Ukraine is Already Winning Right Now

(12-06-2022, 10:55 AM)kokee Wrote:  as said, russia 3 days conquer Ukraine, now almost 110 days, still fight at russia border. If Russia can fight, they need to drag so long at their border? Russia totally cannot fight now but also cannot lose face to withdraw or surrender, drag on & stagnant there till NATO & US bomb them & flatten russia.

3天奪烏拖1年! 俄恐假停戰

as above, before war, russia bark take down ukraine in 3 days, now almost 110 days, russia still fighting at  border, keep retreating back to russia now, then comie liar keep barking victory, all russia army  chase out of ukraine is victory, then almost 35000 russia army died, ton of POW, surrender, injury & run road, still bark like crazy dog 7/24, all these dogs.



[Image: 9-CE703-BB-427-F-441-A-AF95-E0-A4840119-C6.gif]

the world will help him & his country to win the war & defeat the evil devil nazi invader.
at least, he tell the truth & sincere to ask for help & weapons.

President Zelensky says Ukraine ‘will prevail’ over Russia


(13-06-2022, 01:30 PM)kokee Wrote:  the world will help him & his country to win the war & defeat the evil devil nazi invader.
at least, he tell the truth & sincere to ask for help & weapons.

President Zelensky says Ukraine ‘will prevail’ over Russia

Let us see how long more to go lah!

comie dogs now spam ukraine lies using russia fake news center, RT now, super desperate & panic now, russia must be lost & run road soon.
these dogs use thread title lies to con those only read title shamelessly, all these liars alost never use news or formal title of quoted instead, fake thread title news self created by comie dogs here to con.
Ukraine live per normal, drag on on war, unlike all the BS by dogs, brainless believe in fake news, go ahead & karma will fall 1 day for sure.
Ukraine work super closely with NATO & US now.
putin in hiding mode, why? go to die lah.



even russia rocket system in eastern Ukraine also kena destroyed by Ukraine.
so many russia weapons & ammunition warehouse & store kena bombed by Ukraine.
no money, no parts, russia where to find weapons to fight, all these comie dogs bark lies & spam self created BS to con or brainwash morons here using thread title, self created thread title lies by comie dogs  here, norm.

Ukraine forces destroy 3 Russian multiple rocket launchers in Sievierodonetsk


Moronic kokee king of lies bullshit and know nuts hor
Ukraine needs to kneel down and beg for weapons hor
Winning hor LOL LOL
[+] 1 user Likes Fleetdestroyer's post

The more kokee say you know driver is losing big time.


all these moronic comie liars using communist lies video dont even has common sense yet got morons here believe such self created story from ass, no fact & truth, 400k of russia army? which tv or media ever report 400k of russia army in Ukraine war, LOL LOL, lies also dont know how to lie, all these ral comie liar.
comie here super panic & desperate to lie now, what happen to russia & putin in hiding mode now?
read & watch real fact & truth as below. Ukraine destroy bridge, russia army no more food &  water, all slaughtered eventually.



most of southern Ukraine already recovered by Ukraine, now wait for heavy weapons to attack eastern & fully recover Ukraine, then can start to attack crimes & russia, see how china side react to decide next.
ton of weapon support Ukraine from 26 countries on the way now.

斬獲烏南! 等大殺器! 反攻烏東? 烏坦克9:0轟爆俄


russia to save face drag on but no attacking power, stay near to russia border.
Ukraine waiting for weapons on the way, once received all fire & chase russia out of Ukraine totally.
all the weapons supply from US, UK & NATO alliances, all coming.


俄烏戰況分析 烏東戰役將迎來拐點;烏克蘭支持者擔憂軍援太慢太少 但實際情況遠超想像


US Himars in used, russia army panic.



so many russia generals game over recently due to war & putin action.
war just drag on to save face, be patient, once Ukraine attack, russia army will run road like headless chicken.

Big blow to the Russian army! Putin is losing!


(19-06-2022, 05:16 PM)kokee Wrote:  russia, basically both military & economy bankrupt.
china is in similar boat, russia & china relationship is on money only, both pokai, anyone pay them money or good deal, they can just fight.
both also more or less isolate by the world thru sanction, frozen & SWIFT, cut off trade tie.

6.19 【救救俄羅斯!】俄羅斯的終於盟友已不再是中國大陸! 普京的好友“禁止“其他人粉碎俄羅斯!

as above, russia basically shortage of army, weapons, food & water now in this war, all the alliances has cut off their supply, cant do much, only wait to be attacked & slaughtered now.



Kokee is so busy propagating LIES and FAKE NEWS about China and Russia ?

putin & russia in desperation, both economy & military.

乌军全线进逼赫尔松,俄军溃退到第二、第三道防线! 普京拼命挣扎,企图挽救俄罗斯经济!


(19-06-2022, 06:45 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  Kokee is so busy propagating LIES and FAKE NEWS about China and Russia ?

Alam Kok everyday claims winning, but Zaobao said Donetsk lost 70% of the land, why Zaobao didn't say Ukraine winning leh.  

Alam Kok, liar. Take your medicine first before talking, ok?    

[Image: Ukraine43-2.png]
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This Thread not even 1 month old and its already aging not very well... Rolleyes

(19-06-2022, 09:16 PM)Manthink Wrote:  This Thread not even 1 month old and its already aging not very well... Rolleyes

Big blow from Ukraine to Russian Army!

Russia's 745 Artillery system destroyed!


(20-06-2022, 11:02 AM)kokee Wrote:  Big blow from Ukraine to Russian Army!
Russia's 745 Artillery system destroyed!

TS really running out of material in SGTalk - His source is not even an accredited media...but just another youtube channel dedicated on Putin.. Laughing

(20-06-2022, 12:04 PM)Manthink Wrote:  TS really running out of material in SGTalk - His source is not even an accredited media...but just another youtube channel dedicated on Putin.. Laughing

another can only start personal attack comie dog, bark lies from ass, so simple brainless.

a steel mill also cant conquer, what rubbish can russia army do.

real moronic comie dogs liar, there bark ukraine war is just noise, here try to stir shit, all these clowns.
too bad, the steel mill till now, russia still dare not go in & still under Ukraine force.
war still drag on, drag till russia surrender or bankrupt, putin already no patient as no money, weapons & army to fight further, but how not to lose face to run road? LOL LOL.

火力+毒氣! 揭密"阿佐特化工廠" 俄軍不敢妄動? 烏千名精銳死守!【台灣最前線 重點摘要】2022.06.15


Win liao u still kpkb for wat? U should go Ukraine and marry their angmo girls....after that live happily ever after in Russia.


33 thousand Russian soldiers were shot!


(20-06-2022, 06:22 PM)kokee Wrote:  普京挺不住了,暗示想停战!

33 thousand Russian soldiers were shot!

USA is begging China to tolong now.
Tomorrow going to beg huh? Laughing

(20-06-2022, 12:04 PM)Manthink Wrote:  TS really running out of material in SGTalk - His source is not even an accredited media...but just another youtube channel dedicated on Putin.. Laughing

Kokee is winning everyday, every hour, every minute lor!  Rotfl
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