Shanmugam, Vivian rented Ridout Road properties

(13-05-2023, 01:42 PM)Lukongsimi Wrote:  If they are happy affordable and willing to help the bungalow to be lively again
Empty too long can get haunted

dynamite hantu lurking around....waiting to get poked by you again? Rotfl

(24-10-2022, 09:01 AM)wendychan Wrote:  raining  - lets hope rain doesnt stop till tomorrow
(06-11-2022, 10:41 AM)wendychan Wrote:  macham like she is such a media guru
she even needs to have ang mo hair colour.- for shock value FOOk FOOk FOOk

(16-05-2023, 07:56 AM)Sline Wrote:  I am really curious what's the rent paid to SLA? Can't it be open for all to judge if it is reasonable?

The rent is 9K per month.
For a GCB in ridout the size of 3 football fields. a comparable GCB in the area will be asking 200K per month ( 20 X more).  Laughing Clapping
No this is not corrupt just as KOM was not corrupt. Our reserves have been robbed by 贪小便宜 (to be keen on gaining petty advantages; to have a strong desire for gains. ) ppl lor

it take SLA 2 months to come up with the rent the ministers paying ?

(16-05-2023, 11:04 AM)Truebluesg Wrote:  The rent is 9K per month.
For a GCB in ridout the size of 3 football fields. a comparable GCB in the area will be asking 200K per month ( 20 X more).  Laughing Clapping
No this is not corrupt just as KOM was not corrupt. Our reserves have been robbed by 贪小便宜 (to be keen on gaining petty advantages; to have a strong desire for gains. ) ppl lor

ugly and shameful people


These properties are 10x the size of a GCB

GCB avg price 30M and rental 100k a month

I am curious to know what how much rent they are paying.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

(16-05-2023, 11:09 AM)K88 shu shu Wrote:  it take SLA 2 months to come up with the rent the ministers paying ?

Must cook up excuse first mah

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine Big Grin

They dun dare to let us know the rent lah, if not they'd revealed it long ago.

(12-05-2023, 11:48 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:


From M Ravi Facebook:

And let me set the record straight. It was I who stopped Remy from publishing on TOC in 2010 about Shanmugam's alleged adulterous affair relating to his divorce with Shan's ex -wife Jothi Rajah( daughter of ex judge K.S Rajah). Remy said he was in studying in New York in 2009/2010 and got close to Jothi.

I will be quite happy to be be sued by Shanmugam for civil  defamation directly on his alleged adultery as I know know he has no case because I am not defaming him and saying that he is an adulterer.  All I am saying is there  there allegations floating and it is incumbent  for him to clarify publicly and say that he was implicated as having an illicit  affair.  He needs to tell the  public whether Jothi Rajah  divorced him or raised allegations of adultery in his divorce petition. Were his  divorce papers sealed in court or are they open for inspection as the matter is of public interest as PAP MPs or Oppositions MP's have created a parliamentary convention that some who commit  misconduct in family affairs cannot hold office in Parliament. As a Law Minister, Shanmugam must clear the air directly and openly . Please don't go to AG , Hri Kumar, Law Society or the police but  just answer the question or sue me in court and open your divorce papers for me to cross examine you if you think i have defamed you as you know as a lawyer I have not .  I am proud to say that I was the first and last local lawyer in Sg to cross examine LKY in a full blown defamation trial. Its in my book KB. The police should not file report after reports and appear dumbfounded when I asked questions last week. Don't waste time. If not just resign honourably like Michael Palmer, Yaw Shin Leong and MP in BT Batok if the  allegations of proven illicit affairs are true. Every citizen is entitled to know the truth and just issue a statement and we will check with other sources including Jothi Rajah etc etc etc.. simple. Nothing to be complicated.

This is a fair comment. No one in sg is afraid of you Shan and i was never afraid of LKY either for my Divine Mother has taught me to only fear fear.🙏❤⛹‍♂🏋‍♀👉

If only our public school boys and girls on both sides of the camp  learn how not to get their knickers in a twist, Singapore will be a beautiful place for all beings.❤


(16-05-2023, 01:04 PM)Obamao Wrote:  Meanwhile......

From M Ravi Facebook:

And let me set the record straight. It was I who stopped Remy from publishing on TOC in 2010 about Shanmugam's alleged adulterous affair relating to his divorce with Shan's ex -wife Jothi Rajah( daughter of ex judge K.S Rajah). Remy said he was in studying in New York in 2009/2010 and got close to Jothi.

I will be quite happy to be be sued by Shanmugam for civil  defamation directly on his alleged adultery as I know know he has no case because I am not defaming him and saying that he is an adulterer.  All I am saying is there  there allegations floating and it is incumbent  for him to clarify publicly and say that he was implicated as having an illicit  affair.  He needs to tell the  public whether Jothi Rajah  divorced him or raised allegations of adultery in his divorce petition. Were his  divorce papers sealed in court or are they open for inspection as the matter is of public interest as PAP MPs or Oppositions MP's have created a parliamentary convention that some who commit  misconduct in family affairs cannot hold office in Parliament. As a Law Minister, Shanmugam must clear the air directly and openly . Please don't go to AG , Hri Kumar, Law Society or the police but  just answer the question or sue me in court and open your divorce papers for me to cross examine you if you think i have defamed you as you know as a lawyer I have not .  I am proud to say that I was the first and last local lawyer in Sg to cross examine LKY in a full blown defamation trial. Its in my book KB. The police should not file report after reports and appear dumbfounded when I asked questions last week. Don't waste time. If not just resign honourably like Michael Palmer, Yaw Shin Leong and MP in BT Batok if the  allegations of proven illicit affairs are true. Every citizen is entitled to know the truth and just issue a statement and we will check with other sources including Jothi Rajah etc etc etc.. simple. Nothing to be complicated.

This is a fair comment. No one in sg is afraid of you Shan and i was never afraid of LKY either for my Divine Mother has taught me to only fear fear.🙏❤⛹‍♂🏋‍♀👉

If only our public school boys and girls on both sides of the camp  learn how not to get their knickers in a twist, Singapore will be a beautiful place for all beings.❤


Long time ago already give up on PAP is WHEN You grow up become Adult than you slowly know been " brainwash, been put in yourself in FEAR , control By OTHERS "

LKY using FEAR tactics work last time partly a lot Uneducated ones. Can easily brainwash etc
Also common folks are not well connect to the rest of the world come news media. We only been " brainwash by Mainstream media " from SPH to Media corp.

Is due to Internet , every people in every countries slowly learn the truths etc. This is WHY you literally see Every Countries want to implement , some regulations etc on Internet , Social Media.

The Govt knows Internet is a " Double Edge sword " The Politicians also can't ban partly They also using Internet , Social Media " to promote their agenda "

You see our crap PAP ministers , now also into TikTok doing Stupid video, you think they do for fun? Obviously is NOT. They do is to get the Young gen attention etc look see Ministers also join the fun with you , etc

Is the way to get young voters future vote.

PAP ONLY SCARE OF PEOPLE LIKE " TRUMP, ELON Musk " this type of person.

Got Strong backup of rich private elites behind, Strong Influence and lastly is RICH.

This is why when one Become Rich what they aim next? Is STATUS , POWER.

(16-05-2023, 12:41 PM)p1acebo Wrote:  Must cook up excuse first mah

whatever rent the SLA quoted, already lost its value.

101% subsidized rate.

They cant be renting >100K per mth. Real killer to pocket.

[+] 1 user Likes Niubee's post

(13-05-2023, 10:27 AM)wendychan Wrote:  no  info availannle on sla site as well.....
correct or not same? Big Grin 
Black and White Houses in Singapore: How to Rent Colonial Houses from SLA (2023) (

(16-05-2023, 01:04 PM)Obamao Wrote:  Meanwhile......

From M Ravi Facebook:

And let me set the record straight. It was I who stopped Remy from publishing on TOC in 2010 about Shanmugam's alleged adulterous affair relating to his divorce with Shan's ex -wife Jothi Rajah( daughter of ex judge K.S Rajah). Remy said he was in studying in New York in 2009/2010 and got close to Jothi.

I will be quite happy to be be sued by Shanmugam for civil  defamation directly on his alleged adultery as I know know he has no case because I am not defaming him and saying that he is an adulterer.  All I am saying is there  there allegations floating and it is incumbent  for him to clarify publicly and say that he was implicated as having an illicit  affair.  He needs to tell the  public whether Jothi Rajah  divorced him or raised allegations of adultery in his divorce petition. Were his  divorce papers sealed in court or are they open for inspection as the matter is of public interest as PAP MPs or Oppositions MP's have created a parliamentary convention that some who commit  misconduct in family affairs cannot hold office in Parliament. As a Law Minister, Shanmugam must clear the air directly and openly . Please don't go to AG , Hri Kumar, Law Society or the police but  just answer the question or sue me in court and open your divorce papers for me to cross examine you if you think i have defamed you as you know as a lawyer I have not .  I am proud to say that I was the first and last local lawyer in Sg to cross examine LKY in a full blown defamation trial. Its in my book KB. The police should not file report after reports and appear dumbfounded when I asked questions last week. Don't waste time. If not just resign honourably like Michael Palmer, Yaw Shin Leong and MP in BT Batok if the  allegations of proven illicit affairs are true. Every citizen is entitled to know the truth and just issue a statement and we will check with other sources including Jothi Rajah etc etc etc.. simple. Nothing to be complicated.

This is a fair comment. No one in sg is afraid of you Shan and i was never afraid of LKY either for my Divine Mother has taught me to only fear fear.🙏❤⛹‍♂🏋‍♀👉

If only our public school boys and girls on both sides of the camp  learn how not to get their knickers in a twist, Singapore will be a beautiful place for all beings.❤


Why the honorable law minister never sue the crazy fella for defamation? Thinking

(16-05-2023, 05:51 PM)Truebluesg Wrote:  Why the honorable law minister never sue the crazy fella for defamation? Thinking

Never sue means ish true? Big Grin

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine Big Grin

The Size Of 31 And 26 Ridout Road

REALLY SO HUGE THAN SENG SONG boss Landed house even Hao mart Boss landed house even those so call Local CEO landed house

The Size Of 31 And 26 Ridout Road
Many people have asked me to illustrate the size of 31 and 26 Ridout Road so that they can visualise it.I did a bit of thinking and came up with this.
31 Ridout Road has a land area of 136,100 square feet. 26 Ridout Road has a land area of 260,000 square feet.
Ok get ready for this. An Olympic size swimming pool is 13,428.68 square feet. A football field is 48,000 square feet.
So 31 Ridout Road is more than 10 times the size of an Olympic size swimming pool and almost 3 football fields!
As for 26 Ridout Road, the land area is about 5 and a half football fields and more than 19 Olympic size swimming pools!
You sure can play lots of football and do lots of swimming in these 2 properties! No need to play football kicking a plastic ball in a basketball court like many schoolchildren have to resort to during school recess!
I hope this helps.

interesting lol so I go youtube search any video on this house

happen to see this

Good Class Bungalow at Ridout Road near Dempsey Hill

Not bad the surrounding Smile FULL OF NATURE THAT AREAS

Ridout Apartment Home Tour


Shanmugam and Balakrishnan Bids Above Guide Rent for State Property in Ridout Road Prime Location

Did they claim rental reimbursements for using the house to work?

Laughing Laughing

(16-05-2023, 07:04 PM)Observer Wrote:  Did they claim rental reimbursements for using the house to work?

Smile You know why got this saga? Partly the BOSS AKA LHL IS timid on his men unlike LKY.

IF LkY still around this thing will not be happen. LKY even caution remind his men don't go overboard come owning luxury car , landed house since you are Politicians you are Servant for the people aka work for the people , the country. At least LKY know what is " image " the guideline there.

If those 2 MPs use Jac Lau tax he paid for the past 25 years, I am ok.

Because Jac is a willing Donor and willing to die for Current PAP

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

(16-05-2023, 07:08 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  Smile You know why got this saga? Partly the BOSS AKA LHL IS timid on his men unlike LKY.

IF LkY still around this thing will not be happen. LKY even caution remind his men don't go overboard come owning luxury car , landed house since you are Politicians you are Servant for the people aka work for the people , the country. At least LKY know what is " image " the guideline there.

LKY and his wife is the best.

(16-05-2023, 08:52 PM)dynamite Wrote:  LKY and his wife is the best.

Well done, learn to pretend to carry balls already, oppy taught you well Rotfl
[Image: tgif.gif]

(24-10-2022, 09:01 AM)wendychan Wrote:  raining  - lets hope rain doesnt stop till tomorrow
(06-11-2022, 10:41 AM)wendychan Wrote:  macham like she is such a media guru
she even needs to have ang mo hair colour.- for shock value FOOk FOOk FOOk

(16-05-2023, 09:03 PM)Choc Wrote:  Well done, learn to pretend to carry balls already, oppy taught you well Rotfl

You mean the shameless Hypocrite, Jac LAU from Malaysia?

[Image: Best-Crab-food-ever.png]

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

[Image: laughing-thalaiva.gif]

(24-10-2022, 09:01 AM)wendychan Wrote:  raining  - lets hope rain doesnt stop till tomorrow
(06-11-2022, 10:41 AM)wendychan Wrote:  macham like she is such a media guru
she even needs to have ang mo hair colour.- for shock value FOOk FOOk FOOk

(16-05-2023, 07:04 PM)Observer Wrote:  Did they claim rental reimbursements for using the house to work?

[Image: image.gif]

(24-10-2022, 09:01 AM)wendychan Wrote:  raining  - lets hope rain doesnt stop till tomorrow
(06-11-2022, 10:41 AM)wendychan Wrote:  macham like she is such a media guru
she even needs to have ang mo hair colour.- for shock value FOOk FOOk FOOk

Singapore record GCB sold was 85k sqft @ 230 millions. But at Nassim... more prestige.

These 2 should be slight more expensive.... due to bigger sqft.


(16-05-2023, 11:21 PM)Niubee Wrote:  Singapore record GCB sold was 85k sqft @ 230 millions. But at Nassim... more prestige.

These 2 should be slight more expensive.... due to bigger sqft.

recently there is one GCB sold at Nassim STILL can't match Sham and Vivian ones come the size of the property including the land surrounding the house.

(16-05-2023, 12:30 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:  These properties are 10x the size of a GCB

GCB avg price 30M and rental 100k a month

I am curious to know what how much rent they are paying.

Somehow somewhere they must have benefitted in certain way  otherwise they won't do it.

They are extremely intelligent human.

Reported Lawrence Wong did it b4 too

He says sorry


There must be advantages to do that

To benefit themselves

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