(01-09-2022, 06:23 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote: Ah Butt has spoken. Now it's time to buy! 
Trust me, even if u buy now and it crash, give 3 to 5 yrs from now, u sure will still make money, provided u dont buy junk,
like those lousy FA, growth stock ok,, as they grow, those today statisitc will go down. PE PS and so on , becuase htey grow exponentially,
Look i bgt 10 yrs back, now i am still in vy good profit and i do buy now and then on this dip; for thsoe stock i hv.
in fact best time is now to twist to US stock from stupxd SGX like i did 10 yrs ago..
SGX stock suck big time,
look at the 100 yrs old dow chart.. left to right uptrend over time,
crash after crash,, new all time high after new all time high.
Positng expert said this and that is trying to time the mkt, and this always fail big time,
It is always time in the market, ask WB.