SMU graduate takes 20% paycut to leave army captain job to join uni

SMU graduate takes 20% paycut to leave army captain job to join uni grad wife as hawkers selling porridge in AMK

Leave army and no need do shit jobs. Good la


(16-07-2024, 03:12 PM)Bigiron Wrote:  SMU graduate takes 20% paycut to leave army captain job to join uni grad wife as hawkers selling porridge in AMK

The salary range for a Captain is $5.5 - $7.5k, if we take a conservative estimate of $6k & factor in 16 months salary in a year which works out to be $96k excluding any additional allowances and pay premiums.

So a 20% pay cut works out to $77k p.a., basically the husband gets paid $77k and I suppose the wife being the main driver for the stall gets at least another $77k and the 2 part time parents maybe $35k each?

I must say that's quite a lot from two congee hawker stalls... I'm surprised they can make this much as article says each bowl is only $4.50, perhaps they compensate with very high volume? 

Anyone familiar with their stall can comment?
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(16-07-2024, 04:15 PM)maxsanic Wrote:  The salary range for a Captain is $5.5 - $7.5k, if we take a conservative estimate of $6k & factor in 16 months salary in a year which works out to be $96k excluding any additional allowances and pay premiums.

So a 20% pay cut works out to $77k p.a., basically the husband gets paid $77k and I suppose the wife being the main driver for the stall gets at least another $77k and the 2 part time parents maybe $35k each?

I must say that's quite a lot from two congee hawker stalls... I'm surprised they can make this much as article says each bowl is only $4.50, perhaps they compensate with very high volume? 

Anyone familiar with their stall can comment?

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