WOW SO YAYA , Foxconn’s Boss Defiantly Confronts the CCP: “They Fear Me

To be fair even if CCP take away half of his wealth he ish still one of the richest man on this planet, beside he ish already in retire mood no need worry about doing business.

There was a time when the country asked ordinary men to do extraordinary things.

But now, they'll only do it for money.

"Upon his announcement, many Taiwanese already said that he has no integrity and that he go back on his words for not vying for the Presidential post. How will anyone "fix" him? He merely bring his Presidential dream to a suicide by himself. 

"Why suggest that he will be fixed?""

YES, yes - NO NEED, He is in 4th last place and with about oni 8-9% and he wanted to be A REAL LOSER. cryingso be it Clapping
[+] 1 user Likes Tee tiong huat's post

Taiwan News —In Taipe,i Lai Ching-te’s (賴清德) presidential campaign opened its campaign headquarters on Sat-Nov. in New Taipei’s Banqiao District with a large rally@First Sports Stadium. He is speaking to estimated 50,000 attendees, Lai cautioned voters on idea of coalition govt of Kuomintang & Taiwan People's Party (TPP). 

Many in opposition are hopeful of achieving, he said such an attempt to share power would only lead to political instability pointed unpredictable to nature of coalition govts in Europe, and their tendency to stall govt work & stunt economic growth. Smaller parties are usual beneficiaries of coalition govts since they wield influence over larger parties.

In contrast, Lai touted  Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) growth discipline, its creation in 1986, his party has focused on steadily building support among citizens has never needed to rely on coalition with other parties to govern, he said.

Lai was also joined by President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文), who criticized the idea of political parties sharing power in Executive Yuan & Legislative Yuan publicly, she cautioned that a “blue-white” coalition govt would inevitably be plagued by the competing interests of both parties.

Lai said he is confident that he can maintain stability, be responsible governance if he elected president. He urged voters continue supporting DPP as a ruling party with “genuine love Taiwan.”

(02-11-2023, 08:34 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  As an independent candidate, according to election regulations, and needed to decide his running mate before he could collect signatures.

The Central Election Commission will review the signatures and announce the results by Nov 14.

According to aggregated poll results, Gou’s support has been slipping in recent months, hovering at around 8%-9%..He Party Party is A Good Funny Joker or a Crown... Rotfl

All you need to know about Taiwan’s new submarine in 500 words. Taiwan has plans to build eight submarines, which will be a key part of the island’s strategy of deterrence.

(05-11-2023, 02:56 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Taiwan News —In Taipe,i Lai Ching-te’s (賴清德) presidential campaign opened its campaign headquarters on Sat-Nov. in New Taipei’s Banqiao District with a large rally@First Sports Stadium. He is speaking to estimated 50,000 attendees, Lai cautioned voters on idea of coalition govt of Kuomintang & Taiwan People's Party (TPP). 

Many in opposition are hopeful of achieving, he said such an attempt to share power would only lead to political instability pointed unpredictable to nature of coalition govts in Europe, and their tendency to stall govt work & stunt economic growth. Smaller parties are usual beneficiaries of coalition govts since they wield influence over larger parties.

In contrast, Lai touted  Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) growth discipline, its creation in 1986, his party has focused on steadily building support among citizens has never needed to rely on coalition with other parties to govern, he said.

Lai was also joined by President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文), who criticized the idea of political parties sharing power in Executive Yuan & Legislative Yuan publicly, she cautioned that a “blue-white” coalition govt would inevitably be plagued by the competing interests of both parties.

Lai said he is confident that he can maintain stability, be responsible governance if he elected president. He urged voters continue supporting DPP as a ruling party with “genuine love Taiwan.”

Taiwan News is a hardcore pro-independence anti-China news outlet. The fact that they report William Lai's activities in such a neutral manner emphasizing only his love for Taiwan and economic growth is further evidence that the DPP is continuing on its path of light blue policies which can be largely summarized as Ma Ying Jeou's 3 Nos.

The upcoming election is turning out to be quite bland - the 4 candidates vying for the presidency all shout the same slogans.

(06-11-2023, 12:15 PM)maxsanic Wrote:  Taiwan News is a hardcore pro-independence anti-China news outlet. The fact that they report William Lai's activities in such a neutral manner emphasizing only his love for Taiwan and economic growth is further evidence that the DPP is continuing on its path of light blue policies which can be largely summarized as Ma Ying Jeou's 3 Nos.

The upcoming election is turning out to be quite bland - the 4 candidates vying for the presidency all shout the same slogans.

Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) chair and presidential candidate Ko Wen-je (柯文哲) on Sunday (Nov. 5) called on the public to be patient as Kuomintang (KMT)-TPP coalition decides on the presidential candidate process.

Every party has right to seek most favorable approach, Ko said. He explained KMT Chair Eric Chu's (朱立倫) strategy, to have legislative candidates vote for the presidential and vice-presidential candidates, would not work given that the KMT has 69 legislative candidates, while TPP only has 11,  It is not reasonable for a party that has been established for only four years to be compared to a party that has been around for a hundred years, he said.

Ko said that the objective should be to integrate the middle-of-the-road voters who want to break free from the influence of the two major parties. He emphasized that if cooperation is possible, then it would be a good thing. However, if it is unattainable, the parties should go their separate ways.

The former Taipei mayor said that parties do not have to cooperate 100% of the time, and currently, the only thing undecided in the coalition is the selection of the presidential candidate. He noted that while Taiwanese people may not be accustomed to the delay, they should be patient and not rush to conclusions.

(06-11-2023, 02:10 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) chair and presidential candidate Ko Wen-je (柯文哲) on Sunday (Nov. 5) called on the public to be patient as Kuomintang (KMT)-TPP coalition decides on the presidential candidate process.

Every party has right to seek most favorable approach, Ko said. He explained KMT Chair Eric Chu's (朱立倫) strategy, to have legislative candidates vote for the presidential and vice-presidential candidates, would not work given that the KMT has 69 legislative candidates, while TPP only has 11,  It is not reasonable for a party that has been established for only four years to be compared to a party that has been around for a hundred years, he said.

Ko said that the objective should be to integrate the middle-of-the-road voters who want to break free from the influence of the two major parties. He emphasized that if cooperation is possible, then it would be a good thing. However, if it is unattainable, the parties should go their separate ways.

The former Taipei mayor said that parties do not have to cooperate 100% of the time, and currently, the only thing undecided in the coalition is the selection of the presidential candidate. He noted that while Taiwanese people may not be accustomed to the delay, they should be patient and not rush to conclusions.

The KMT has only itself to blame for this mess - incessant infighting, inability to refresh its political message after cannibalization of their light blue ideology by the DPP and in some instances even having their support level drop to #3 below the TPP.

KMT doesn't have anything left, all its deep blue leaders have either been marginalized or moved on to pursue separate careers in China as deep reds. The remaining ones are all unappealing mountain kings who simply regurgitate old messages they have been saying for the past three decades. The only reason why they are even competitive now is because of the DPP's poor performance.

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Ukrainian-born Taiwanese actress and model Larisa Bakurova (瑞莎) was reportedly being considered by the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) for a run at a legislative seat, but on Monday (Nov. 6) she denied that she had been invited to run for public office.

Local media outlets have reported that the 38-year-old naturalized Taiwanese citizen had been considered by the DPP as a possible candidate for an at-large seat in the upcoming 2024 Taiwanese legislative election. However, at noon on Monday, Bakurova took to Instagram to deny that she had received such an invitation and emphasized that her focus was on her family and rhythmic gymnastics students.

Kuomintang Taipei City Councilor Hsu Chiao-hsin (徐巧芯) attempted to leverage the situation on Sunday by posting pictures of Liang entering a building that she claimed also hosts private parties. The post included pictures of what Hsu described as “hot women (辣妹)” entering the building, who she insinuated were joining Liang there.

Meanwhile Liang denied the accusations and said he was invited to the building to visit a friend’s business. Laing said the race in Hsu’s electoral district appeared close, and that pursuing him will not help Hsu in the polls.

(07-11-2023, 10:35 AM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Kuomintang Taipei City Councilor Hsu Chiao-hsin (徐巧芯) attempted to leverage the situation on Sunday by posting pictures of Liang entering a building that she claimed also hosts private parties. The post included pictures of what Hsu described as “hot women (辣妹)” entering the building, who she insinuated were joining Liang there.

Meanwhile Liang denied the accusations and said he was invited to the building to visit a friend’s business. Laing said the race in Hsu’s electoral district appeared close, and that pursuing him will not help Hsu in the polls.
[+] 1 user Likes Tee tiong huat's post

(05-11-2023, 09:01 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  All you need to know about Taiwan’s new submarine in 500 words. Taiwan has plans to build eight submarines, which will be a key part of the island’s strategy of deterrence.
Politics: DEFENSE 11/06/2023. A Taiwan's Coast Guard Administration (CGA) will soon deploy larger patrol vessels to Taiping Island in the disputed South China Sea, the nation's top intelligence chief told lawmakers on Monday.

National Security Bureau (NSB) Director-General Tsai Ming-yen (蔡明彥) made the remarks when asked to confirm a local media report indicating both U.S. and Chinese vessels being spotted earlier this month near the Taiwan-controlled island.

Taiping Island, also known as Itu Aba, the largest of the naturally occurring Spratly Islands in the South China Sea, lies 1,600 kilometers southwest of Kaohsiung and is administered as part of the southern Taiwan city's Cijin District.

According to a U.S. 7th Fleet press statement, the USS Dewey (DDG-105), an Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer, completed a freedom of navigation operation near the Spratly Islands on Friday.

"This freedom of navigation operation upheld the rights, freedoms, and lawful uses of the sea recognized in international law by challenging restrictions on innocent passage imposed by the People's Republic of China (PRC), Taiwan, and Vietnam," reads the 7th Fleet statement.

Meanwhile, the Chinese-language United Daily News reported that unidentified Chinese warship sailed near Taiping Island on Friday.

Tsai did not give a direct answer when asked by opposition lawmakers at Monday's legislative session to comment on the report and if any U.S. or Chinese vessels had entered Taiwan's territorial waters around Taiping on Friday.

Tsai said only that the CGA had a full grasp of the movements of all foreign vessels detected near Taiping, declining to provide more details for confidentiality reasons.

If a foreign vessel sails within 12 nautical miles of Taiping, CGA will report the incident to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) and the latter will be taking appropriate measures, the NSB head said, without elaborating.

Tsai did not explain what measure MOFA will be taking in response to such intrusion but it is believed the ministry will lodge an official protest to governments of foreign vessels found entering the nation's territorial water.

Meanwhile, in response to the rising tension in the South China Sea surrounding Taiping, Tsai said NSB has contingencies ready in response to all scenarios while the CGA also regularly sends vessels of 3,000 tonnes for routine patrols around Taiping.

CGA will gradually deploy "larger vessels" at Taiping with the aim of stabilizing regional tensions, he added, also without elaborating.

Taiping is now occupied by around 200 Taiwanese Coast Guard personnel trained by the Marine Corps and drills are held regularly.

The island is also claimed by Vietnam, China and the Philippines.

It is one of the two territories controlled by the government of Taiwan in the South China Sea, the other being Dongsha, or Pratas Island, which lies 450 kilometers southwest of Kaohsiung.

Noted: A retired colonel receives 20-year prison term after spying for China - Focus Taiwan
by Taboola

(02-11-2023, 08:34 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  As an independent candidate, according to election regulations, and needed to decide his running mate before he could collect signatures.

The Central Election Commission will review the signatures and announce the results by Nov 14.

According to aggregated poll results, Gou’s support has been slipping in recent months, hovering at around 8%-9%..He Party Party is A Good Funny Joker or a Crown... Rotfl

Dutch politicians angered by U.S. move to block ASML exports to China

The Cabinet should advocate more strongly for chip machine manufacturer ASML when dealing with the United States, according to CDA, D66, and Volt. Members of the Tweede Kamer, the lower house of the Dutch parliament, asked on Tuesday Minister Liesje Schreinemacher (Foreign Trade) about the tightened export regulations recently introduced by the US.

Het Financiel Dagblad reported on Friday the new U.S. regulations have taken away the Netherlands' control over ASML's chip machine exports to China, as ASML now needs to apply for a license from Washington to sell these machines, even though they could be exported without issues under Dutch rules.

"Unilaterally changing rules in the middle of the game, where competitiveness and strategic autonomy are at stake, is hard to swallow, from a close ally," said CDA MP Mustafa Amhaouch. 
The minister was reluctant to comment extensively on the matter.

Schreinemacher downplayed the impact of the new export regulations. They apply only to a few types of machines and a few countries, she said. She also pointed out that ASML not only uses American components but also has production locations in the U.S. The cabinet previously limited the export of certain chip machines to China at the urging of the U.S.

(05-11-2023, 07:59 AM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  "Upon his announcement, many Taiwanese already said that he has no integrity and that he go back on his words for not vying for the Presidential post. How will anyone "fix" him? He merely bring his Presidential dream to a suicide by himself. 

"Why suggest that he will be fixed?""

YES, yes - NO NEED, He is in 4th last place and with about oni 8-9% and he wanted to be A REAL LOSER. cryingso be it Clapping

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) candidate Lai Ching-te (賴清德) said he would be open to including legislators from other parties in his cabinet if elected president in January 2024.

During an interview on the TV show Da-win Dining (大雲時堂) on Monday (Oct. 6), Lai discussed the possibility of a large number of opposition legislators being elected in January, and if he would include some in his cabinet if he won the election. “If they are talented, why not?” he said.

(08-11-2023, 10:51 AM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) candidate Lai Ching-te (賴清德) said he would be open to including legislators from other parties in his cabinet if elected president in January 2024.

During an interview on the TV show Da-win Dining (大雲時堂) on Monday (Oct. 6), Lai discussed the possibility of a large number of opposition legislators being elected in January, and if he would include some in his cabinet if he won the election. “If they are talented, why not?” he said.
Lai has maintained a comfortable lead in public opinion polls to date. However, the support for Kuomintang (KMT) and Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) candidates Hou Yu-ih (侯友宜) and Ko Wen-je (柯文哲) combined is larger than Lai’s own.

In Taiwan, presidential candidates only need to receive more support than any other candidate to win an election, rather than a majority of all votes cast.

Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je (柯文哲) on (Wed Nov. 8) presented three opinion polls showing him defeating Vice President Lai Ching-te (賴清德).

Opinion surveys have been a bone of contention in efforts by Ko and Kuomintang (KMT) candidate Hou Yu-ih (侯友宜) to ally for the Jan. 13 presidential and legislative elections. Ko wants polls to decide the choice of candidate, while the KMT has insisted on a combination with open primaries.

Ko presented the results of three different polls to the media Wednesday, with him winning each of the surveys pitting him against Lai, while Hou only won one poll against the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) candidate, UDN reported. On average, Ko finished 8.63% ahead of Hou.

If the KMT and the TPP join forces and nominate Ko as their presidential candidate, he would defeat Lai by 4.83%. However, if Hou became the nominee for both opposition parties, he would still lose by 3.8%, according to Ko. The polls were conducted Nov. 3-7 and collected more than 3,000 valid samples.

(05-11-2023, 07:59 AM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  "Upon his announcement, many Taiwanese already said that he has no integrity and that he go back on his words for not vying for the Presidential post. How will anyone "fix" him? He merely bring his Presidential dream to a suicide by himself. 

"Why suggest that he will be fixed?""

YES, yes - NO NEED, He is in 4th last place and with about oni 8-9% and he wanted to be A REAL LOSER. cryingso be it Clapping
TAICHUNG (Taiwan News) — Three numbers jump out in this poll of polls.

Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih (侯友宜) shows a big jump to reach his highest point since this series began on Sept. 1, those undecided and "don't know" has reached a new low, and the trendline of independent candidate Terry Gou (郭台銘) continues to slide and has reached a new low. Both Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je (柯文哲) and Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) candidate Lai Ching-te (賴清德) remain firmly within the range they have shown so far.

A note of caution before coming to any strong conclusions on Hou or those undecided, the number of polls over the last 15 days was only five, which is lower than any 15-day period since this survey began, and three of those polls have traditionally produced results showing Hou higher and Ko lower than other polls. The Taiwan News Poll of Polls is released every five days, so be sure to check back for the next one or two to confirm if Hou's uptick is an outlier result or a new trend.

Taiwan News Poll of Polls

The Taiwan News Poll of Polls is a weighted average of surveys released over the last 15 days. For more information about how individual polls are weighted, click here.

(05-11-2023, 07:59 AM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  "Upon his announcement, many Taiwanese already said that he has no integrity and that he go back on his words for not vying for the Presidential post. How will anyone "fix" him? He merely bring his Presidential dream to a suicide by himself. 

"Why suggest that he will be fixed?""

YES, yes - NO NEED, He is in 4th last place and with about oni 8-9% and he wanted to be A REAL LOSER. cryingso be it Clapping

Upon his announcement, many Taiwanese already said that he has no integrity and that he go back on his words for not vying for the Presidential post. How will anyone "fix" him? He merely bring his Presidential dream to a suicide by himself.

"Why suggest that he will be fixed?""

(Latest is 7.54% YES), yes - NO NEED, He is in 4th last place and with about oni 8-9%and he wanted to be A REAL LOSER. cryings o be it Clapping crying

TAICHUNG (Taiwan News) — Three numbers jump out in this poll of polls to 2nd price.

Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih (侯友宜) shows a big jump to reach his highest point since this series began on Sept. 1, those undecided and "don't know" has reached a new low, and the trendline of independent candidate Terry Gou (郭台銘) continues to slide and has reached a new low. Both Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je (柯文哲) and Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) candidate Lai Ching-te (賴清德) remain firmly within the range they have shown so far.

A note of caution before coming to any strong conclusions on Hou or those undecided, the number of polls over the last 15 days was only five, which is lower than any 15-day period since this survey began, and three of those polls have traditionally produced results showing Hou higher and Ko lower than other polls. The Taiwan News Poll of Polls is released every five days, so be sure to check back for the next one or two to confirm if Hou's uptick is an outlier result or a new trend.

Taiwan News Poll of Polls

(05-11-2023, 07:59 AM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  "Upon his announcement, many Taiwanese already said that he has no integrity and that he go back on his words for not vying for the Presidential post. How will anyone "fix" him? He merely bring his Presidential dream to a suicide by himself. 

"Why suggest that he will be fixed?""

YES, yes - NO NEED, He is in 4th last place and with about oni 8-9% and he wanted to be A REAL LOSER. cryingso be it Clapping
TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je (柯文哲) has gained support as efforts to team up with the Kuomintang (KMT) have stalled, according to an opinion poll by released Thursday (Nov. 9).

Attempts by KMT candidate Hou Yu-ih (侯友宜) and Ko to merge their campaigns have failed so far to agree on a selection method. While the two sides said there was no deadline, the Central Election Commission (CEC) begins registering candidates on Nov. 20.

While the new poll shows Ko in third place, he has been climbing in all of the most recent four surveys, the China Times reported. Vice President Lai Ching-te (賴清德) of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) added 1.2% to reach 37.7%, while Hou lost 1.0% to 26.8%. The latest survey saw Ko rise by 1.2% to 21.3%, if only three candidates run in the Jan. 13 election.

If Foxconn Technology founder Terry Gou (郭台銘) is added to the mix, Lai would rise 1.4% to 34.4%, and Hou would lose 0.4% to end at 24.5%. Ko would gain 1.3% to 18.1%, while Gou received 5.7%.

The poll was conducted by Beacon Marketing and Research Co., Ltd. from Nov. 6-8. The survey produced 1,201 valid responses with a margin of error of 2.8%.

Taiwan News) — The chief of the Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) Organizational Department, Lin Cheng-hong (林正鴻), resigned from his position in the party on Friday (Nov. 10), after photos of him drinking and flirting with women were released to the public.

Lin’s controversial behavior was made public on Friday at 10 a.m., when a legislative candidate for the New Party, You Chih-bin (游智彬), held a press conference in front of the DPP’s headquarters to expose Lin’s affairs, reported UDN. Following the press conference, Lin immediately expressed his apologies to party members and offered to resign.

DPP spokesman Chang Chih-hao (張志豪) announced shortly after noon that Lin’s resignation was accepted. Lin allegedly expressed serious regret and a willingness to take responsibility for his misconduct.

In the photos and video footage presented by You, Lin, who is married, was recorded drinking and flirting with attractive young women in recent weeks. Reports do not indicate how You obtained the images.

On at least one occasion, Lin wore a DPP polo shirt to a hotel bar where he met with the women. Another photo showed Lin embracing and kissing an unnamed young woman

(02-11-2023, 07:38 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:

PRC should know he living in Luxury whereas workers benefit is literally None , make them slavery for his money.

PRC fear him lah! Big Grin They're scared of him lah!

Knee down begging liao lah cheo kau peng

Taiwan News) — Interestingly, there has been a fairly sharp dropoff in the number of undecided voters in the last few weeks.

Continuing from the last Taiwan News Poll of Polls from five days ago, Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih (侯友宜) maintains a lead over Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je (柯文哲) after a sharp recent jump in the polls. Ko and Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) candidate Lai Ching-te (賴清德) have shown no abrupt changes in their support, and have been staying roughly within the same range since Sept.1.

Curiously, this month so far there have been fewer polls released than during this period last month, which may at least partially account for the jump in Hou's numbers as the polls featured have tended to show his support higher than others that have not been released in the last 15 days. At the same time last month eight polls were included, this time there are only five.

ETtoday's latest poll release did not include a four-way race, only a three-way race and hypothetical opposition matchups, so they were not included here. Also not included were the three polls commissioned by the Ko camp that showed him ahead on average by around eight points.

Terry Gou (郭台銘) continues to slide and has reached a new low. Both Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je (柯文哲) and Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) candidate Lai Ching-te (賴清德) remain firmly within the range they have shown so far.

Taiwan weather bureau warns of magnitude 5.5 to 6.0 aftershocks for next 5 days: CWA
Tuesday's earthquake was 1st earthquake with magnitude of 6 or more within observation range this year

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — New Taipei prosecutors said they have uncovered cases of underage girls being lured into sex work by gangs on Sunday (Nov. 12).

Prosecutors said, a division of Bamboo Union gang was using a tattoo shop in New Taipei’s Sanxia District to coerce underage girls into sex work. Dozen were arrested in connection with the case, and six are now under suspicion of various crimes after interrogations.

The arrests follow police searches in 11 locations throughout Sanxia and Taipei’s Wenshan District. Girls that did not agree to engage in sex work for gangs were physically abused, and sometimes held captive in the shop and forced to take sexually explicit photos.

Prosecutors said that the threats and use of violence meant the girls were too afraid to leave.
Five of those under suspicion of crimes including criminal collusion, kidnapping, robbery, and assault have been denied bail

Three underage suspects were released on bail and are awaiting hearings at juvenile court.

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) Taiwan-based iPhone manufacturer Foxconn successfully launched two satellites into space on Sunday (Nov. 12) on a SpaceX rocket that took off from California, U.S. The launch occurred in the early hours of the morning Taiwan time, and the satellites were in orbit about an hour later, Foxconn said in a statement, per CNA. The low-orbit satellites were developed in partnership with Taoyuan’s
National Central University (NCU).

The satellites are named PEARL-1C and PEARL 1-H and are currently the largest cube type satellites in operation out of Taiwan. Taiwan’s cube satellite program began in 2017 with an eye on developing a commercial market.

(05-11-2023, 07:59 AM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  "Upon his announcement, many Taiwanese already said that he has no integrity and that he go back on his words for not vying for the Presidential post. How will anyone "fix" him? He merely bring his Presidential dream to a suicide by himself. 

"Why suggest that he will be fixed?""

YES, yes - NO NEED, He is in 4th last place and with about oni 8-9% and he wanted to be A REAL LOSER. cryingso be it Clapping
Terry Gou, founder of Foxconn Technology Group, renowned for its iPhone assembly, has announced his candidacy in the 2024 Taiwanese presidential election. Gou asserts that he has amassed the requisite endorsements to run as an independent contender. While his unexpected candidacy adds complexity to a race with three other aspirantscurrent polls suggest limited prospects for Gou clinching the presidency.
How Foxconn founder Terry Gou’s candidacy is affecting Taiwan’s political landscape
13 November 2023. Terry Gou, founder of Foxconn Technology Group, renowned for its iPhone assembly, has announced his candidacy in the 2024 Taiwanese presidential election. 

Gou asserts that he has amassed the requisite endorsements to run as independent contender. His unexpected candidacy adds complexity to a race with three other aspirants, current polls suggest limited prospects for Gou clinching the presidency.

Terry Gou, founder of Taiwan's Foxconn, poses for pictures while saluting during a news conference in Taoyuan, Taiwan. Yet, a careful assessment suggests that Gou’s sustained involvement might influence the electoral outcome, potentially benefiting the incumbent party’s nominee, Vice President Lai Ching-te.

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Central Election Commission (CEC) on Tuesday (Nov. 14) announced that Foxconn Technology founder and presidential hopeful Terry Gou (郭台銘) and his running mate Tammy Lai (賴佩霞) had received 900,000 signatures, far exceeding the minimum threshold to qualify for 2024 Taiwan presidential election.

The CEC said Gou & Lai had garnered 902,389 verified petition signatures that triple required signatures. It said certification of completion the petition signatures will be issued in accordance with law,a petition signature deposit of NT$1 mil will be returned to the candidates. Gou's office recently announced has received total 1,036,778 petition signatures. After submitted to CEC for review, 902,389 petition signatures were ratified, exceeding threshold of 289,667, enabling Gou to officially receive a spot on the presidential ballot.

CEC stated in addition to Gou and Lai, there were nine other pairs of aspiring presidential and vice presidential candidates. With exception of Gou and Lai, the nine other potential presidential tickets gathered less than half of the legally required number of petition signatures and for that reason, their petition signature deposits will not be refunded.

In accordance with Article 23, Paragraph 4 of the Presidential & Vice Presidential Election & Recall Act (總統副總統選舉罷免法), if number of petition signatures reaches 1.5% of the total number of voters in most recent presidential election, 
committee will publicly announce completion of the signature drive, and a certificate of completion will be issued to candidate.

If the number of petition signers is less than half of the required number, the NT$1 mil deposit will not be refunded. Current petition threshold was based on 1.5% of the voters who participated in the 2020 Taiwanese presidential election.

(12-11-2023, 11:26 AM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Taiwan News) — Interestingly, there has been a fairly sharp dropoff in the number of undecided voters in the last few weeks.

Continuing from the last Taiwan News Poll of Polls from five days ago, Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih (侯友宜) maintains a lead over Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je (柯文哲) after a sharp recent jump in the polls. Ko and Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) candidate Lai Ching-te (賴清德) have shown no abrupt changes in their support, and have been staying roughly within the same range since Sept.1.

Curiously, this month so far there have been fewer polls released than during this period last month, which may at least partially account for the jump in Hou's numbers as the polls featured have tended to show his support higher than others that have not been released in the last 15 days. At the same time last month eight polls were included, this time there are only five.

ETtoday's latest poll release did not include a four-way race, only a three-way race and hypothetical opposition matchups, so they were not included here. Also not included were the three polls commissioned by the Ko camp that showed him ahead on average by around eight points.

Terry Gou (郭台銘) continues to slide and has reached a new low. Both Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je (柯文哲) and Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) candidate Lai Ching-te (賴清德) remain firmly within the range they have shown so far.
KMT, TPP leaders to meet in Taipei for further cooperation talks (Wed)

Kuomintang (KMT) & Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) to meet for cooperation talks on Wednesday (Nov. 15).

TPP chair & presidential candidate Ko Wen-je (柯文哲) will meet KMT Chair Eric Chu (朱立倫) and party’s presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih (侯友宜) at the Ma Ying-jeou Foundation at 10 a.m. on Wednesday. Former President Ma Ying-Jeou (馬英九) will also attend.

With Central Election Commission’s Nov. 20 deadline for registering a presidential ticket fast approaching, meeting will be one last remaining chances for the parties to reach a cooperation agreement. Discussions between parties have stuck on what method might be used to decide presidential & vice-presidential candidates.

Recent polling numbers aggregated by Taiwan News show the Democratic Progressive Party’s Lai Ching-te (賴清德) at about 32.5%, the KMT’s Hou at just under 24%, and the TPP’s Ko at 22%. Independent candidate Terry Gou (郭台銘) received about 7.5% support, and the number of undecideds was over 12.5%.

Gou’s support has been slipping in recent months, hovering at around 7%-7.55%..He is A Good Funny Joker or a Crown...Gou's is Good Funny Joker & is a Crown... Not Surprised good as GONE.

Taiwan's opposition parties reach landmark agreement ahead of presidential election

Kuomintang (KMT) &Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) have reached a landmark agreement on Wednesday (Nov. 15), paving the way for two parties to join forces for 2024 presidential election. Overseen by former President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九), meeting was held at Ma Ying-Jeou Foundation office & KMT Chair Eric Chu (朱立倫) was also present, Liberty Times reported. After negotiations, KMT presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih (侯友宜) and TPP chair and presidential candidate Ko Wen-je (柯文哲) agreed on a six-point deal. The agreement is as follows:

1) Ma, the KMT, and the TPP will each recommend a statistician to analyze public opinion polls.

2) The polling statisticians will review and assess the poll results from Nov. 7-17 and provide an internal polling result from both parties.

3) Both parties agreed that if the difference exceeds the margin of error, the victor will gain one point. If within the margin of error, Hou and Ko jointly receive one point.

4) On Nov. 18, the Ma Ying-jeou Foundation will announce the results.

5) The two parties will jointly establish an election committee to support the presidential and vice presidential candidates, as well as the legislative candidates recommended by both parties. In terms of non-district party votes, each party will proceed independently.

6) In aftermath of an electoral victory, KMT & TPP pledged to establish a coalition govt. Except for defense, diplomacy, and cross-strait matters decided by the president, other ministries will be allocated based on the proportional representation of seats in the legislature, with TPP responsible for oversight and balance & KMT responsible for construction and development.

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