Think twice before you go surf Sammyboy forums and end up sinking in too deep.....

2 years ago, like any noob samster, I stumbled onto this forum and started reading up on spas and MLs.

In the beginning, I tried various spas which offered mainly HJs. Then explored a few that provided CBJs and even FJs. For a start, I did not want to go for FJs thinking that I could draw the line. Then, lust took over and I had my first protected FJ in one of the spas. 1 month after the deed I felt guilty and started panicking over the possibility of contracting HIV. I went for anonymous testing and was given the all-clear. Decided to stop as I got scared.

Months after that my dark side returned and I started going for HJs again. This time I only looked up ladies offering HJ with good FRs. Again, lust got the better of me and I started seeking MLs and FLs once more. Without thinking much, I went on to book a ML for a HJ masaage and subsequently a FL, my second protected FJ experience.

This is where things took a turn for the worse. A few days after the deed, my little bro started feeling pain and became swollen. Red spots appeared on my shaft and I freaked out. I thought to myself, what if I caught anything nasty from the FL? I went to the clinic to consult a doctor. He advised me to wait for the window period to pass before undergoing any testing. Gave me some topical cream for the rash.

At that point I felt like my life is over. I have a nice family with 2 kids and I could possibly lose all of them and because I caught this death sentence of a disease. My world suddenly came crashing down on me. During this widow period, I have already made holiday plans with my family for both Christmas and the New Year. How was I suppose to spend it without telling them??

We went on vacation as planned. There I was, secretly monitoring the condition of my little bro while pretending to enjoy the holidays with my kids. It was supposed to be fun for everyone but I couldn't really enjoy myself the least bit.

Upon returning, I rushed to the clinic to take a urine test that would yet require another full week for the results to be ready. My little bro felt so swollen and tensed up; even the back of my scrotum hurt whenever I sat down. The red spots disappeared and came back several times. Once, a drop of discharge even came out and I almost freaked out in the toilet.

And so one long week finally passed. I was cleared of all bacterial STDs.

More at
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No wonder

 No weapon that forms against me shall prospers.

With condom still scared until like that? But anyway, when already married, better not fool around. Not worth the risk.

Want to cheong, must cheong when still single.
[+] 1 user Likes RichDad's post

(11-04-2022, 08:21 PM)Sentinel Wrote:  smlj


Your kind of post is very revealing.

Can you share your experience, how your member is feeling, any rot, any maggots crawling about?

(11-04-2022, 09:33 PM)Oyk Wrote:  Your kind of post is very revealing.

Can you share your experience, how your member is feeling, any rot, any maggots crawling about?

You going to suck my cock is it? No maggots, no need to worry hor

(11-04-2022, 09:40 PM)Sentinel Wrote:  You going to suck my cock is it? No maggots, no need to worry hor

I am happy for you that there are no maggots.

The doctor did a good job.

(11-04-2022, 09:42 PM)Oyk Wrote:  I am happy for you that there are no maggots.

The doctor did a good job.
So you can safely proceed to suck, dun worry and dun talk while ur mouth is full

(11-04-2022, 09:45 PM)Sentinel Wrote:  So you can safely proceed to suck, dun worry and dun talk while ur mouth is full

We know you are gay, but I have no interest in Ah Kuahs.

Anyway, stay safe.............from Omicron as well as STD.  

You might have been lucky once, but do not court trouble because you may not be lucky the next time.

Skarli is the wife pass him the infection.

one its a addiction

many are late boomers , before they explore this dark side many found GF and soon married with kids I dont blame you if you are drawn to it

PS .. i know a couple bros that have lost count sleeping with working ladies and they are fine , 100% helmet, every 6 months just go test , no kissing or licking those wet areas...just touch , feel , smell

Anyway .. enjoy while you can before ED sets in happens with age and cannot be help

(11-04-2022, 09:49 PM)Oyk Wrote:  We know you are gay, but I have no interest in Ah Kuahs.

Anyway, stay safe.............from Omicron as well as STD.  

You might have been lucky once, but do not court trouble because you may not be lucky the next time.
You think its free ah?

Talk so much, suck or no suck you still pay ok

Cos u hv a very dirty mouth

(11-04-2022, 08:04 PM)Reddishday Wrote:  2 years ago, like any noob samster, I stumbled onto this forum and started reading up on spas and MLs.

In the beginning, I tried various spas which offered mainly HJs. Then explored a few that provided CBJs and even FJs. For a start, I did not want to go for FJs thinking that I could draw the line. Then, lust took over and I had my first protected FJ in one of the spas. 1 month after the deed I felt guilty and started panicking over the possibility of contracting HIV. I went for anonymous testing and was given the all-clear. Decided to stop as I got scared.

Months after that my dark side returned and I started going for HJs again. This time I only looked up ladies offering HJ with good FRs. Again, lust got the better of me and I started seeking MLs and FLs once more. Without thinking much, I went on to book a ML for a HJ masaage and subsequently a FL, my second protected FJ experience.

This is where things took a turn for the worse. A few days after the deed, my little bro started feeling pain and became swollen. Red spots appeared on my shaft and I freaked out. I thought to myself, what if I caught anything nasty from the FL? I went to the clinic to consult a doctor. He advised me to wait for the window period to pass before undergoing any testing. Gave me some topical cream for the rash.

At that point I felt like my life is over. I have a nice family with 2 kids and I could possibly lose all of them and because I caught this death sentence of a disease. My world suddenly came crashing down on me. During this widow period, I have already made holiday plans with my family for both Christmas and the New Year. How was I suppose to spend it without telling them??

We went on vacation as planned. There I was, secretly monitoring the condition of my little bro while pretending to enjoy the holidays with my kids. It was supposed to be fun for everyone but I couldn't really enjoy myself the least bit.

Upon returning, I rushed to the clinic to take a urine test that would yet require another full week for the results to be ready. My little bro felt so swollen and tensed up; even the back of my scrotum hurt whenever I sat down. The red spots disappeared and came back several times. Once, a drop of discharge even came out and I almost freaked out in the toilet.

And so one long week finally passed. I was cleared of all bacterial STDs.

More at

Sammyboy still have meh?

this one for sure fake story written by spiteful girlfriend.. nudie

(11-04-2022, 11:19 PM)Sentinel Wrote:  You think its free ah?

Talk so much, suck or no suck you still pay ok

Cos u hv a very dirty mouth

It must be terrible for you to be a minority at any forum, being an Ah Kuah.

Not only are you discriminated by mainstream society, but within your sisterhood, you know you are a victim of racism with all those ceca rantings....

(12-04-2022, 11:00 AM)Oyk Wrote:  It must be terrible for you to be a minority at any forum, being an Ah Kuah.

Not only are you discriminated by mainstream society, but within your sisterhood, you know you are a victim of racism with all those ceca rantings....

Ah Qua saying another is Ah Qua, u think we can believe you?

I think you fcuked by ceca until back side pain pain so vent ur frustration here

(11-04-2022, 09:21 PM)RichDad Wrote:  With condom still scared until like that? But anyway, when already married, better not fool around. Not worth the risk.

Want to cheong, must cheong when still single.

Whether married or single, men can't help themselves. With their enthusiastic and impulsive sex drive, they can't get enough of sex, and many will stray when a sexual opportunity presents itself.

Sexual promiscuity is rampant for most of human existence. Sex outside of marriage is very common. It's common knowledge that men, like most primates and other mammals, aren't monogamous by nature. The problem is that while most men can live in a monogamous relationship, their brain-wiring demands polygamous mental stimulation. Which is why throughout human history, men have had a constant battle to stay monogamous.

For some accomplished sex athletes that I know, sexual conquest is the name of the game for whom sexual fulfillment is the utimate panacea for personal happiness. Life will be perfect if all their sexual drives, needs, and wants are met.

All advice dissuading men from straying will fall on deaf ears. It'll take something more drastic to tame the guys somewhat. Nothing short of strict rules enforced by women, religion or society will suffice. If unrestrained, most men would fall into a bottomless oit of mindless fornication.
[+] 1 user Likes S I M T A N's post

(13-04-2022, 12:30 AM)S I M T A N Wrote:  Whether married or single, men can't help themselves. With their enthusiastic and impulsive sex drive, they can't get enough of sex, and many will stray when a sexual opportunity presents itself.

Sexual promiscuity is rampant for most of human existence. Sex outside of marriage is very common. It's common knowledge that men, like most primates and other mammals, aren't monogamous by nature. The problem is that while most men can live in a monogamous relationship, their brain-wiring demands polygamous mental stimulation. Which is why throughout human history, men have had a constant battle to stay monogamous.

For some accomplished sex athletes that I know, sexual conquest is the name of the game for whom sexual fulfillment is the utimate panacea for personal happiness. Life will be perfect if all their sexual drives, needs, and wants are met.

All advice dissuading men from straying will fall on deaf ears. It'll take something more drastic to tame the guys somewhat. Nothing short of strict rules enforced by women, religion or society will suffice. If unrestrained, most men would fall into a bottomless oit of mindless fornication.

Well said . This is because the purpose of life is procreation . Everything living on earth wants to spread their "seeds" to ensure the survival of its own kind.
[+] 1 user Likes RichDad's post

(13-04-2022, 06:14 AM)RichDad Wrote:  Well said . This is because the purpose of life is procreation . Everything living on earth wants to spread their "seeds" to ensure the survival of its own kind.

This programming by evolution is very strong. Look at Bill Clinton and Bill Gates both cannot control and got into trouble.

But this is not the only compulsion. There is also greed, gambling, envy etc. Different people are affected by different combinations.

If you are ordinary person, gambling is more damaging than lust most of the time. Gambling often without limit lose everything.

To lead a wholesome happy life one needs to keep all these in check. The evolutionary programming of your brain may not be best suited for modern artificially created society. 

Overcoming this programming is not simple. Like SIM TIAN said religion and strict discipline. There is also control of your mind.

Many are not aware of their own mind how it control them. Many years ago I met a master who taught me to watch my own mind to be aware of what my mind is doing. This has helped me to break free of the programming by the evolutionary process.

Our decisions and actions is tainted by our imperfect thinking and flaws. Why this married man go spend money and risk getting disease for 15 min of pleasure is flawed logic. He failed to make a good decision.

For many other things. Be it buying decisions e.g. luxury goods our thinking is programmed by advertisers who brainwash us into thinking we need something. If you don't watch your mind and know it is under influence you will fall for it.

Achieving deep awareness is not simple. One as to strip away impulse and biasness and emotion.

In recent decades advertisers have used sex for advertising and reinforce people's lust. This has led to many social problems and family breakups.

There is no interest of. Govt or education or system to fix your mind. Govt itself use propaganda they also want to influence behavior and do not want you to have independent thinking.

In the end, the ordinary person's mind end up in a mess. Driven by impulse...

Once you can overcome these, you will find long last happiness is in simple things in life and your greed will vanish as you won't have as much need for money, status and lust. Imagine how much energy people spend chasing after things they don't need until the end of their lives. ...they wasted it! Because they fail to reflect on what is real happiness.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

(13-04-2022, 06:59 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  This programming by evolution is very strong. Look at Bill Clinton and Bill Gates both cannot control and got into trouble.

But this is not the only compulsion. There is also greed, gambling, envy etc. Different people are affected by different combinations.

If you are ordinary person, gambling is more damaging than lust most of the time. Gambling often without limit lose everything.

To lead a wholesome happy life one needs to keep all these in check. The evolutionary programming of your brain may not be best suited for modern artificially created society. 

Overcoming this programming is not simple. Like SIM TIAN said religion and strict discipline. There is also control of your mind.

Many are not aware of their own mind how it control them. Many years ago I met a master who taught me to watch my own mind to be aware of what my mind is doing. This has helped me to break free of the programming by the evolutionary process.

Our decisions and actions is tainted by our imperfect thinking and flaws. Why this married man go spend money and risk getting disease for 15 min of pleasure is flawed logic. He failed to make a good decision.

For many other things. Be it buying decisions e.g. luxury goods our thinking is programmed by advertisers who brainwash us into thinking we need something. If you don't watch your mind and know it is under influence you will fall for it.

Achieving deep awareness is not simple. One as to strip aware impulse and biasness and emotion.

In recent decades advertisers have used sex for advertising and reinforce people's lust. This has led to many social problems and family breakups.

There is no interest of. Govt or education or system to fix your mind. Govt itself use propaganda they also want to influence behavior and do not want you to have independent thinking.

I'm the end, the ordinary person's mind end up in a mess. Driven by impulse.
Hmm....... Rolleyes

 Thinking is difficult, that's why most people judge
                    Carl Jung

(13-04-2022, 06:59 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  But this is not the only compulsion. There is also greed, gambling, envy etc. Different people are affected by different combinations.

If you are ordinary person, gambling is more damaging than lust most of the time. Gambling often without limit lose everything.

Greed is a strong desire to have more money whereas lust is a strong feeling of sexual desire.

Greed isn't a dirty word. If someone has the skills necessary to run a business and roll in the dough or if people become wealthy by shrewd investment of their money in the stock market, you've got to give them credit. It's only when they lose their shirts gambling big-time that they're branded a complete failure.

Lust stems from the amounts of testosterone that men possess in great abundance and that stimulates the desire for sex. A continual high dose of testosterone keeps a man's sex drive high. Men really have it good - the social encouragement they've received for generations to sow their oats and ensure the human species continues.

Enslaved to lust, many play the field, dabbling in sexual escapades. Their biological urges - the urge to be promiscuous - are often completely at odds with society's rules, expectations and demands. Sow their seeds as far afield and as often as possible but also reap a harvest of pain and heartache when their infidelities begin straining their relationships. Men's philandering (biological inclinations) is ruining their relationships and is the number one cause of relationship problems.

(14-04-2022, 01:56 AM)S I M T A N Wrote:  Lust is a strong feeling of sexual desire.

Lust isn't a dirty word. If someone has the skills to make the other party satisfied that's wonderful
Lust stems from the amounts of testosterone that men possess in great abundance and that stimulates the desire for sex. That's the reason Oyk sticks with me. A continual high dose of sperms keeps Oyk coming for more.

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