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Today alot of edmwers kena banned

(11-11-2022, 07:20 PM)IndianChief Wrote:  wont be surprised if the mods unleashed mikedirnt to stir shit here

The mikedirnt in this forum don't think is he 

But then one thing for sure 

The hwz Mikedirnt is lurking here. He know things around here. That time he sound me say saw my gossip here lol

(11-11-2022, 07:43 PM)Basic_Strategy Wrote:  All due respect, you could have made your point without throwing in the "boy". Using that term immediately made what could have been a reasonable objective perspective from you (even if I personally disagree with it) become a personal insult/belittling kind. Bad enough if people feel like they are losing to objective arguments, how do you think they will react to salt on their wounds by being belittled with terms like "boy" etc?

You know what they did to me in that thread? They took turns one by one to corner me and put words into my mouth. I was already damn pissed off, because they always resort to the same trick, trying to bait people into making mistakes. Calling them boys is already too easy on them. At the same time, when they called others glass-hearted did they reflect upon themselves that they are worse? If they report others for such a small thing as people calling them 'boys' then don't kpkb when hwz becomes an intolerable forum. Got guts just argue the points like a man.

(11-11-2022, 07:55 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  You know what they did to me in that thread? They took turns one by one to corner me and put words into my mouth. I was already damn pissed off, because they always resort to the same trick, trying to bait people into making mistakes. Calling them boys is already too easy on them. At the same time, when they called others glass-hearted did they reflect upon themselves that they are worse? If they report others for such a small thing as people calling them 'boys' then don't kpkb when hwz becomes an intolerable forum. Got guts just argue the points like a man.

Teach you one surefire stunt to deal with such people. 

Whenever they try to put words into your mouth, simply reply "please show me from any of my past comments where did I say this, NPNT". 

Force them to go and dig your comments and try to find anything to back up their twisted logic and putting words into your mouth action. If they got balls to openly post anything you say, let everyone else reading see what they use as evidence and judge for themselves. 

99% of the time they won't dare. Because they know that you never said what they are accusing you of saying. They keep it up a few more times, they will lose their credibility and people won't take them seriously whenever they try to accuse you or anybody of stuff you all didn't say or do. 

Also, HWZ has always been an intolerable place. It's just changed in its nature of intolerableness.
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(11-11-2022, 07:55 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  You know what they did to me in that thread? They took turns one by one to corner me and put words into my mouth. I was already damn pissed off, because they always resort to the same trick, trying to bait people into making mistakes. Calling them boys is already too easy on them. At the same time, when they called others glass-hearted did they reflect upon themselves that they are worse? If they report others for such a small thing as people calling them 'boys' then don't kpkb when hwz becomes an intolerable forum. Got guts just argue the points like a man.

Let it go, mate. Not worth your time to bother about them. Don't let them live rent free in your mind
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(12-11-2022, 07:27 AM)MikeDirnt78 Wrote:  Some of you guys here are nothing to me but troublemakers and shit stirrer.

I am glad to see at least one person talking some sense here. Good to have you here as well.

FOOk FOOk FOOk and FOOking FOOk

You have 4 user(s) on ignore
Somme road, alerts,  Choc,  winbig

Foo Mee Har is my sister in law - FACT

(12-11-2022, 08:41 AM)Intrinion Wrote:  I am glad to see at least one person talking some sense here. Good to have you here as well.

[Image: are-you-stupid-i-swear.gif]
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(12-11-2022, 05:58 AM)fishbuff Wrote:  Let it go, mate. Not worth your time to bother about them. Don't let them live rent free in your mind

The state of affairs in hwz is a result of both mods and users. Mods should understand that they cannot award points for every comment that may possibly hurt people. Users should just grow up instead of being softies who feel hurt at everything.  Can't win arguments and feeling hurt at being called hypocrites and so resort to reporting everything that is so kucing kurap. And the irony is these are the people who called others 'glass-hearted'.

Some well-intentioned users there PM me and said 'you should remove your comment that called him a hypocrite' else you may just get banned. I said no, I called a spade a spade. They are what they are - hypocrites, and I provide good reasons why they are so. I don't insult anybody. If calling someone hypocrite is an insult then my only words to these folks are - grow up!
[+] 2 users Like Blasterlord2's post

Comcare receiver talking like some big fug here hahaha

(12-11-2022, 01:42 PM)Bolixin666 Wrote:  Comcare receiver talking like some big fug here hahaha

[Image: tumblr_inline_mmzgfuyNJ51qz4rgp.gif]

(12-11-2022, 02:47 PM)28cMostlyCloudy Wrote:  [Image: tumblr_inline_mmzgfuyNJ51qz4rgp.gif]

Go back to taking your comcare and don't waste taxpayer's money.

Mods and their minions now stirring there that people in sgtalk are trying to ruin hwz reputation
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(12-11-2022, 05:48 PM)IndianChief Wrote:  Mods and their minions now stirring there that people in sgtalk are trying to ruin hwz reputation

Do they have any reputation in the first place?  Or learn from pap ownself praise ownself

(12-11-2022, 05:49 PM)Bigiron Wrote:  Do they have any reputation in the first place?  Or learn from pap ownself praise ownself
Of course ownself praise themselves. They are champions of self praise
[+] 1 user Likes IndianChief's post

(12-11-2022, 07:27 AM)MikeDirnt78 Wrote:  Some of you guys here are nothing to me but troublemakers and shit stirrer.

Admin should ban your fake account.
[+] 2 users Like OutBreak's post

actually they mod never " ban their friends "

Since this ‘kena banned’ thread started here, the original one over there became a chit chat thread!
Very few getting banned nowadays, perm banned one also resurrected!
They keep badmouthing about here, maybe they’re afraid of a mass exodus.
They’re behaving like a bunch of si ginna humji kias nia.

(12-11-2022, 06:03 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  actually they mod never " ban their friends "

of course 

it is the 160th ranking PAP oligarchy

(12-11-2022, 06:12 PM)grotesqueness Wrote:  of course 

it is the 160th ranking PAP oligarchy

Last time I already noticed , " some members seem like mod personal friends "

(12-11-2022, 06:15 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  Last time I already noticed , " some members seem like mod personal friends "

it is so obvious 
it always happened in every one party state  

PAP oligarchy expansion to creating ridiculous mayor

(12-11-2022, 05:37 PM)Bolixin666 Wrote:  Go back to taking your comcare and don't waste taxpayer's money.

Shuttup la 

Haven't even answer me your parent still alive a not 

If still alive i slap you i slap them i slap you again i tell you 

[Image: giphy.webp]

(12-11-2022, 06:21 PM)28cMostlyCloudy Wrote:  Shuttup la 

Haven't even answer me your parent still alive a not 

If still alive i slap you i slap them i slap you again i tell you 

[Image: giphy.webp]

As if you ask me about my parents will make you look good  Laughing

(12-11-2022, 06:28 PM)Bolixin666 Wrote:  As if you ask me about my parents will make you look good  Laughing

Ask you about your parent so i can slap them slap you then slap you again. 

[Image: slap-slapping.gif]

(12-11-2022, 06:11 PM)Ichigo Wrote:  Since this ‘kena banned’ thread started here, the original one over there became a chit chat thread!
Very few getting banned nowadays, perm banned one also resurrected!
They keep badmouthing about here, maybe they’re afraid of a mass exodus.
They’re behaving like a bunch of si ginna humji kias nia.

Maybe this thread is doing a good job in keeping the mods there accountable. 

Before that they just ban,  anyone question them get banned,  any negative news about their abuse gets deleted,  they basically suppress everything to make sure no one can do anything about their power trips

But now they getting exposed here and they can't delete the posts or the users here to cover up
[+] 3 users Like IndianChief's post

(12-11-2022, 06:31 PM)28cMostlyCloudy Wrote:  Ask you about your parent so i can slap them slap you then slap you again. 

[Image: slap-slapping.gif]

slap lor siao lang  Clapping Laughing

(12-11-2022, 06:42 PM)Bolixin666 Wrote:  slap lor siao lang  Clapping Laughing

But you no tell me your parent still alive a not. How the heck i can slap you then them then you again. 

[Image: slap-come-here.gif]

(12-11-2022, 06:11 PM)Ichigo Wrote:  Since this ‘kena banned’ thread started here, the original one over there became a chit chat thread!
Very few getting banned nowadays, perm banned one also resurrected!
They keep badmouthing about here, maybe they’re afraid of a mass exodus.
They’re behaving like a bunch of si ginna humji kias nia.

Doubt they are worried about mass exodus, realistically speaking edmw still got many times the traffic compare to here and a lot are just casual normie that will siam political topics that might get themselves ntuc pts or banned in the first place. So that like to involve in such topics are normally the same group of edmwers, especially the old timers from the early 2000s. Just that those topics from the same group of arguments evolved overtime from PAP vs Opp, pro-US vs anti-IS topics into Sinkie Vs FT and Anti-CCp vis pro-CCP type nia. Thus in recent years ish normally this group of edmwers always ganna ntuc points or bans, not really the normies there.

So it ish like saying starbutt afraid of mass exodus of their customers to kopitiam and hawker center kopi stall. Beside here got a much larger groups of aggressive and even hostile pro-china population than in edmw, most edmwers that moi know there will not find it comfortable to dwell here.

Maybe it start getting out of control when those mods start going for the normies. As according to some, it seem after moi ish gone the mods start picking on normies too as the reasons of banning and ntuc pts awards becoming more and more ridiculous and overboard. Like heard some claim nao talk against LGBT and wokeness in entertainment also cannot liao, not sure true or not but heard some claim nao even post kym pic or meme may also get pts.

Anyway Moi felt ish more of ego issues than fear of losing edmwers as to them edmw ish too big to fail, somemore ish got sph backing. Those few mods must be drank in power feeling good about their ability to ban and control the narratives so when see those that they managed to silence and chase away somehow find another venue and platform to continue to air their views, may not feel good and want to continue their attack on those people lor.

There was a time when the country asked ordinary men to do extraordinary things.

But now, they'll only do it for money.
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I cannot stand a lot of the regulars in there who constantly JJWW and gossip about who got banned and who's back. Increasingly they just come off as being sarcastic and enjoying drama more than anything else.

Even more ironic when at least one person there said months ago after his 1 month ban that he was gonna go silent for a year until his points expire so as to be safe. Then now he's happily in there arranging to meet ppl for makan, don't even know if real or not.

Profile pic used to be Ho Chi Minh, he and his buddy always like to use laughing old man as profile pics. If you know you know.
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(12-11-2022, 06:45 PM)28cMostlyCloudy Wrote:  But you no tell me your parent still alive a not. How the heck i can slap you then them then you again. 

[Image: slap-come-here.gif]

what a foul mouthed brat  Laughing

This thread is getting interesting
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