccination?

SGbutt wants to proof that the vaccine works mah. Laughing
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(14-10-2021, 03:36 PM)RichDad Wrote:  Ya lor, fully vaxxed still hide at home. Then what's the purpose of vaccination?

maybe his mum still needs to go downstairs to buy food and walk around, mingle with neighbors and so on, so he thinks it's safer to vax even if he seldom goes out

(14-10-2021, 03:36 PM)Sentinel Wrote:  Same PAP plp IB gang, nothing new to me

For umpteen time I am not a PAP plp IB gang, I report what is true and advantageous to our citizens, and in the process might have step on somebody's toes..... Laughing

(14-10-2021, 03:59 PM)debono Wrote:  For umpteen time I am not a PAP plp IB gang, I report what is true and advantageous to our citizens, and in the process might have step on somebody's toes..... Laughing

You're missing your audience here, in a nutshell, you could be wasting your time here, unless you're paid or have vested interest with PAP, so you need to asslick PAP all the time

Just say it, you are what you are for simple selfish reason, so quit self-glorifying the shit you do here ok
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(14-10-2021, 02:50 PM)WhatDoYouThink? Wrote:  公说公有理,婆说婆有理 such debate like others in forums hv no outcome



“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

(14-10-2021, 04:09 PM)Sentinel Wrote:  You're missing your audience here, in a nutshell, you could be wasting your time here, unless you're paid or have vested interest with PAP, so you need to asslick PAP all the time

Just say it, you are what you are for simple selfish reason, so quit self-glorifying the shit you do here ok

You are resorting to using expletives in your reply. Be more humble in your posts....

(14-10-2021, 04:26 PM)debono Wrote:  You are resorting to using expletives in your reply. Be more humble in your posts....
Got expletives ah? Where? Show me..

You know you can never outwrite me or win in any argument with me because you are restrained by your PAP paymaster so this is a foregone conclusion really, just suck it up and purse your lips up for more PAP asskissing for that is what you are good for and nothing else
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(14-10-2021, 04:40 PM)Sentinel Wrote:  Got expletives ah? Where? Show me..

You know you can never outwrite me or win in any argument with me because you are restrained by your PAP paymaster so this is a foregone conclusion really, just suck it up and purse your lips up for more PAP asskissing for that is what you are good for and nothing else

I remain unfazed..... Laughing

(14-10-2021, 04:46 PM)debono Wrote:  I remain unfazed..... Laughing
More like:

'You remain constrained and restrained by your PAP paymaster'


Based on the video the lady has stated her stand that with the measure implemented by the government has not been fair.

Especially when many fear the vaccines would bring them health issues, as well as underlying issues that some of the people may have.

With the roll out of restricting the unvax has not been fair is a valid point.

Our government has taken the easy way out and does not held responsibility and accountability in issues that they failed with their executions.

We should not discriminate or deprive those unvax for whatever reasons.

The way our government handle the situations are exactly the way they deprived development in those oppositions ward….that’s unfair.
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(14-10-2021, 01:51 PM)WhatDoYouThink? Wrote:  the unvaxed are becoming public enemy, the easy target

Need to redirect the heat and witch hunt lah. Else they kena asked why they never cut 1 year pay and bonus for the poor management of covid this year. No more GE so all relag? Lol

Poor healthcare front line...
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(14-10-2021, 01:59 PM)Alice Alicia Wrote:  The beginning of the end of pappy gov.

time to fix and reset them but sinkies are daft again and again. Don't have too much hope that their end is near
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(14-10-2021, 01:17 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:  Raj is right.

Woman is one of the many anti vax fear mongers.
The fact that unvaxed people are "traumatised" by govt recent moves is because of the fear spread by such groups causing people to be unvaxed. All the problems would be solved if these people get vaccinated .....if you are worried about the new fangled mRNA ....there are traditional vaccines and to date 2 billion people have been vaccinated.

You have to accept that we cannot choose not to serve NS which is much more dangerous than vaccines as injury and deaths do occur.....

There is not always a choice at the society level when one person 's choice have effect on another.

Today you can smoke and die young ...that's fine but you cannot smoke anywhere you want because your smoke can result in 2nd smoke for others.

If your doctor assess you have no medical reason not to go for vaccination....plse do so.....
While I don't think TS is a govt IB, but it show how successful is govt's campaign in equating not jab to anti vax.

TS missed out 1 point.. Those who don't want to take mRNA vaccine, has to pay themselves, and these folks are paying taxes like you and me.

MOH tried to offer an alternative, Novavax, but it will only be in earliest by end Dec 2021. At the same time, MOH donated Sinovac, Sinopharam, AZ to neighboring countries without even trying to offer them to this group of citizens.

Some of those folks tried to hold out until Novavax is in, but last sat announcement basically make it impossible to wait out. These people are not "traumatised", but rather frustrated with how govt operate this..

1. I have served the nation in a combat unit for 2.5 + 10 years. I had fulfilled my duty as a citizen, but has the country do it's part for me?
2. I don't know where the threat of CCP is, but I know the threat of CECA is already at my doorsteps
3. I had been called a CCP, JHK, Pinoy, but they never called me a CECA..

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