factuup self-expose himself to be nachtsider's sidekick sales.convenience aka Oxygenatedwater from EDMW
although last time i posted about the anti-china ibs back in EDMW
and mentioned Oxygenatedwater being one of the China-haters
and that he ish clone of nachtsider's sidekick, sales.convenience.
but i hab never mentioned a photo of him in sgtalk
Nor hab i ever posted any photo anywhere...
but then this factuup guy screwup
one day while using his clones to spam away in his CAPSLOCK spolit keyboard... he jjww about this nachtsider group photo out of nowhere
![[Image: rmfTfeO.jpeg]](https://i.imgur.com/rmfTfeO.jpeg)
now the other anti-china ibs not related or close to nachtsider...
they duno about a group photo...
cos the so-called group photo was from nachtsider's Singapore outing with his 2 best friend sidekicks from hardwarezone shared inside the old nachtsider fan club thread...
that happened super long ago, way before the anti-china ib group formed....
the one who knows of existence of a photo the anti-china ib group would be none other than the male lead himself, sales.convenience aka Oxygenatedwater, who was in the photo
because he ish one of the male leads in the group photo, so he ish so disturbed until hab to mention it even when i hab never mentioned it before...
so if you are curious who this racist sgtalker factuup, just google "nachtsider group photo"
![[Image: WvmJOWf.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/WvmJOWf.jpg)
![[Image: NvCh0Ap.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/NvCh0Ap.jpg)
p.s. there ish an actual edmwer called factuup.
the sgtalk account here steals the nickname for bashing purposes here.
the anti-china accounts u see here all steal edmwer's nick...no balls to use their own...