Ukraine is Already Winning Right Now

(26-05-2022, 10:58 AM)kokee Wrote:  russia army, whole battalions or platoon or camp or group slaughtered by Ukraine army or missile is so common in this war, easily few hundreds of such gang demolish till now, deserve it, all these evil invaders.
war is cruel, the one started war to invade others is evil devil, putin & russia.
ton of russia army already give up fighting, low morale, russia hard to get youngsters to join army now, some troops refused to fight now due too high casualty & to date almost 35000 russia army died, dont talk about POW, injury, surrendered.

Russian Soldier To His Wife: "There is nothing left, not even a single person"

putin in control? russia army dont follow instruction, they have choice not to fight due to fear or junk weapons.
who want to give away life for a losing war.
all these comie dogs here can bark whatever lies from ass here.

Russian Special Forces "Spetsnaz" Refuse To Fight in Ukraine


(23-05-2022, 12:35 PM)webinarian Wrote:  Alam Kok,

Just claim winning here got use meh?   

What happened to Maiupol and the steel factory?   

Is Russian still ocupying East Ukraine?   

Is the southern shore all occupied by Russia and Ukraine has no sea port for export now?  

The 10 million refugees Ukrainians or Russians?  

Just answer the above and you know who wins?  

Rotfl Rotfl Rotfl  


If Ukraine is already winning how come you delete your "After 83days Russia capture only 1 steel mill" thread?

[+] 2 users Like simpleman's post

(27-05-2022, 08:20 AM)simpleman Wrote:  If Ukraine is already winning how come you delete your "After 83days Russia capture only 1 steel mill" thread?


[Image: 57637-F1-B-701-C-473-C-88-AA-C0-B41-B073-C28.gif]

(23-05-2022, 05:21 AM)kokee Wrote:  after almost 90 days, russia control 1 inch of Ukraine land? not even steel plant.

Ukraine is Already Winning Right Now

kokee's white lie, keep coming spamming the whole forum. He said Ukraine lost not an inch of land.  

World no. 1 liar.   

Rotfl Rotfl Rotfl    Laughing Laughing Laughing  

(27-05-2022, 08:20 AM)simpleman Wrote:  If Ukraine is already winning how come you delete your "After 83days Russia capture only 1 steel mill" thread?


I predict this thread will also be deleted by TS 🤭

this comie liar, post 100% thread with title not following news, self created lies in title to con & brainwash brainless here.
I delete thread? all these comie liars here, no evidence, bark from ass forever like all their posts & threads.

all these know but comie dogs & their fake news & videos of communist sources, creating lies BS.
Europe will cut off russia oil & gas totally within this yr, now russia already no money to pay debt, default their bond payment now, consider as bankrupt already.
When Europe all stop buying, collapse like Iran & venezuella.
oil & gas aplenty globally today as china economy sink down like rocket, oil demand is low, price up due to war.

RUSSIAN DEBT DEFAULT - USA Refuses to Renew PAYMENT LICENSE as Russia Threatens Payments in RUBLES


So, why dont you resurface the thread that you deleted?

The title of the thread was:

"Russia full force, after 83 days captured only 1 steel mill"


(27-05-2022, 11:26 AM)simpleman Wrote:  So, why dont you resurface the thread that you deleted?

The title of the thread was:

"Russia full force, after 83 days captured only 1 steel mill"


this bloody liar, lie almost 100% in all his thread, posts & thread title, especially his own words totally twisted.
tis dog stir shit & spread rumour here in almost all his posts, I dont even bother to read.

thread still here in below, I changed 83 days to 90 days, now already exceeded 90 days.

russia army run road everyday now kena attack & chase back by Ukraine army.
keep retreating to russia border now, lack of army & junk weapons now, using all the old fools to fight & these dogs run super fast like all comie dogs in this forum.



russia army, whole battalions or platoon or camp or group slaughtered by Ukraine army or missile is so common in this war, easily few hundreds of such gang demolish till now, deserve it, all these evil invaders.
war is cruel, the one started war to invade others is evil devil, putin & russia.
ton of russia army already give up fighting, low morale, russia hard to get youngsters to join army now, some troops refused to fight now due too high casualty & to date almost 35000 russia army died, dont talk about POW, injury, surrendered.

Russian Soldier To His Wife: "There is nothing left, not even a single person"


(24-05-2022, 05:10 AM)kokee Wrote:  all these comie dogs here can only bark from ass with nothing to support or using all the BS fake communist lies video or news to con or brainwash morons here 7/24.
already around 35000 russia army died, these old folks are smarter, know how to run road now, only morons sacrify their life foe evil dictator.
these old army definitely less evil than comie dogs here support criminal war, kill civilians & bomb residential russia army, use criminal weapons in war, violate all rule & balless to fight ukraine army, all these dogs here got karma wan.


russia already lack of army & weapons, cant drag on for too long now.
Ukraine side, NATO & US army not even out yet, US army in poland, NATO army are surrounding russia from south & west side.
the longer it drag on, russia will give up totally eventually.



russia is dragging with time, russia army has no morale to fight, how to win.
shortage of army, no army want to sacrify their life for russia, just for show & run road almost all the time.
fire for show, waste all their junk weapons, no way to attack in donbas.



(25-05-2022, 11:33 AM)sporeguy Wrote:  [Image: monophy.gif]

Useless war, more interested in potential China-Taiwan war....


with their junk old fool army & weapons, norm, run road.

Russian Soldiers are Fleeing in Fear! 


(27-05-2022, 11:26 AM)simpleman Wrote:  So, why dont you resurface the thread that you deleted?

The title of the thread was:

"Russia full force, after 83 days captured only 1 steel mill"


The project to rule the world from a greater Khazaria (Ukraine + Kazakhstan) is now totally doomed.
Davos was totally 'captured'.

[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-05-31-18-35-04.png]
Bourla’s frog throat :

[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-05-31-18-35-27.png]

Ukraine start to attack & recover more town & village on East & southern sides.
russia army has n morale, refuse to fight, now even plan to kill their own general.
now is drag on time as russia want to save face but shortage of army & weapons, dont want to withdraw or surrender, let see how much face can they save.

烏反攻烏南 奪回赫爾松   俄兵拒戰 還密謀暗殺軍官


Moronic kokee king of lies bullshit and know nuts hor read my lip my foot not 1 inch hor
[Image: 962-D4035-3-F22-4675-84-E2-A36677576-C1-F.gif]

Urkaine win liao. June liao. can ask from US another 40billions.

Must approve.
Ukraine fighting for nato.

Russia fight in east, let them kill their own russian people there.
Ukraine fight in south to attack & take over crimea once they cross the border.
with US himars rocket system coming, russia army  will run road super fast.

俄军紧急加强南方防线,阻止乌军逼近克里米亚! 拜登终于做出决定;向乌克兰提供海马斯M142多管火箭炮,可团灭俄军!


(01-06-2022, 07:22 PM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote:  Moronic kokee king of lies bullshit and know nuts hor read my lip my foot not 1 inch hor
[Image: 962-D4035-3-F22-4675-84-E2-A36677576-C1-F.gif]

Yes indeed winning till US have to give latest missiles this so call winning or putting two dog to fight while sitting on the fence to watch?🤔

(03-06-2022, 10:12 PM)kokee Wrote:  as stated above, most eastern Ukraine people are russians, let them kill themselves for a while before show hands.
almost 50% of russia generals & chief commanders already died, now the chief of the chief also run road. Just last few days many russia military leaders kena shacked, why so panic & desperate.
putin dont know what is happening & going on if he listen to RT or russian news, LOL LOL.

俄军主力掉进了北顿涅茨克陷阱! 俄军总指挥失踪!

whole world know russia army died till scared & in fear now, why putin dont know? that is the problem with dictator, what they hear & bark are almost 100% BS & lies, so they live in a fairy tale world with all lies, like all comie dogs here bark using all the communist sources of BS.

Putin was fooled! Great loss in the Russian army! 


(27-05-2022, 09:15 AM)webinarian Wrote:  kokee's white lie, keep coming spamming the whole forum. He said Ukraine lost not an inch of land.  

World no. 1 liar.   

Rotfl Rotfl Rotfl    Laughing Laughing Laughing  

[Image: 75-E5567-E-0-FFD-4-B35-A987-B1-B8-EECABE3-D.gif]

russia lack of army & weapons, can only anyhow bomb & missile to destroy building & civilians, no face to face army fight & attack.
Ukraine army attack, then russia army run road after bomb used up.
where is all the russia tanks? no more? T-62, 60 yrs old tanks also used up? LOL LOL.



I hope they wins too same as many countries dreams too..

Let cheer for the Ukraine

(06-06-2022, 01:38 PM)Kgliangp Wrote:  Let cheer for the Ukraine

Better cheer for Kokee the GREAT!  Rotfl

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