VIDEO: Moving around a Chinese Tier 5 City - Jiangyou

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For those wondering why the title of this video is '中国内陸部の6級都市' and yet my thread title is 'Tier 5 city' instead of 'Tier 6', well, because there is no Tier 6.

For the cities, there are 6 Tiers in China. They are:

- Tier 1
- New Tier 1 (or what some used to call Tier 1A)
- Tier 2
- Tier 3
- Tier 4
- Tier 5

The grading is based on the development status of the city. A Tier 5 city is one of the least developed cities in China.

The quality of life in even the smallest town in China has improved tremendously since it opened up. Despite all the negative criticisms of the Winnie leadership, must say his subjects are all fortunate bunch.

(26-02-2022, 11:16 AM)AngweeMan Wrote:  The quality of life in even the smallest town in China has improved tremendously since it opened up. Despite all the negative criticisms of the Winnie leadership, must say his subjects are all fortunate bunch.

Some of their kampong houses can be even more luxurious than some landed properties here.

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(26-02-2022, 12:52 PM)sgxin Wrote:  Some of their kampong houses can be even more luxurious than some landed properties here.

For a middle-income family, this house is quite something. They borrowed to build the house. Cannot afford a maid to clean the house so the husband's mum comes over to help out. And they are now saving to buy a car?!

(26-02-2022, 11:16 AM)AngweeMan Wrote:  The quality of life in even the smallest town in China has improved tremendously since it opened up. Despite all the negative criticisms of the Winnie leadership, must say his subjects are all fortunate bunch.

It was Deng Xiaoping that decisively brought China out from the rut. But Xi has successfully removed Deng's achievement... Nevertheless good that the Chinese get to enjoy live after so many decades of suffering.

(25-02-2022, 01:53 PM)Levin Wrote:  

If you had been to one Chinese city, you had been to all.

They all look the same.

And they dress the same.

A trip to a Chinese city gives the same feeling as one to JB.

You get the sense that you are out of Singapore

You feel good because Singapore is so small

So China is good for some sight seeing, to see something different.

To see some Soviet style buildings

But longer than that, and you will


(27-02-2022, 10:15 AM)Levin Wrote:  For a middle-income family, this house is quite something. They borrowed to build the house. Cannot afford a maid to clean the house so the husband's mum comes over to help out. And they are now saving to buy a car?!

These days, you either

1) Slog at work for many years, save enough and build a house
2) Go oversea, work hard for a few years, saved enough then go back hometown to build house
3) Borrow money to build house

So I guess that is a norm..

The question is the motive behind building such a house, is it because of physical needs (big family) or financial needs (think price will go up in future)..

1. I have served the nation in a combat unit for 2.5 + 10 years. I had fulfilled my duty as a citizen, but has the country do it's part for me?
2. I don't know where the threat of CCP is, but I know the threat of CECA is already at my doorsteps
3. I had been called a CCP, JHK, Pinoy, but they never called me a CECA..

(27-02-2022, 10:18 AM)Sticw Wrote:  It was Deng Xiaoping that decisively brought China out from the rut. But Xi has successfully removed Deng's achievement... Nevertheless good that the Chinese get to enjoy live after so many decades of suffering.

How and in what ways had Xi removed Deng's achievements?
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(27-02-2022, 10:27 AM)ArielCasper Wrote:  These days, you either

1) Slog at work for many years, save enough and build a house
2) Go oversea, work hard for a few years, saved enough then go back hometown to build house
3) Borrow money to build house

So I guess that is a norm..

The question is the motive behind building such a house, is it because of physical needs (big family) or financial needs (think price will go up in future)..

You need the CCB.  It's as simple as that!

In Singapore, both the man and his wife contribute to pay for a HDB flat.

In China, it is the batang who has to buy a flat, or else, the atb ain't going to open her 0 to him.

Get it?

(27-02-2022, 10:31 AM)Oyk Wrote:  You need the CCB.  It's as simple as that!

In Singapore, both the man and his wife contribute to pay for a HDB flat.

In China, it is the batang who has to buy a flat, or else, the atb ain't going to open her 0 to him.

Get it?

If just want the CCB, go for pay per use service lah.. Can change service provider some more if not happy with service..

Why bother to build a factory... lol.. That in the trend now..

1. I have served the nation in a combat unit for 2.5 + 10 years. I had fulfilled my duty as a citizen, but has the country do it's part for me?
2. I don't know where the threat of CCP is, but I know the threat of CECA is already at my doorsteps
3. I had been called a CCP, JHK, Pinoy, but they never called me a CECA..

(27-02-2022, 10:26 AM)Oyk Wrote:  If you had been to one Chinese city, you had been to all.

They all look the same.

And they dress the same.

A trip to a Chinese city gives the same feeling as one to JB.

You get the sense that you are out of Singapore

You feel good because Singapore is so small

So China is good for some sight seeing, to see something different.

To see some Soviet style buildings

But longer than that, and you will


Never been to China also can talk cok? Laughing

U use VR to piak piak too?

(27-02-2022, 10:26 AM)Oyk Wrote:  If you had been to one Chinese city, you had been to all.

They all look the same.

And they dress the same.

A trip to a Chinese city gives the same feeling as one to JB.

You get the sense that you are out of Singapore

You feel good because Singapore is so small

So China is good for some sight seeing, to see something different.

To see some Soviet style buildings

But longer than that, and you will


No lah, while many cities in the world (including China) gave me the same feelings, some don't. Chengdu, Xian, Urumqi, Lhasa, Suzhou etc gave a very different feel. Especially when the cities have mountains, forests next to them (Jap cities are like that too, just not as differentiated as Chinese ones although the southern most and the northern most Jap cities are quite different from Tokyo)

For living, I definitely prefer the Chinese cities to the American ones that I have worked in. European cities are nicer than the American ones too but East Asian cities are the ones for me (except Malaysia. Malaysia's cities have too many landed properties, very badly planned).
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(27-02-2022, 10:18 AM)Sticw Wrote:  It was Deng Xiaoping that decisively brought China out from the rut. But Xi has successfully removed Deng's achievement... Nevertheless good that the Chinese get to enjoy live after so many decades of suffering.

Deng opened up economy and pretty much all auto pilot from there. Jiang and Hu were pretty useless, full of corruption and imbalance within. Xi at least on surface, is trying to correct much of these.
ps. I'm not a Winnie fanboy and please don't bother replying me if somewhere in recent history your butt got screwed by a commie and you want to shill hatred.

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