23-05-2022, 03:46 PM
(23-05-2022, 03:34 PM)kokee Wrote: now no youngsters in russia want to join army, no morons want to sacrify their life to these moronic dictator now, also no money to pay army salary.
Rssia start to recuit old folks to be army as they are really lack of army, almost 60% of army to fight in Ukraine already died, injury, surrender, POW & run road.
all these rubbish old army, heard bomb sound, all run road, LOL LOL.
all the BS by comie dogs here on steel plant & mariupol, with all these moronic russia army & weapons, fight? bomb toilet instead.
俄军在顿巴斯死拼硬打,损失巨大! 俄老兵学乖了:听到炮声,跳出装甲车就跑! 俄昂贵导弹打海滩厕所,引起国际社会大声嘲笑!
Talk so much cok, u been to Russia ??