How HKers Speak English?

(25-05-2023, 02:54 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:  1. Omit letter ‘r’ when pronounce the words starting with ‘pr’:
Professional ==> Pofessional, program ==> pogram
2. Chocolate becomes cho-ke-lik
4. Notes becomes noks
5. Blanket becomes banket

Personally I find their mispronunciation still understandable, it's their typical broken sentence structure that results from direct translation of Cantonese that makes understanding really difficult.

Other than the PMEs working in large global corporations and senior civil servants, most other Hong Kongers have this problem with their English. It is for this reason I always find it bizarre that they think they can just walk into UK without preparations as a BNO and compete with the locals and global talents in the job market when they cannot even speak intelligible English.
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(27-05-2023, 10:19 AM)maxsanic Wrote:  Personally I find their mispronunciation still understandable, it's their typical broken sentence structure that results from direct translation of Cantonese that makes understanding really difficult.Other than the PMEs working in large global corporations and senior civil servants, most other Hong Kongers have this problem with their English. It is for this reason I always find it bizarre that they think they can just walk into UK without preparations as a BNO and compete with the locals and global talents in the job market when they cannot even speak intelligible English.

Any sensible informed person will find the behavior of those HKies, who hardly speak a few lines of England-language, struggling to accept the ex-colony is part of China bizarre...

And for those how have the "fortune" of living in UK or US for a period knows the nice enticing "Greener" grass are full of poisonous thorns and blood sucking insects.

Big Grin

[Image: 5d809dbe21214c045b2ecc76?width=1300&form...&auto=webp]

You've got friendly neighbours? Grow Up! 李光耀 2013
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(28-05-2023, 12:14 PM)Manthink Wrote:  Any sensible informed person will find the behavior of those HKies, who hardly speak a few lines of England-language, struggling to accept the ex-colony is part of China bizarre...

And for those how have the "fortune" of living in UK or US for a period knows the nice enticing "Greener" grass are full of poisonous thorns and blood sucking insects.

Big Grin

[Image: 5d809dbe21214c045b2ecc76?width=1300&form...&auto=webp]

Yea and one can hardly blame the British for not being receptive to these Hong Kong BNOs - times are already very hard for their own locals and the last thing they need is people from a different race from a different land who cannot even converse with them to compete for the limited jobs with them.

Such a job reality has nothing to do with politics and is simply common sense for any reasonably educated adult. The fact that many of these Hong Kongers think otherwise shows how deluded and moronic they are. Classic Dunning-Kruger effect effect - the more ignorant they are, the more yaya papaya they act.
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(25-05-2023, 04:19 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:  What about ‘brother’?

67,69. loke kow. Big Grin

(25-05-2023, 07:13 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:  

"Ah Seh" means 'Sir' lah! Big Grin "Por Si" for 'boss' lah!

Sinkie also wat. Not all sinkie can speak perfect british slang ang mo too wat despise us being an ex-colony and having ang mo as our first language. Know many pro in real life that moi know ish cannot speak perfect ang mo one but this doesn't affect their professionalism nor performances lah.

There was a time when the country asked ordinary men to do extraordinary things.

But now, they'll only do it for money.

Most common in HK dramas....

Proposal = Po Po Soul

疫苗可以不打, 手枪一定要打!
疫苗可以不注射, 精子一定要远射!

Master never bothered to correct them and wanted them to speak properly. In fact they preferred them speak funnily for some reasons.
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Hongkies most used word...

Hong Kong Cantonese vs China Cantonese

(29-05-2023, 08:08 AM)Soulhacker Wrote:  Sinkie also wat. Not all sinkie can speak perfect british slang ang mo too wat despise us being an ex-colony and having ang mo as our first language. Know many pro in real life that moi know ish cannot speak perfect ang mo one but this doesn't affect their professionalism nor performances lah.

IMO, there is NOTHING WRONG with having to speak in "broken" english - or in any other 2nd or 3rd languages.

Every human in our very interconnected World will struggle to to find their own values and bearing  -one of that is multilingualism...and even with English playing the key role in commerce, trade and even nation building, we still see all of those "English-speaking" countries struggling with social divission along caste, class and the accent in your spoken England..

For those HKies with BNO, nothing is better than personally experiencing the sort of "welcome" you get in US or UK when you score "A" in your English language in school...

You've got friendly neighbours? Grow Up! 李光耀 2013

(29-05-2023, 08:08 AM)Soulhacker Wrote:  Sinkie also wat. Not all sinkie can speak perfect british slang ang mo too wat despise us being an ex-colony and having ang mo as our first language. Know many pro in real life that moi know ish cannot speak perfect ang mo one but this doesn't affect their professionalism nor performances lah.

English proficiency is an economic issue, not a moral one.

The problem is one cannot really expect to compete in an English only speaking job market with totally nothing at hand. Most of these BNO Hong Kongers who went there had nothing to keep them competitive in the job market at all - they don't speak the language well enough to even have a basic conversation with the locals, they have no real unique skills as regular PMEs, no professional connections in the UK job market, wrong skin color etc.

There is a difference between imperfect and unintelligible English, for e.g. your mimic of EDMW Singlish belongs to the former, most HK people unfortunately belong to the later.
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(29-05-2023, 09:50 AM)Alice Alicia Wrote:  Hong Kong Cantonese vs China Cantonese

HongKong Cantonese is NOT China Cantonese lah! Big Grin

(29-05-2023, 09:19 AM)WhatDoYouThink! Wrote:  Master never bothered to correct them and wanted them to speak properly. In fact they preferred them speak funnily for some reasons.

(29-05-2023, 11:51 AM)maxsanic Wrote:  English proficiency is an economic issue, not a moral one.

The problem is one cannot really expect to compete in an English only speaking job market with totally nothing at hand. Most of these BNO Hong Kongers who went there had nothing to keep them competitive in the job market at all - they don't speak the language well enough to even have a basic conversation with the locals, they have no real unique skills as regular PMEs, no professional connections in the UK job market, wrong skin color etc.

There is a difference between imperfect and unintelligible English, for e.g. your mimic of EDMW Singlish belongs to the former, most HK people unfortunately belong to the later.

Hey if they cash out their HK property (albeit at reduced prices now), they can live off their dividends in the cold foreign land there lah........

(29-05-2023, 12:23 PM)cheekopekman Wrote:  HongKong Cantonese is NOT China Cantonese lah! Big Grin

Very simple. Just convert all the "L" to "N".
[+] 1 user Likes Blasterlord2's post

(29-05-2023, 12:23 PM)cheekopekman Wrote:  HongKong Cantonese is NOT China Cantonese lah! Big Grin

HK Cantonese originate form China's Canton aka Guangdong province.

No need to thank me for spoon feeding you some basic knowledge...

Big Grin
[Image: GuangDong_map_tc1.jpg]

You've got friendly neighbours? Grow Up! 李光耀 2013
[+] 1 user Likes Manthink's post

(29-05-2023, 12:30 PM)lylcnn Wrote:  Hey if they cash out their HK property (albeit at reduced prices now), they can live off their dividends in the cold foreign land there lah........

That only works if their property is in full or almost full equity. Otherwise they will only be able to unlock a US$200-300k after paying off their mortgages which isn't enough to generate dividends to live and feed the family there. It's the same problem with many Singaporeans here as well.

This is exactly what happened to most of them. Their savings generally last them anywhere from 2 - 5 years and we are already beginning to see the earlier batches of escapees returning from UK to HK after whatever money they got from selling their home is used up.
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(29-05-2023, 03:35 PM)Manthink Wrote:  HK Cantonese originate form China's Canton aka Guangdong province.

No need to thank me for spoon feeding you some basic knowledge...

Big Grin
[Image: GuangDong_map_tc1.jpg]

The 1970s Man-in-The-Net series encapsulated the discrimination Mainlander experienced in HK, which still persist today.

I am sure you remember this famous 30-hamburger scene...

[Image: image.gif]


You've got friendly neighbours? Grow Up! 李光耀 2013
[+] 1 user Likes Manthink's post

(29-05-2023, 04:05 PM)Manthink Wrote:  The 1970s Man-in-The-Net series encapsulated the discrimination Mainlander experienced in HK, which still persist today.

I am sure you remember this famous 30-hamburger scene...

[Image: image.gif]


I was only a small boy back then lah! Big Grin

(29-05-2023, 04:10 PM)cheekopekman Wrote:  I was only a small boy back then lah! Big Grin

Oh izzit ? From the way you post. I thought you are still one. Big Grin

You've got friendly neighbours? Grow Up! 李光耀 2013
[+] 1 user Likes Manthink's post

(25-05-2023, 04:10 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:  It’s a shame they failed to speak proper English despite that they had been under British rule for 200 over years, frequently using Cantonese instead of English could be the cause

You got to remember like HK, SG is not an angmo society nor  western culturally, tradition and values.

On the contrary, nothing wrong with NOT speaking england... But is WRONG is when u lost your root and forget your real identity.

Ask yourself this - Would you like to be label as "Banana" or "Fake AM"  ?

You've got friendly neighbours? Grow Up! 李光耀 2013
[+] 1 user Likes Manthink's post

(29-05-2023, 09:35 PM)Manthink Wrote:  You got to remember like HK, SG is not an angmo society nor  western culturally, tradition and values.

On the contrary, nothing wrong with NOT speaking england... But is WRONG is when u lost your root and forget your real identity.

Ask yourself this - Would you like to be label as "Banana" or "Fake AM"  ?

Your logic is wrong, speaking proper English is the basic requirement at school for many countries let alone HK and Spore that used to be British colonies for 100 over years. You will not lose your Chinese root for speaking good English, even many mainland Chinese such as Jack Ma can speak very good English.

Even though some Sporeans are poor in English, that is due their education level, highly educated Sporeans are able to speak proper English with Spore accent or flavour.

The case of Hong Kong is entirely different, majority of HKers are unable to speak a sentence of English without mixing with Cantonese words, their pronunciation is terrible as nobody outside HK can understand. HKers generally look down on non-Cantonese speaking Chinese including mainland Chinese, Taiwanese and Sporeans. On the other hand they think they are British citizens, they think they are above all other Chinese. That is why many HKers protested in 2019 hoping to HK becomes independent from China…since 2019 144,500 HKers who are holding BNOs left HK and moved to Britain. As you can tell HKers have no Chinese root and are ashamed to be ruled under China…they love their colonial master.

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[+] 1 user Likes lvlrsSTI's post

(29-05-2023, 11:12 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:  Your logic is wrong, speaking proper English is the basic requirement at school for many countries let alone HK and Spore that used to be British colonies for 100 over years. You will not lose your Chinese root for speaking good English, even many mainland Chinese such as Jack Ma can speak very good English.
Even though some Sporeans are poor in English, that is due their education level, highly educated Sporeans are able to speak proper English with Spore accent or flavour.
The case of Hong Kong is entirely different, majority of HKers are unable to speak a sentence of English without mixing with Cantonese words, their pronunciation is terrible as nobody outside HK can understand. Many HKers generally look down on non-Cantonese speaking Chinese including mainland Chinese, Taiwanese and Sporeans. On the other hand they think they are British citizens, they are one level up than other Chinese. That is why many HKers protest in 2019 hoping to become independent from China…since 2029 144,500 HKers who are holding BNOs left HK and moved yo Britain. As you can see HKers have no Chinese root and are ashamed to be ruled under China.

[Image: IMG-2333.jpg]

I am curious about 4 things u mentioned...

a. Over 100 over years of colonisation, how many of those years were non-Whites in HK or SG being treated as equal by the Brit, let alone being provided education ?
b. Indeed English language is the key to economy and industrial growth - but how to do u explain Japanese, Korean and yes Chinese rapid rise in living standard and industrialisation where the English-lang is hardly a "basic requirement at school" ?
c. Why do you say "Many HKers generally look down on non-Cantonese speaking Chinese..." 
d. What is EXACTLY are the points u are making with those images ?

You've got friendly neighbours? Grow Up! 李光耀 2013

(29-05-2023, 11:31 PM)Manthink Wrote:  I am curious about 4 things u mentioned...

a. Over 100 over years of colonisation, how many of those years were non-Whites in HK or SG being treated as equal by the Brit, let alone being provided education ?
b. Indeed English language is the key to economy and industrial growth - but how to do u explain Japanese, Korean and yes Chinese rapid rise in living standard and industrialisation where the English-lang is hardly a "basic requirement at school" ?
c. Why do you say "Many HKers generally look down on non-Cantonese speaking Chinese..." 
d. What is EXACTLY are the points u are making with those images ?

You should ask HKers all these questions, they have twisted colonial mindset even if they know HKers were 2nd class citizens under British rule they enjoyed it. This is not the case in Spore.

(30-05-2023, 12:09 AM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:  You should ask HKers all these questions, they have twisted colonial mindset even if they know HKers were 2nd class citizens under British rule they enjoyed it. This is not the case in Spore.

I am not asking about HKies "twisted colonial mindset"...

In fact, aside from c, rest of my questions is about your comments...S\o why aren't you able to clarify those ?

You've got friendly neighbours? Grow Up! 李光耀 2013

(29-05-2023, 11:12 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:  Your logic is wrong, speaking proper English is the basic requirement at school for many countries let alone HK and Spore that used to be British colonies for 100 over years. You will not lose your Chinese root for speaking good English, even many mainland Chinese such as Jack Ma can speak very good English.

Even though some Sporeans are poor in English, that is due their education level, highly educated Sporeans are able to speak proper English with Spore accent or flavour.

The case of Hong Kong is entirely different, majority of HKers are unable to speak a sentence of English without mixing with Cantonese words, their pronunciation is terrible as nobody outside HK can understand. HKers generally look down on non-Cantonese speaking Chinese including mainland Chinese, Taiwanese and Sporeans. On the other hand they think they are British citizens, they think they are above all other Chinese. That is why many HKers protested in 2019 hoping to HK becomes independent from China…since 2019 144,500 HKers who are holding BNOs left HK and moved to Britain. As you can tell HKers have no Chinese root and are ashamed to be ruled under China…they love their colonial master.

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Agreed with you lah! Big Grin Like it or not, English is our 1st language since kindergarten lah!

(30-05-2023, 06:09 AM)cheekopekman Wrote:  Agreed with you lah! Big Grin Like it or not, English is our 1st language since kindergarten lah!

Can lah. But dong speak like hongkan lah
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In the 80s and 90s, they looked down ppl from mainland China, now what happen?
Become 港灿 。

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

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